One Person Injured In Bratt Highway 4 Wreck Monday Morning

August 24, 2009


One person received minor injuries in an accident in the 4600 block of Highway 4 in Bratt Monday morning.

A Jeep was apparently rear-ended by another vehicle; the driver was transported by ambulance with minor injuries. The accident happened about 8:30 a.m. near the First Baptist Church of Bratt.

The Walnut Hill Station of Escambia Fire-Rescue, Atmore Ambulance at the Florida Highway Patrol responded to the crash. The accident is under investigation by the FHP. photo, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “One Person Injured In Bratt Highway 4 Wreck Monday Morning”

  1. Truthful on August 26th, 2009 11:49 am

    This does not look like a wreck to me!

  2. concerned on August 25th, 2009 8:04 am

    I was going west on hwy 4 yesterday afternoon around 3:30 and I was a couple of cars behind a School Bus and I kept up with them to see how fast they were going and they were going 65 MPH!! We need to do something out here so what as parents can we do?? Any suggestions?? We could all call the Sheriff’s office demanding patrol out here during school hours!!

  3. concerned2 on August 25th, 2009 3:22 am

    i agree the kids need to slow down..but let me tell you its not just the kids i travel too and from work on pine barren rd. to hwy. 4.i have been run off the road and almost hit by adults , most taking kids to school or work in the when you point fingers at the students point fingers at the adults for showing them its ok to speed down these roads.ive seen adults pass kids on these roads on double yellow lines and on curves. so who is setting the standard for these when you turn in a students tag no#. get the adults tag no# also let the school take away there driving privileges also.we adults have to set the standards we want are kids to go by.because every kid today is watching someone…..

  4. driver on August 24th, 2009 11:10 pm

    The road behind Northview is also a race track for students going to Northview. I have used this road before to make a short cut to work. The children fly down this road. I hope this year will be different. I have been told that years ago if you could get the students tag number that Mrs. Weaver would not let them drive for a couple of weeks. I do not know if she would still do this I can assure you that she could make them think twice about a lead foot.

  5. NF on August 24th, 2009 9:07 pm

    There has been more than one occasion where I have almost been run over in the mornings due to kids going to school. I agree that traffice should be watched more around here and kids and adults need to SLOW DOWN.

  6. mommy2beautifulgirls on August 24th, 2009 12:23 pm

    thank god this wasn’t a real bad accident…people need to slow down,and be aware of driving.

  7. willard purdue on August 24th, 2009 10:28 am

    I am very thankful that the accident wasn’t any worst. A wake-up call.

    Please Sheriff we need someone up this way in the morning and afternoon. For some reason these kids and a lot of adults also think from Cooper’;s store west and Camp 5 road East is a drag way. If you don’t believe me just sit somewhere in this mile to two mile stretch.

    I guess I should say, “MOM & DAD, SET RULES NOW!” about driving.

    Hey kids please don’t throw your trash out. Remember, “BRATT” IS YOUR ALMA MATA”. There will be lots of folks coming in to see our school and community. Let’s give them something to be in aw about.
    You will see some of us older folk North, East, South and West fixing up a little.

  8. concerned on August 24th, 2009 9:13 am

    Thank God it was a minor accident, this time! I wish the Police would be more present in this area during school hours! Im afraid we will see more accidents and probably worse ones!!