New Start And Dismissal Times This Year For All North Escambia Schools

August 19, 2009


There will be a change in school start and dismissal times when students return to Escambia County Schools next week, with some North Escambia schools following a different schedule than the rest of the county.

At the elementary level, the earliest drop time for students will be 7:20. School will begin at 7:45 and will dismiss at 2:00. The North Escambia area elementary schools — Bratt, Byrneville, Molino Park and Jim Allen — will all follow this schedule. The 7:45 to 2:00 day is the standard elementary day for 33 schools in Escambia County.

At the middle school level, Ernest Ward will begin the school day at 9:05 and dismiss at 3:45. The earliest students can be dropped off at school will be 8:55. This represents a start and dismissal time 35 minutes later than the previous year. Ransom Middle School will follow the standard 9:20 to 4:00 school day.

Northview High School will begin an hour later this year and have the latest start and dismissal times of any school in the school district. Northview will have an 8:30 drop time, and an 8:45 to 3:20 school day. Northview’s day started at 7:45 last year. Tate High School will have an 8:30 to 3:05 day.

North Escambia school times are different because of the long transport distances in the rural area and a two-tier system where middle and high school students will ride the bus together.

The school times were changed last year, most drastically outside of North Escambia, to save money. By taking over two dozen buses off the road, the school district saved an estimated $1.2 million this year.

School officials stressed that some times may be adjusted on a school by school basis to accommodate transportation difficulties. The early drop time at the elementary level is for breakfast.

For a detailed list of start and dismissal times for all Escambia District Schools, click here (pdf).

School begins Monday in Escambia County.

Editor’s note: Most Bratt Elementary School parents received a postcard in the mail Tuesday that had different start and dismissal times listed. Those times were tentative and changed after the postcards were printed. Bratt will follow the 7:45 to 2:00 schedule as stated in the article above. 


11 Responses to “New Start And Dismissal Times This Year For All North Escambia Schools”

  1. A. Davis on August 22nd, 2009 11:20 pm

    I think this is going to save some money I really like the Idea that pre-k children at Sid Nelson will be riding the bus with the older children that go to the school. But I always thought that the teenagers rode diffrent buses I wonder who thought of this great way to save money. Are the other schools getting to do this. Transporting Pre-k students some with problems is a awful idea. I guess they can learn other great words on the bus.

  2. Doglover on August 19th, 2009 10:47 pm

    Yellar Hammer
    I read all of the postings twice and I couldn’t find anything about free handouts! What are you talking about? Just because you eat breakfast at school doesn’t mean you are getting it free. It probably would if you were going to Atmore!

  3. Brenda on August 19th, 2009 10:17 pm

    Yellar Hammer, you might want to proofread that post! Glad the north end kids will be getting a GREAT education. Thanks to the teachers and administrative staff!!!

  4. wondering on August 19th, 2009 7:21 pm

    They have added more bus routes on the northend. Several buses were brought up from downtown according to some people at the bus garage in Walnut Hill. I guess they did not need to save any more money. This is not to offend any bus drivers,you do a great service, just merely stating what was said. I do not know if it is a fact.

  5. Nice Woman on August 19th, 2009 6:36 pm

    Just because you let your children eat breakfast at school does not mean that you are getting a free handout. Some of us pay for our children to eat breakfast and lunch. Some of us also work and it it best for our children to eat at school.

  6. YELLAR HAMMER on August 19th, 2009 12:30 pm

    These parents don’t need to worry about if there kids can get breahfast or if they have time for extra activities in the evening. Just get up and feed your child a good breakfast and be a parent and be more concerned about there education. Quit depending on free hand outs!!!

  7. Craig on August 19th, 2009 12:16 pm


    Don;t you know it’s not about whats best for the kids anymore.

    It’s about that allmighty dollar. But i do agree with you the times last year was fine.

  8. Deni Deron on August 19th, 2009 10:40 am

    Thanks for this info! I was wondering. :)

  9. EWMS and NHS mom on August 19th, 2009 9:02 am

    They should have left the Northescambia times alone.Now it will be even later for practices and for the high school kids who have jobs to get to those jobs.EWMS time last year of 8:30 to 3:10 was great now it will be well after 4:00 before these kids get home.

  10. William on August 19th, 2009 6:55 am

    parent — the early drop time of 7:20 is the time for breakfast.

  11. parent on August 19th, 2009 6:31 am

    What time do you have to be at Bratt to eat last year it had to be arround 730 will this also change?