No Increases In 2010 For Social Security Checks

August 26, 2009

North Escambia residents on Social Security will not see an increase in their checks next year, the first time in 24 years that there has not been an annual cost of living adjustment increase in the monthly checks.

The Social Security Administration approved cost of living adjustments back in 1975, and there has been an automatic increase in benefits every year since that time. But the SSA says there will be no increase in Social Security checks for the next two years.

The Social Security benefits cannot be reduced by law, but many Americans will see a decrease in their checks next year. That’s because monthly premiums for the Medicare prescription  program are about to go up. Those premiums are often deducted from Social Security payments — meaning a lower check for millions of Americans.

The cost of living increase is tied to the rate of inflation, but inflation has actually gone down this year mostly due to lower energy prices.

The average Social Security benefit is $1,153 per month. There was an automatic increase of 5.8 percent added to benefit checks in January, the largest increase since 1982.


13 Responses to “No Increases In 2010 For Social Security Checks”

  1. LFB on September 25th, 2009 12:05 am

    Where has the cost of living stayed the same or gone down. I want to move there. My home insurance and my car insurance has gone up; the untilities have increased tremendousely; groceries have gone up; property insurance has gone up; to mention just a few. My husband and I both drive older model cars and we live in a trailer on a small lot. Between the two of us, our SS checks amount to a little under $1300.00 a month. That little 2 to 3% we will not get would still leave us in the whole as our overall cost of living on just necessities has increased by more than that but it would have been some relief. So frustrating and absolutely knowone cares except those of us that have no way to improve our way of life at all. Do I think my comment or any other comment will make a difference, absolutely not. Just feel frustration at such a high level it almost makes me ill.

  2. anonymous on September 8th, 2009 8:28 pm

    I am a single mom on disability. I worked from 1974 til 1996 (? not 100% sure on the 2nd date), sometimes 2-3 jobs at a time. I was injured on the job because a co-worker pushed me down a flight of stairs. I was than abused by the treatment of Workers Comp. Needless to say I was diagnosed with RSD, Carpal Tunnel, Severe Anxity Disorder and Social Something Depression.

    Anyway, I qualified for a whopping $600 a month from Social Security Disability. I have to go to churches every month to get help with food. My youngest still qualifies for benefits of $400 under me until May when he graduates. So come June I will be totally screwed, trying to pay rent and utilities on $600.

    They could help the Social Security fund greatly by stop paying people who never paid in to Social Security. No more SSI for the deadbeats and the illegals. I never knew until recently that they can collect SSI and foodstamps. I was told I make to much to qualify for food stamps.

  3. BMM on August 27th, 2009 12:05 pm

    I would like to know where the ‘reduction’ in energy cost is. We may be paying lower at the pump than we were a year ago but I haven’t seen this reduction passed on elsewhere. Our groceries went up with the cost of fuel but haven’t come down. What about our power bills this year, 11% increase if I remember right. I have a small business and my operating costs are up due to freight expenses and my power bill is rediculous. Where is this reduction they are talking about? I’m not seeing it.

    Inflation has gone down becuase the ecomomy is down. Inflation is driven by wage increases which aren’t happening, availability of credit which isn’t happening, retail sales which are down considerably, etc. Nobody is spending money because nobody has any money and once again the government is taking away from the people.

  4. S.L.B on August 27th, 2009 9:24 am

    I know that this is not a positive move for all of us here in the U.S that are struggling every day to keep our heads above the water, but most likely it’s a last resort attempt to prevent those from not recieving the checks at all, which could still happen since our government has put America in a mountain of debt. now!

    Pretty scarey if you ask me. What’s preventing these countries from foreclosing on us and taking over the U.S?

    Japan is still the biggest foreign holder of U.S. Treasury debt ($587 billion as of January, 2008 ). China ($492 billion) comes in second, but is rapidly moving into first place: something like $90 billion of U.S. Treasury debt was sold to China in just the past 12 months. Other big holders include the U.K. ($160 billion), Brazil ($141.7 billion), and two categories the Treasury lists simply as “oil exporters” ($141 billion) and “Caribbean banking centers” ($108 billion). The list includes 22 other countries that are holding $10 billion or more.

    Since Congress and the White House didn’t raise any new taxes to pay for the roughly $150 billion being spent on tax rebates and other “economic stimulus,” the government has to borrow that money; some of it likely came from China. But tax revenues and proceeds from borrowing all go into the same federal spending pot, so it’s tough to unscramble the egg. Your rebate may have been funded by Treasury debt sold to China, or someone else — or from someone else’s tax payments.

    If the dollars in your tax rebate did come from China, give them a big “Welcome home!” when you get your check. They could have originally come from your wallet and traveled, after a stop in the cash register of your local Wal-Mart, all the way to China and back.

    Unfortunately, we now owe interest on those dollars until the U.S. government pays back the money the Chinese government has lent us.

  5. DoThe RightThing on August 27th, 2009 8:50 am

    If you KNOW of frauld against the Social Security system you SHOULD report it here:

  6. T.R. on August 27th, 2009 7:48 am

    I think I like iwannabepresident!!!!!! I could add a few names to the list!! It is really sad that our seniors are treated like dirt because they are not the voting majority! People like the common working american will never be elected president. Why? Because we have to many brains and common sense!!!

  7. Iwannabepresident on August 26th, 2009 2:05 pm

    AND……….I should have added that I feel we (tax payers) have the right to DEMAND that the people who collect disability checks MUST TAKE MONTHLY DRUG TEST………HA……. and if they fail the test, TAKE the check away!!!!
    Come on people what do you all think about my idea??
    If I were to ever become president, there would be some mad people, but US would be RICH and the elderly would eat steak!!

  8. NN on August 26th, 2009 1:54 pm

    I believe those checks to the prisoners came out of the same monies that are used to fund SS benefits. Our government at work….pay murderers and rapists– but let our seniors eat cat food. Didn’t Obama say something about this not happening on “Joe’s watch”? Pretty scary!! But what do we citizens know–talking to us is like talking to “a dining room table.”

  9. sick of it on August 26th, 2009 12:51 pm

    If they would investigate just 1/2 of the fraud that iwannabepresident mentions, SS could afford to give raises. what about checks totalling $485,000 written to prisoners that weren’t eligible? sounds like the same type people that are getting SSI benefits are working there also.

  10. Iwannabepresident on August 26th, 2009 12:03 pm

    This is sad!!!! ……..It is so UNFAIR to these elderly people who live on SS……..NOW on the other hand our government will approve another 1000000 to receive a disability check who goes into a facility like “Lakeview”, play crazy for a couple of hours and WHAM…..a month later start receiving a check!!!
    Right this second, I can think of 10 differant people I know who receives such checks, BUT are smarter than you and me together.
    Now, to each his own, BUT I am so tired of people scamming!!!!!
    And to turn them into the “watchdogs” HAHAHAHA……LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL…….what a joke.
    Here are few examples that I know of:
    1. Female collecting disability but works under the table, smart as a whip, and laughs about how she was approved for her check, AND competes weekly in an event not meant for the “mentally disabled” shhhhhhh….it involves guns……
    2. Female collecting disability, but can party, sing, drink alcohol, and do some drugs (bought by my tax money)………and laughs about how quick she was approved.
    3. Female & Male who both collect disability checks, both have more medical benifits than I could ever ask for. They both are lucky enough to have one of the generous Dr’s who think nothing of 120 pain pills (loratab) a month, thats 240 total which they SELL TO TAX PAYERS @ $5.00 EACH!!!! …………my heart is now racing with ANGER!!!!!!!!!!
    4. Female collecting disability, who smokes pot daily 2-3 X’s , drives a nice car, loves to buy gold chains, her family makes her nervous!!!! I never knew I caould have been rich from being nervous.
    5. Male & Female BOTH collect disability (Lung problems) and I don’t know if thier checks even cover the cost of their, BEER, POT & CIGARETTES, But at least they are able to suplement their income by selling their pain pills as well. They each smoke at least 3 packs per day…….you do the math, it makes me too ill…….
    6. Male collecting disability because a few years ago his PARENTS taught him to “act” crazy in front of the DR, so you can get a check each month. Now that child who is an adult is diagnosed as “RETARDED” and cannot qualify for a job, no one will hire him, which by the way is as smart as any Molino person can get. Now lets see him raise a family on $599.00 a month.
    7. Female whose husband receives disability gambles WITH each and every penny he receives, does not pay bills, does not buy food, does NOT buy his medicine that he needs, THIS SITUATION WAS REPORTED OVER 2 YEARS AGO, AND STILL NO INVESTIGATION!!!!!!!!! THATS WHY NO ONE BOTHERS TO REPORT!!!!

  11. aga on August 26th, 2009 11:10 am

    The analysis provided to the SSA may reflect that the cost of living has gone down, but a trip to the grocery store feels differently to me. Our seniors need the increase right along with all the other programs that appear to have no limits.

  12. Willie K. Thrasher on August 26th, 2009 10:36 am

    Why is it always social security that gets the raw deal. You get a small raise and the government increases social security deducible and rates. So where is the raise? Government employees do not have to use social security themselves. They have a much better plan. If it effected them, things would be different.

  13. amazed on August 26th, 2009 9:07 am

    well I guess the government can give cash for clunkers, and throw money at banks and auto industries, but not give our sr. citizens the money for which they worked their entire lives. SS is being used to fund these ridiculous government “stimuli”…