School Board Considers Millage Rate Hike

August 3, 2009

The Escambia County School Board is looking at a millage rate increase that would be the second highest in Florida.

The school board is looking at a millage rate of 7.86, an increase of  0.14. That means a 14 cent increase per $1,000 taxable value — $14 on a $100,000 home.

The millage rate increase will generate an extra $2.1 million toward a  $595,778,138.30 budget for fiscal year 2009-2010 for the county’s school system. The board has until September 15 to finalize the budget and can make adjustments until that time.

The board has acknowledged that with declining property values, most people will actually see a decrease in their school taxes even if the millage rate were increased. But those that have seen increase in their property values will face a higher tax burden.


9 Responses to “School Board Considers Millage Rate Hike”

  1. Jack Moran on August 7th, 2009 9:42 am

    You can calculate your total property tax.

    Use this schedule that was clipped from the Escambia County Tax Collector’s webpage or go the the Tax Collector’s webpage at

    Tax Rates for Current Year (2008)

    CO Escambia County 6.9755
    SC District School Board 7.7200
    CT City of Pensacola 4.5395
    CE City of Century 0.8170
    DT Downtown Improvement District 2.0000
    WT Northwest Florida Water Management 0.0450
    MS Municipal Services Taxing Unit – Sheriff 0.6850

    Next, Look up the appraised value of your property on the property appraiser’s record search webpage

    Understand that the “appraisal” listed there will not be the sales value of your property. The County Property Appariser does not do private property appraisals for purposes of commerce.

    Next add up your millage rate that is relevant to your property. Then multiply it times the appraisal. Then divide that amount by 1,000. The resulting amount in dollars will be the amount of your estimated tax bill.

    Oh, yes. Remember to add the proposed [0.14] school district tax increase which will become a permanent part of your tax bill until removed by the school district.

  2. concerned on August 6th, 2009 5:12 pm

    The Escambia County School Board just approved an expenditure of $635 thousand for a covered play area for Jim Allen Elementary. Was this necessary?
    Bratt Elementary does not have enough classrooms to meet the Pre-K requirements in that area. Now they want to raise the millage rate on the taxpayers. I agree with “lots of loops” , they should spend the money they have wisely and not wastefully.

  3. Bob on August 4th, 2009 8:40 pm

    Come election time the taxpayer will not forget your actions,I was brought up to believe in the old adage [Waste Not Want not]. It works in my household and I’m positive it will work for all aspects of county government. All the shiftless so called politicians should give it a try.

  4. lots of loops on August 4th, 2009 5:52 pm

    If they would spend wisely they would not keep needing more,more money. you would be suprised to know what was spent on the gps they put on the buses. And they fork over big dollars for the head garage man at texar and most of what he promised did not happen yet . Also I have heard the excuse that certian money has to be spent in certian areas like no money to keep this school open but money to build a new school over here or to clean house at one school and bring in all new employees If you ask me they miss manage alot of money and over pay themselves and the people who are barely getting by recieve little to nothing and property owners are always paying more. I own property and I work for the school district and I really dont mind a littl increase in taxes if I felt assured the money was spent more wisely.

  5. bob on August 3rd, 2009 5:24 pm

    there seems to be an inverse proportion of the quality of education to the tax rate of escambia county. could the sheer number of the education bureaucracy, not counting teachers, have some relationship there?

  6. Oversight on August 3rd, 2009 8:44 am

    What is the school district doing wrong? Look at Leon County in Tallahassee, they just lowered their millage rate.

  7. Florida Tax payer on August 3rd, 2009 7:58 am

    Let the Alabama kids attending school in Florida pay. We have so many.

  8. marty on August 3rd, 2009 7:39 am

    whatever happened to all the money the lottery was bringing in? i remember be sold the lie IF we had a lottery ALL your school money problems are over!!!!! robbing the poor regards, M

  9. Carl Emmons on August 3rd, 2009 6:31 am

    Just do what the people that are working to pay your salary are doing, just learn to live on what you have. Get rid of some of the perks you have got accustomed to. Sell the downtown building and move everything to the Hall center. The school board can find the money if they wanted to, they just don’t want to be bothered. Its to easy to just raise taxes.