No More Alabama Kids Allowed In Florida Schools; District To Enforce Policy

August 17, 2009

The days of Alabama students attending school in Escambia County, Florida schools are over, and students from Escambia, Florida, including those from the closing Carver/Century K-8 School, will not be allowed to attend school in Alabama.

“Nothing has changed,” Escambia County Superintendent Malcolm Thomas told “We do not have an agreement, and we have a plan that we intend on enforcing.”

“We have a policy in effect that parents must now show proof of residency and a Florida drivers license in order to enroll their child,” Thomas said. “Someone may go to the extreme of living in Alabama but somehow getting a proof of residency and a Florida drivers license, we will most likely enroll that student. I don’t have the resources to go out and verify that every student lives at the address we have.”

“If these people are fabricating addresses, we will do what we can,” he said. “It might take some time before you can validate it in some way. This will be hard to manage if people go to an extreme. We don’t have the resources to check every student.”

Since 1999, a written agreement between the school districts of Escambia County, Alabama, and Escambia County, Florida, has allowed up to 100 students per year from Escambia, Alabama, to attend school in Escambia County, Florida. At a September meeting of the Escambia County (Alabama) School Board, the board voted to rescind that agreement effective with the next school year. Thomas said the Alabama school board’s vote ended the agreement with no action on Escambia County, Florida’s part.

“It takes two people to have an agreement,” Thomas said,”and one party has already backed out of this agreement. When they rescinded it, we no longer had an agreement.”

Alabama students currently enrolled in Escambia, Florida, schools will be allowed to finish the highest level offered by the school where they are currently enrolled.

alflpolicy.jpgAn Alabama student in the third grade at Bratt Elementary would be allowed to attend school there through the fifth grade, for example. Once that child finished fifth grade, they would not be allowed to move on to middle school in Florida. A student attending Ernest Ward Middle School under the agreement would be allowed to finish the eighth grade but not be allowed to attend Northview High School.

There is no provision to allow siblings to attend an Escambia County, Florida, school based upon the merits of a family member. That could mean one child in a family eligible to remain at a Florida school and another sibling unable to attend.

“That may put a hardship on some families, I realize,” Thomas said. “But Escambia County, Alabama, wanted to stop it, so we have to stop it somewhere.”

Thomas told that the school district also plans to determine if the students that were at Carver/Century K-8 last year actually enroll at Bratt or Ernest Ward this year. Without an agreement in place between the Escambia counties, former Carver/Century students are unable to cross the line to Alabama schools like Flomaton.

If a former Carver/Century student that should be at Bratt or Ernest Ward is not attending one of those schools this year, Thomas said Escambia County (Fla.) school intends on checking on that student.

“We want to make sure that are not at home…and not attending school,” he said. “That would be unacceptable.”

Thomas admits that perhaps the agreement between Escambia County, Alabama, and Escambia County, Florida, may need to be revisited in the future due to the number of Alabama parents that want to send their students to a Florida public school.

“Escambia County, Florida, is happy that the Alabama parents want their children to attend our schools,” he said. “We are proud of what we do, and it is a tribute to the fine job our teachers do at schools like Ernest Ward and Bratt.”

The one charter school in North Escambia — Byrneville Elementary — must also follow the Alabama student policy, Thomas said.

There is one exception to the policy — children of Escambia County (Fla.) School District employees may attend an Escambia County, Florida, school regardless of residency.

Your comments on this story are welcome below. However, do not mention any child or their parent/guardian by name.

Pictured above: Of the 100 students from Alabama that were allowed to attend school in Escambia County, Florida, 18 of them attend Ernest Ward Middle School. Those students will now be allowed to continue at Ernest Ward but not move on to Northview High School. photo/graphic.


89 Responses to “No More Alabama Kids Allowed In Florida Schools; District To Enforce Policy”

  1. Wess on August 25th, 2009 11:02 pm

    I googled “why aren’t there any good schools in Alabama” and this is the second link I got. lol. I happen to be from Florida, as well, and therefore naturally defensive of my home. hahaha. But, I bet those kids are having a jolly great laugh being out school.

  2. David Huie Green on August 24th, 2009 2:02 pm


    It’s not like it is actually going to harm them to have to go to school where they live

  3. ch on August 23rd, 2009 11:00 pm

    Oh my gosh. I live nowhere near you, accidently found this, and I MY HEART GOES OUT TO ALL THESE CHILDREN.

  4. David Huie Green on August 22nd, 2009 7:14 pm

    “You obviously did not get the inference. ”

    Quite possibly, for I am quite dense and having a hard time thinking of people from Bratt as acting hateful.

    Oh, well, as long as it’s just an act…..

    Bless you again, you probably need it

  5. Bratt Man on August 22nd, 2009 12:42 am


    You obviously did not get the inference. You do quote well though. The point must have applied since you definitely are Obama material, that is not a compliment by the way.

  6. David Huie Green on August 21st, 2009 5:31 pm

    “You are another one, wrong is wrong, follow the rules, they are there for a reason. Obama is calling, he wants you on his team. ”

    Interesting how much you love rules but imply you wouldn’t favor any rules President Obama got passed.

    “You and Obama would make great business partners. ”

    You think I have Presidental potential?????

    Methinks not, but bless you for the compliment

  7. Bratt Man on August 21st, 2009 11:14 am


    You are another one, wrong is wrong, follow the rules, they are there for a reason. Obama is calling, he wants you on his team. He would love to give you his healthcare program, and believe me, you will pay for it.


    please refer to the above comment

  8. amazed on August 21st, 2009 7:40 am

    What are you people crying about? This is just kids going to school. Not drug addicts, drop outs or problem kids. These kids are good kids and are an asset to the school. You want to cry about something…..cry about the rediculous property taxes and the taxes and fees on EVERYTHING we do here in Fla. I would venture a guess that most of the crybabies on here dont even have a dog in this fight, that is to say no kids in school or property to pay taxes on. Get a life and to some of you, before you judge another take a good look in the mirror.

  9. taxpayer on August 21st, 2009 1:46 am

    Bratt man Hope you do not live at Bratt. My family has for over 80 years. I stated before in the last 30 years I have payed over 40 taxes with 50 thousand ex each year. I welcome Atmore children. Someone needs to check the facts about the minister children one parent teaches in Flordia. The other minister may live in Alabama but has been the minister at a church in Flordia for many years I do believe that if they did live in the church provided home that they would still not be paying the taxes., the church would. I know lots of the land that is owned and farmed by people that live in Atmore. These Alabama parents and grandparents pay more taxes that I do. They have a right to come, I can bet you if this went to court that these students would be allowed to come. Flordia has not turned down the propery tax dollars of these parents and grandparents just because they have lots of land in Flordia and live in Alabama. Bratt man how much taxes did you pay ast year to help the schools?

  10. Bratt Man on August 20th, 2009 10:00 pm

    David Huie Green,

    You and Obama would make great business partners. Explain and justify your way into, or out of what you deem, or perceive to be the truth. A lie is just that, especially from a “Minister.” And we wonder why we have to put quotations around the title in today’s world.

  11. David Huie Green on August 20th, 2009 7:43 pm

    “I can hardly believe any GOD fearing, good Christian man or woman would blatently lie”

    Abraham lied about who his wife was, claiming she was his sister.
    I think it was Jackob who did the same thing.
    Rahab lied to protect the spies in Jericho (she wasn’t a man but cut me some slack)

    Joseph lied to his brothers when they did not recognize him in Egypt. He was just checking them out and messing with them, but nonetheless…

    Samson kept lying to Deliliah about the source of his strength. he’d've been better off had he kept lying to her or quit lying with her

    Peter is famous for denying knowing Christ

    People shouldn’t lie but sometimes the temptation to be thought a Floridian is just tempting.

    And, of course, there are a few who live lies and others who figure lies to the government aren’t really lies, just getting with the program.

    I don’t know why anyone would not want to go to their local school but if they thought their children’s future were endangered, they might lie.

    “No, Honey, it’s fine. I like my food a little scorched.” In this case lies to avoid hurting the feelings of one’s beloved and to avoid any more dents in the frying pan.

    But you are right that lies make a poor Christian witness. Just be sure lies were told in the first place. I knew of a man who decided he knew so much in a murder that he insisted he be called to the stand. the judge quickly realized he was just testifying of rumor and hearsay. The man didn’t even realize he was lying. …sad, I prefer to keep my lies where I can be sure of them

  12. an observer on August 20th, 2009 2:38 pm

    there were children from alabama admitted last year that are not fl residents, i know some of them personally. Some of them went in their Sr year to avoid the testing they give to graduate. i don’t have any idea of how they got them in, but they did and some of the younger kids (the one that graduated is gone) are still there…..this will never end, i don’t care what they say or what they try to do…it will never end

  13. Florida Guy on August 20th, 2009 1:57 pm

    Curious…I’ll bet that you pushed them real hard to take your money too, if you even offered it. Thanks for free-loading, can I at least have your bundle of joy cut my grass every now and then for the free education that we’re providing it.

  14. Bratt Man on August 20th, 2009 9:59 am

    For your info, I contacted the office of school choice and the director of comprehensive planning before school started last year and asked if a child could be admitted from Alabama. Mr Chris McFarland and Sandra Edwards both stated that no new students would be allowed last year from Alabama. So yes, I do no for a fact, with the exception of children whose parents taught or worked for the school system, that no new Alabama children were accepted last year if they identified themselves as Alabama residents. This minister enrolled their child last year, case closed, there were no new waivers issued last year. By the way, the 100 number was a total for all schools, not 100 per year, 100 total since the beginning of the agreement. If you need verification call them. 850-469-5327

  15. Curious on August 20th, 2009 8:48 am

    William stated that “the ones with waivers are no different than the ones without waivers now”. I still take exception to that statement. For those of us with waivers, we were not (and still are not) having our children lie about their residency…our children use their Alabama address because they have been ALABAMA approved. They have Alabama drivers license and Alabama car tags. So I fail to see how we are no different from the ones without waivers. We may be “in the same boat” as far as the waiver is now concerned, but I don’t think that it “makes us no different than the ones without waivers”.

    And as far as S.L.B.’s comments…we have offered to pay to the school board an amount that would equal what our house would be taxed at if it was located in Florida…the school board declined the offer. If property taxes is REALLY the issue with the FL residents, it seems like this would be a wonderful solution…heck, I would even be willing to pay a surcharge over and above what FL residents pay, just for the privilege of crossing the FL line!! And as Alabama residents, we understand that we have NO RIGHT to receive a Bright Futures Scholarship, and quite frankly, we don’t expect one. So, now what is the beef???

    And Bratt Man, let those without sin cast the first stone…

  16. Doglover on August 19th, 2009 10:19 pm

    Bratt Man
    You don’t know that the minister didn’t receive a wavier for her child so you shouldn’t spread rumors. That is also a sin!!

    Say it is so
    You should be ashamed of yourself for spreading rumors about the minister. To come out and name someone like that is malicious. You don’t know what kind of agreement they might have with the school.

    I think I am glad we don’t go there because yall sound like a bunch of hateful busybodies with nothing better to do than to stir up trouble!! You would never know who your true friend was or who would turn on you and turn you in to the school board.

  17. S.L.B on August 19th, 2009 7:13 pm

    Realist…It doesn’t really matter to the majority of us in the northend if the citizens of Pensacola are reading this or not and laughing at us, it’s not their problem, it’s ours!
    I believe they have their own issues to deal with, which are much greater than this one, like violent CRIMES everyday! The northend is known as the forgotten community and if nothing else, this will remind them that we do exist and that we do have brains, whether we are poor or not poor!

    If everyone followed the rules/laws put in place, then we wouldn’t have Florida residents driving with Alabama tags and liscense to save a buck. We wouldn’t have Alabama residents telling un-truths in order for their children to attend Florida schools.

    Yes, it states 100 were given permission, but how many attended our schools that were not in that 100 spot? And of that 100, how many paid a tuition fee to our county/state and how much was it? I’m wondering if the amount recieved offset the cost of educating that student?

    Having these debate on this open public forum can be hurtful at times, but I believe that it is constructive and useful in it’s own way.

    If a Florida liscense is going to be required of parents/students now in order to enroll or stay enrolled in the Florida schools, then it would seem to me that Florida residents are driving with Alabama liscense and tags better get to exchanging them before Sept. 01st, or it’s gonna cost you more extra bucks!

    Alabama parents should be focusing on WHY their school’s are not up to the teaching standards they feel it should be and put their energy and money into doing something about it. If you don’t want to bother, then MOVE to Florida and they you won’t have anything to worry about.

    Like I said before…Florida residents have to keep their children in the required schools in their own districts in Esc.Co.Fl, and it’s our own state. Why shouldn’t Alabama residents be required to do the same thing in their own state?

  18. Mother of Three on August 19th, 2009 6:00 pm

    Bratt Man,
    Do you know for sure your minister isn’t one of those who received waivers when they were still being granted? If so, then her child will be able to continue until he or she finishes Northview. Just because you live in AL and send your child to a FL school does not mean you are lying to make it happen. Remember, they did allow up to 100 students to cross the lines with permission.

  19. Say it isn't so on August 19th, 2009 4:37 pm

    I can hardly believe any GOD fearing, good Christian man or woman would blatently lie, and commit a felony by providing false information to the Florida Driver’s Licensing agents for any reason. Much less lie and commit felonies under the guise of acting on their children’s behalf. Please say it isn’t so, because that would be pure hypocrisy and no GOD fearing Christian would ever be guilty of such sinful behavior. What’s next, good Christians drinking alcohol and having sex for pleasure. Please say it isn’t so, because my faith in Christians and Christianity is waning quickly.

  20. Bratt Man on August 19th, 2009 8:25 am

    I agree with citizen, we even have a minister from Atmore that sends her child to Northview, that definitely sends a bad message. I wonder if her message in church includes lying, hmmmm makes you wonder?

  21. citizen on August 18th, 2009 10:50 pm

    to hs parent looks like quater back club needs new members to fill those positions once their child has to go to the school their parents choose for them ( they choose where they bought/built their house. Its funny to me some of our local so called upstanding citizens/christians have been sending their kids across the line for sometime do you not feel any guilt!!!! I know a few of you think just because you live just across the line to bad I will watch and see if big brother or who ever helps get you in or mom and dad who I can see on sundays . A lie is a sin sin is sin no matter how you try to justify it. and for those of you lieing to get your drivers license changed a felony what will your kids think of you then????? Stop and think before you make a bad example for your kids one would think maybe you are really doing all this for yourselfish reasons do you have more connections with teachers,cheerleading coaches,president of some of the athletic clubs??? I mean no disrespect to anyone I have no hate or agenda it does not directly affect me but rules are rules if they apply to one then we shall help enforce them to apply to all no matter who you are related to or go to church or who your friends are I feel sorry for the children hope they dont blame the ones who put them in this situation (their parents) with good support at home I have faith they will do fine..

  22. EA Mom on August 18th, 2009 10:34 pm

    Fed Up Bratt
    Just saying while yall are fighting over border control EA is growing!!

  23. florida parent on August 18th, 2009 10:23 pm

    I lived in alabama over 10yrs ago I gave my grannys add. to get my child into fl schools I felt ashamed that if my young child would have to learn grannys add. as his own in school so I did what I needed to do I moved to florida it was very hard and costly and the cost keeps riseing to live here but I will continue until my last child graduates . and our school system is being cheated by allowing al students to attend our school buses recieve money for the children who ride and they do not pick up in alabama!! And so I say to all of you do whats needed if you feel your child would recieve a better education across the land you may not live in your fancy houses because it is costly to move but I can tell you from exp. it can be done and I would do it again if needed and for the EA parent good for you I would not send anyone I know to a place like that. And I be the first to tell all of you I will be the first to email Mr. Thomas with your names because I support him. I have seen many places to rent or buy may not be what mom and dad want but remember you want your kids to go to school here for his/her better ed. right is not that what you are complaining about then make your sacrafice just as I did and others…..

  24. Fed up Bratt Parent on August 18th, 2009 9:33 pm

    The most frustrating thing about this is Florida’s elderly people (and my widow grandmother is one.) They still have to pay these high a** Florida property taxes. At least 80% of our property tax goes to the school system (school by state law and school by local board). Why should the elderly have to pay for the Alabama residents children to go to Florida schools? They pay for them so Alabama residents can build new houses and drive new cars. Oh, Alabama residents do pay something for their children in Florida schools, their lunch as someone stated below. They probably lie on that form and get reduced lunch too!

  25. sds on August 18th, 2009 9:00 pm

    I just wish we could go back to the od days when Century was Century, Fomaton was Flomaton and Ernest Ward was Ernest Ward was Ernest Ward. KID’S loved going to school and having the rivalry between the schools. Too bad politicians took over and messed our chikdrens minds as well as the parents.

  26. JJ on August 18th, 2009 8:49 pm

    I lived in Florida and attended ECHS in Atmore my sophomore thru Senior year. My parents at that time paid a $50.00 a year out of state tutition and everything went well. The principal and my parents were up front with each other.

    What we do have to keep in the forefront is that if it is a rule or law then we need to abide by the law as in Roman’s Chapter 13 we are to obey the rules of the land. If we don’t Christians or nonChristians we still have a higher authority to answer to. Judgement Day is Coming and it may not be long!!!

  27. escambiacitizen on August 18th, 2009 8:19 pm

    In responses to think about it: You just admited it…..the AL kids and Carver/Century kids are out doing yours….And “former AL student” you said it so right…get you kids up off there rear and get them in gear…and quit being so petty and teaching your kids that mommy and daddy will take care of everything. What is that teaching them? God help you when your child goes to college!!!

  28. escambiacitizen on August 18th, 2009 8:10 pm

    Right on parent….I too welcome them and paid 2,227 in property taxes last year!!!! I support you and all FLORIDA AND ALABAMA STUDENTS!!!!

  29. parent on August 18th, 2009 7:30 pm

    I live in Bratt . Do not say negative things about these chlldren attended our schools unless you know some of the reasons. I know of some children that have a very sick parent that grandmother helps out with these child. Because of the comments that have been made this child will not be attending school in Flordia . They will not only have to worry about their parent being sick they will have to worry about attending a new school and not having the friends that they had to help them get thru this. I also know that some of you that are making these comments have parents that teach in Atmore. I know many people that pay more propery taxes that you are I will ever pay . Thee people live in Alabama but have land and business in Flordia. I could give you the tag numbers to but many have more land than I do. I pay 1,500 last year to the state of Flordia property taxes. I welcome Alabama children. I wonder how much taxes some of you are paying. I know of many that does not pay any after home stead and farm ex I pay this much after all of these ex. UNtil youi know the reasons for some of these Alabama children coming to Flordia schools you should not comment.

  30. my opinion on August 18th, 2009 6:57 pm

    to the paren of bratt kid it doesnt matter if u live in alabama or florida as long as u can get a good education

  31. HS Parent on August 18th, 2009 5:26 pm

    I asked before about what parents should be prosecuted for, because, I didn’t think it was breaking the law to give an address where you might not reside in order to enroll your child in school. As far as I know, in previous years, you only had to show a utility bill to enroll a child, not a driver’s license. I don’t know if the driver’s license thing just started this year. I can certainly see why you might be prosecuted for that. What would someone think about an individual who owned property in both states, but primarily resided in Alabama, enrolling their child in Florida? It is cheaper to tag your autos in Alabama and also to get your driver’s license. You still have to pay property taxes in both states. So what about that?

  32. Realist on August 18th, 2009 5:24 pm

    I wish you people would realize that people in Pensacola visit this website and are probably laughing so hard at all this squabbling over Alabama kids in Florida schools. I wish everyone would realize that this is really a contest of “who’s the least poorest in the poorest end of the poorest county in Florida.” Even Escambia County, Alabama isn’t dead-last in their state. If you really want to make a difference, fix your county’s reputation and stop blaming a few kids across the border for why your kids are going to bad schools.

  33. Sad Mom on August 18th, 2009 5:13 pm

    William -”The ones with waivers are no different than the ones without waivers at this point.”
    I think you need to look at S.O.P. item #2. This would differentiate the ones with waivers from the ones without. Per S.O.P. item #3, it sounds like Mr. Thomas is saying that if someone is found using a fake Florida address, they would be out in 30 days if they weren’t in compliance. Not when the student finished the highest level at their current school.

  34. parent on August 18th, 2009 4:15 pm

    You can’t go by the Alabama tag in the pickup line, lots of Florida residents have Alabama tags for some strange reason!!!!

  35. parent on August 18th, 2009 3:46 pm

    Lets just pass a law saying Florida students or residence can no longer be allowed to apply for any other state college unless they reside their with proof of drivers license. Get real parents . Do you think it will stop here. Your only opening doors that you will one day regret. lIf you live in the same county, what should it matter, everyone pays taxes. It wasn’t long ago when parents from Bratt and Walnut Hill were fighting to keep the schools opened. I wouldn’t be too loud if I were you.

  36. an observer on August 18th, 2009 2:50 pm

    this problem started loooong ago when the first person from alabama was allowed to cross the lines….they told someone, and they told someone, now look at the mess they are in and NOW they want to stop it. This has been going on for so long, everyone out there knows how to get around the system, OR they KNOW someone……glad my kids are out of school! It does make for good reading though!

  37. Taxed to death on August 18th, 2009 2:08 pm

    Alabama student, our schools are not inadequate for your needs because Florida residents pay dearly for OUR children to attend a jam up public school system. If you would like the Alabama schools to be better, invite your momma and daddy to petition the State of Alabama to raise their taxes to the same rate that Florida people pay and apply that to your school.

  38. taxpayer on August 18th, 2009 2:00 pm

    Many people live in Flordia and have Ala. tags because of having farms and property in Alabama. Some also run their companys in Alabama. Mad Bratt mom should come to the schools and see who helps out. The schools have many wonderful parents from Alabama and Flordia . These parents work together for the children.

  39. Sad Mom on August 18th, 2009 1:51 pm

    To Former Alabama Student: Amen!
    To the people who are so angry: Do you have children in the Florida school system who you feel are being affected?
    Thinking back on what Former Alabama Student said, are the Florida students angry at the Alabama students also? Or, is it just the parents? I get the feeling that it is only the parents who are angry. And maybe the angry people are not even parents of students, but simply people that are always on their soap box about something. Does it really affect you at all? Wouldn’t your property taxes be the same no matter? Just how does it affect the average Florida citizen’s pocketbook having an Alabama child in a Florida school?

  40. David Huie Green on August 18th, 2009 12:47 pm

    “And if the problem is taxes, why not have an annual fee for the Alabama students attending Florida schools?”
    THAT is completely reasonable.

    “Also, the “issue” of Alabama students “outdoing” Florida students? Guess what? That is NOT our fault. Get your kid to work harder. ”

    Imagine: “Teacher! Teacher! Johnny’s cheating!”
    “How is Johnny cheating?”
    “He Studied!!!”

    Not that I think Florida kids are doing poorly.

  41. casey wooten on August 18th, 2009 12:29 pm

    i think this is fair because alabama kids would have to pay florida taxes thanks Casey wooten

  42. William on August 18th, 2009 10:49 am

    In response to “Curious” in the comment below —

    The waivers were issued under an agreement that was rescinded. If there’s no agreement to validate the waivers, they are worthless.

    That said, ANY Alabama student currently enrolled in Escambia, Florida, schools will be allowed to finish the highest level offered by the school where they are currently enrolled. They are ALL “grandfathered” in, so to speak.

    The ones with waivers are no different than the ones without waivers at this point.

  43. Curious on August 18th, 2009 10:43 am

    Quoting William: In reference to the comment below by Sad Mom — those waivers, which had been provided to 100 students per year, are no longer valid due to Escambia Alabama rescinding the agreement between the two districts. Children on those waivers would be subject to remain until they progress to middle or high school as the article details.
    William – you got part of that right…the waivers (granted by the Escambia County FL Board of Education) are in fact still valid until the kids “finish the highest level offered by the school where they are currently enrolled.” For those kids that had already received a waiver while enrolled at NHS, they will be allowed to graduate from NHS under a VALID waiver from the school board and shouldn’t be made to feel like they are cheating or doing something illegal!

  44. NN on August 18th, 2009 10:28 am

    My Taxes, my guess as to why Century students want to attend Flomaton is simply location–Flomaton is closer than Northview. As to why Atmore students want to attend Northview, well–that speaks for itself.

    My observation is that the two counties took the time and trouble to make the policy. They should take the time and trouble to enforce it.

  45. S.L.B on August 18th, 2009 7:26 am

    Thomas admits: that perhaps the agreement between Escambia County, Alabama, and Escambia County, Florida, may need to be revisited in the future due to the number of Alabama parents that want to send their students to a Florida public school.

    “Escambia County, Florida, is happy that the Alabama parents want their children to attend our schools,” he said. “We are proud of what we do, and it is a tribute to the fine job our teachers do at schools like Ernest Ward and Bratt.”
    Apparently it doesn’t matter what our concerns are in this on-going issue. Malcom Thomas isn’t listening to anyone’s opinions here or anywhere else and will do what he wants to do anyways, which is encouraging the cross over in State lines like the comments made above!

    Maybe it was all the feed back that was given on this issue a few months back that made the Esc.Co.AL School Board meet and vote on the issue to keep their students in Alabama now. It sure wasn’t our School Board taking charge of that!

    I think that the state line rule issue should be the same as they are with the school districting in Esc.Co.Fl. Their are many Northview School district students that might want to attend Tate, but because they are not in the school district, they are not allowed too. It’s that thing called RULES and GUIDELINES!

  46. Former Alabama Student on August 18th, 2009 5:34 am

    This is absolutely RIDICULOUS. It is NOT the Alabama students’ fault that some of the schools in there “designated” area are simply not up to par to their needs. We, as students, want to go to a school where we at least have an opportunity to be all that we can be and not be held back due to the schools’ inadequacies. Why does it matter where we attend school? School is school and we all should be able to have equal rights to certain schools. And if the problem is taxes, why not have an annual fee for the Alabama students attending Florida schools? In addition, it’s not like there are extreme financial costs being made. The students that are attending Florida schools from Alabama pay for their lunches and other fees that may be required for the school.
    Also, the “issue” of Alabama students “outdoing” Florida students? Guess what? That is NOT our fault. Get your kid to work harder. Obviously the Alabama students want it more and are more qualified for the place they are taking part in within the school. I am not in any ways saying Alabama students are better than Florida students. I think they are equally advantaged. By the way, how come it’s the Alabama students getting all the rap for this? The only reason people are saying something about them taking their child’s places on certain organizations, teams, and other things is because they can do something about it. It’s basically like cheating. “Oh, my kid didn’t make it. Let’s do something to cause a big turmoil that’ll give them more of a chance.” Not fair. The Alabama student worked HARD for that position. And what are you going to do when they grow up and go into the real world? They’ll be competing with EVERYONE. Not just Florida residents. Everything will be a competition to see who’s the best and who is best qualified. It’s ridiculous what this community has come to. Some Alabama students, like myself, have been in the Florida school system most, if not all, of their lives. And you’re just going to thrust them into a new environment? Adults are always saying how “fragile” adolescents are, but when it comes to good, old competition, they immediately react irrationally. We in this community have been around each other longer than most of us can even remember. People from Atmore, Flomaton, Century, Walnut Hill, Bratt, ect. have all been a part of each other’s lives. Why let this tear a community apart? People are forced to take sides, sides that will further divide this community. Everyone is always talking about how we need to stick together. Well, this is our opportunty. We need to take a stand. Your kid might have an Alabama best friend. Do you really want them torn apart? Embrace differences. Changes can be made without the drastic measures that have been taken to solve this so-called “problem”.

  47. Oak Grove Bud on August 18th, 2009 5:31 am

    B got it right. This story along with the scandal at Jay High School, gives a person plenty to read while enjoying a cup of coffee. Who needs a newspaper or local T.V. news. Keep up the good work, William.

  48. Think about it on August 17th, 2009 11:17 pm

    In response to escambiacitizen:

    But if you think about it, the Alabama kids who are out-performing the Esc. Fla kids are taking away their opportunities. They are taking Floridian kids’ places on their sports teams, their officer positions in clubs, their “Student of the Month”. It’s gonna be hard enough with all the Carver/Century kids, but with Alabama kids in the mix, it’s gonna be darn near impossible.

  49. B on August 17th, 2009 10:34 pm

    William you are brilliant! Pitching this back out at us a week before school starts… Heck I love reading all of the comments too. Keeps me coming back several times a day. :)

    So lets mesh the two big stories and comments together shall we? Remember the Pace High story folks?

    You know all of the “One nation under God” and keep prayer in the school crowd. Throw in a little state sponsored bible study while you are at it. Many wear the bracelets with WWJD? on them. Well what would Jesus do here?

    Do you think he cares if Century kids go to Flomaton or Atmore kids go to Bratt? Should we? We all live insanely close to each other and the area kids getting the best education possible benefits us all regardless of some silly manmade line.

  50. escambiacitizen on August 17th, 2009 9:11 pm

    The bottom line is some of these kids from Alabama are out scoring, smarter than, better in sports than, and just plain out performing the kids of the parents complaining.

  51. escambiacitizen on August 17th, 2009 9:04 pm

    In Respone To David Green. Already have but everyone has there blinders on..go figure.

  52. Fed up Bratt Parent on August 17th, 2009 9:03 pm

    EA Mom where did EA come in this story?

  53. Doglover on August 17th, 2009 8:53 pm

    Molino Mom,
    Where does your kid go to school?

  54. joe on August 17th, 2009 8:36 pm

    Why don’t we just build walls around each state and post snipers on them to shoot people who try to cross it like they did in germaney or some of a dozen other really free places in hel* I’ve been to some of them don’t worry about the schools their’s just one the states and just one class the bottom if you are not gifted or something….Let Kids get shooling where ever they can…

  55. Fed up Bratt Parent on August 17th, 2009 8:23 pm

    Thank you David Huie Green for Mr. Thomas’s email address.

    In response to Doglover:

    Well, it sounds like to me that you Flomaton parents need to email some names of some Florida parents that are giving false information to your Superientendent just like we Florida parents are emailing names of Alabama parents .

  56. EA Mom on August 17th, 2009 8:11 pm

    While yall fighting over border control we are growing at EA!! Some of our classes are full and busting at the seams.

  57. Doglover on August 17th, 2009 8:01 pm

    Fed Up Parent,
    The funny thing is that the Florida parents are doing the same thing to send their kids to the wonderful school of Flomaton!! It’s just that no one want to go to the wonderful school of Atmore! So you Floridians are being so hypercritical.

  58. David Huie Green on August 17th, 2009 8:00 pm

    Fed up Bratt Parent on August 17th, 2009 4:45 pm I would like to get Mr. Thomas’s email address. I could give him several names of individualsthat send their children to school in Florida and they live in Alabama.


    He welcomes your input

  59. David Huie Green on August 17th, 2009 7:55 pm

    “said they are living with Granny or Aunt but guess what they still live right in good ole down town Century and not one person is doing one thing about it including Alabama Schools. ”

    You could write an anonymous letter ratting on the culprits. Just be sure to be specific as to who they are.

  60. Fed up Bratt Parent on August 17th, 2009 7:31 pm

    In reference to Sad Mom….

    We do not hate Alabama kids, they are children for heavens’ sake. They cannot help what their grown parents are doing. We know that everyone wants what’s best for their children but the problem we have is their parents are illegally sending their children to our Florida schools. Their parents lie on their drivers license, proof of residency and whatever else it may take to get their child in our school system.
    But this is the good part…………They lie on all this information but every Sunday you see them church!!!!!

  61. wondering why you hate them on August 17th, 2009 7:04 pm

    Don’t let the Alabama folks buy lottery tickets, or groceries,or automobiles,or anything at all in Florida, and sure as heck don’t let them be QB club members because we can’t get enough workers now.

  62. escambiacitizen on August 17th, 2009 7:02 pm

    I do not know why you folks are talking about because I know for a first had fact that at least 7 kids have withdrawn from Escambia County Florida to enroll at Flomaton. I think some of them said they are living with Granny or Aunt but guess what they still live right in good ole down town Century and not one person is doing one thing about it including Alabama Schools. So what is the difference? Escambia County Florida is suppose to play by the rules Escambia County Alabama made and are now not even following? Lets here your justification on this one!

  63. William on August 17th, 2009 7:01 pm

    In reference to the comment below by Sad Mom — those waivers, which had been provided to 100 students per year, are no longer valid due to Escambia Alabama rescinding the agreement between the two districts. Children on those waivers would be subject to remain until they progress to middle or high school as the article details.

    I want to point out that I am not offering any opinion on the matter with my comments, just offering clarifications.

  64. Sad Mom on August 17th, 2009 6:49 pm

    Some of these comment are just mean and hateful! Do you just hate all the Alabama students even without knowing their circumstances? Some of these kids are in Florida because their parents asked for and received a legal waiver from the school district. Most parents want what’s best for their children, and, unfortunately, Escambia Co AL schools are not what’s best. Private school isn’t an option for everyone. Give folks a break!

  65. Fed up Bratt Parent on August 17th, 2009 6:42 pm

    In response to HS Parent ……

    Yes prosecute the parents. If they provide false information to obtain a Florida drivers license (which is a third degree felony as William stated below) in order to send their child or children to a Florida school they need to be prosecuted or it will never end !!!!!!!!!!

  66. homeschooling mom on August 17th, 2009 6:19 pm

    boy am i glad we homeschool and dont have to deal with all of the crap!!!

  67. HS Parent on August 17th, 2009 6:05 pm

    If parents are divorced, and one lives in Alabama & one in Florida, the driving student might have an Alabama tag on their automobile. Also, the child of an Escambia County Florida teacher that lives in Alabama would have an Alabama tag on the car. And according to the report, these children would be allowed to attend Florida schools. And I agree with the statement about Alabama parents helping the schools. Probably half of the Quarterback Club members from EWMS & Northview live in Alabama.

  68. HS Parent on August 17th, 2009 5:58 pm

    Some of these comments are a little off base. Prosecute the parents? What is the crime? Also, looking at car tags is not the answer, because I know of some Florida residents who tag their autos in Alabama because the ad volorem taxes are much cheaper. (I would guess they have to own property in Alabama also.) Anyway, the schools are getting money for every student enrolled. And, I rather doubt that deserving Florida students & athletes are being ousted in favor of Alabama students. Most clubs & teams don’t have limits on numbers. If the school board wants to put a stop to it, then, so be it, but why doesn’t everyone just let this play out over the next 3 years and most of the Alabama students will be gone?

  69. Parent of Bratt child on August 17th, 2009 5:43 pm

    I’m so sick of hearing about this…Do something about it…Bratt is so full because of the Atmore Kids…Now we need room for century Kids…All you have to do is go sit and watch the cars come from Atmore with Ala. tags..Its not right…I’m so sorry Atmore people if you do not want your kids to go to Atmore schools….Don’t bring them here… Sorry, but I’m so sick of this…

  70. Fed up Bratt Parent on August 17th, 2009 4:45 pm

    I would like to get Mr. Thomas’s email address. I could give him several names of individualsthat send their children to school in Florida and they live in Alabama.
    Mr. Thomas said this may be hard to manage if these people are going to the extreme, well they are not going to any extreme by any means, a blind man could see what they are doing.
    If Mr. Thomas will check on the names that he is given by us “FLORIDA RESIDENTS” he will see, if he doesn’t check on them then we will know he doesn’t mean what he says. We will see.
    I do hope they are caught and prosecuted !!!

  71. My Taxes Educating YOUR Kids!!! on August 17th, 2009 4:40 pm

    Thanks to NN for explaining the school zones in Alabama, however that still doesn’t make it right for the Century Students to cross state lines and attend Flomaton by using an address from Atmore.

  72. an observer on August 17th, 2009 2:49 pm

    if someone has a problem with it, have them tell of anyone they know that is crossing lines….this would help break down the time checking it takes, just look into those you KNOW are crossing lines

  73. No Alabama Tags on August 17th, 2009 1:48 pm

    Verificaiton for students is not difficult and can be quite easy. The Florida law for driver’s licenses holds that if parents enroll a child in a Florida public school, they must have Florida driver’s licenses and vehilce registrations (This also includes all students of driving age). So go check tags in the parent pick up line or the parking lot. There should be no tags from Alabama for the parents of enrolled students or for a student who drives. If a parent or student has an Alabama tag, disenroll him or her until the requirements of the law are met.

  74. Tim on August 17th, 2009 12:21 pm

    I know of a few kids that live in alabama that have recieved bright futures free rides. Look at your tax bill and tell me why it is okay to send an alabama kid to school on our dime. Why dont they get the ex carver principle to spend some of that obama money on investigating these freeloaders and further save our taxes by getting rid of them. IF YOU LIVE IN ALABAMA, GO TO SCHOOL THERE!

  75. JJ on August 17th, 2009 12:09 pm

    Putting the legal issues aside. I just feel sorry for the kids that may have been looking forward to getting their education in Florida. I graduated from ECHS, and I totally understand why a student would rather attend Northview or any other school if they had the opportunity.

  76. NN on August 17th, 2009 11:30 am

    My understanding is that ECHS students may go to Flomaton because Atmore is still in “Academic Improvement.” If Atmore continues to improve this year, they will be “Clear.” Then those Atmore students won’t have the option to go to Flomaton, which maintains a “Clear” status.
    School zones in the county are not relevant where academic improvement is concerned. If one of the schools in the county is a failing school, then students may choose another school in the county to attend that is not in academic caution.

  77. My Taxes Educating YOUR Kids!!! on August 17th, 2009 10:39 am

    Reply to Wondering-
    Yes they ALL need to go!! They are taking up space in elective classes like Weight lifting and positions on athletic teams like football as well as adding to the burden on our teachers in the classroom- THEY ALL NEED TO GO!!!

    Hey Mr. Hammond and Mr. Curran- How many NEW students did you get from Atmore this year. I bet you look into it, they really live in Century. In fact I know several who do and are giving you their relatives address in Atmore. By the way, why are Atmore students coming to Flomaton anyway? DO YOUR JOBS- Verify where these kids live and send them back, you are punishing the rest of the kids.

  78. PDC on August 17th, 2009 10:36 am

    Thanks William…. correct me if I am wrong ,but the county gets so much funding for each child enrolled at any school…my guess is that is really why they don’t want to push this deal ..

  79. Florida Tax payer on August 17th, 2009 10:21 am

    It must be bad when a teacher in Atmore won’t even send their child to a Atmore school. All you have to do is give a Florida address.

  80. wondering on August 17th, 2009 10:05 am

    Is Flomaton going to give up the football players they have on the team from Century,or does this not apply when athletics is the reason they go to Flomaton.

  81. William on August 17th, 2009 9:28 am

    PDC — A property tax bill would not work. Many people legally live in Florida but do not own property. They rent a house or live in an apartment. Also, many people that live in Alabama — as in where there house is located and where they put their head on a pillow each night — but they own a little farm or hunting land in Florida.

    I think they decided to go with a driver’s license because that is your legal address. Providing false information for a Florida driver’s license is a third degree felony.

  82. PDC on August 17th, 2009 9:23 am

    The answer to this whole mess is, Alabama residents must show proof with a property tax bill in their name..DAH?

  83. Molino Mom on August 17th, 2009 9:05 am

    Looking up the name in the Atmore phonebook isn’t going to help. I know of a kid going into Ernest Ward this year who has parents that just build a brand new house in Atmore. They are in the Atmore phonebook with an Atmore address. But one of them lied or something and got a Florida driver’s license with an address on a dirt road on the backside of Walnut Hill. So the mom legally lives in the woods in Walnut Hill, while she’s really kicked back in her nice Atmore house, paying her cheaper Alabama property taxes, cheaper Alabama insurance and driving her big car with Alabama tags. Look at the great values she’s teacher her bratty little kid — lie like your momma to get what you want.

  84. Atmore Dad on August 17th, 2009 9:01 am

    Who appointed Curious editor? I for one do believe it is an issue. How many Atmore kids are still still at home waiting to attend school at Ernest Ward or Northview next year when they really should have started school last week in Atmore? Gonna big a big surprise when they get sent back to Atmore and they are two weeks behind their Atmore classmates.

    And there’s information in the article that I could not find in the other articles I’ve read. Like Thomas saying they might revisit the agreement, the chance to read the actual agreement and hunting down all of those Century kids that are already sitting in school in Flomaton today.

    Sounds to me like an Alabama parent that is scared their baby will get sent back to Alabama where they belong.

  85. GR8DAD on August 17th, 2009 8:57 am

    What’s at issue is that the Escambia County (AL) School Board in Brewton continues to allow Escambia County (AL) Middle and High School to be substandard. Many people in Atmore do not want to send their kids to these schools because of the atmosphere. Parents that could not afford the private school had Florida as an option and now that has been taken away. Parents in Atmore should hold these School Board folks accountable and make them come up with a plan to make these schools better. If not, put up guard towers and call the DOC.

  86. Bratt Man on August 17th, 2009 8:54 am

    Mr Thomas is dodging the issue again by saying he doesn’t have the resources to investigate. I can look up the names in the Atmore phonebook, done. This can be done in a days time, I would be glad to help.

  87. Curious on August 17th, 2009 8:46 am

    Malcolm Thomas states that “nothing has changed”…in other words, this isn’t newsworthy…why are we bringing this up again? Is it so that people can get all worked up and mad over an issue that has been “put to rest”? When the issue was last discussed, any Alabama student (that has been APPROVED) could finish out the school they were attending but will not be allowed to “graduate” to the next higher level, that is still the case. As Mr. Thomas stated…”nothing has changed”…so what is the issue?

  88. My Taxes Educating YOUR Kids!!! on August 17th, 2009 6:10 am

    Mr Thomas- Come get your kids! They crossed the State Line into Flomaton from Century…….

  89. parent on August 17th, 2009 5:52 am

    I have no problem with the Alabama children coming to our schools. The parents of these children are always helping out at school. I have lived and payed over 40,000 dollars in propery taxes for 30 years to the state of Flordia. The people that are living in Flordia and have their children in Alabama schools should not be complaining.