Local Man Arrested For Taking Marijuana Into County Jail

August 26, 2009

A Century man arrested on an outstanding  warrant is facing more charges for taking marijuana into the Escambia County Jail.

dixonorlando10.jpgOrlando Dantaus Dixon, 22, was arrested on an outstanding warrant Sunday night by Escambia County Deputy Jason Land and transported to the Escambia County Jail. After arriving at the jail, according to a sheriff’s office report, Dixon told Deputy Land that he had a small bag of marijuana in his front pocket, and the deputy retrieved the bag of marijuana.

“Dixon stated to me that he had no other contraband on his person,” the deputy wrote in his report.

Once inside the jail, a detention deputy found a larger bag containing six small bags individually containing marijuana in one of Dixon’s pockets; the larger bag also contained several smaller empty baggies, according to the report.

Dixon was charged with marijuana possession with intent to sell or distribute, marijuana possession not more than 20 grams, possession of drug paraphernalia, and smuggling contraband into a detention facility.  He remains in the Escambia County Jail on $12,000 bond.

Dixon made is initial court appearance by video Monday. He is scheduled to be back in court for an arraignment hearing in mid-September.


8 Responses to “Local Man Arrested For Taking Marijuana Into County Jail”

  1. Outside looking In on August 28th, 2009 8:53 pm

    I have to agree with heartbroken, it’s a town of helpless people. Yes there is some that can get out and get a job, but what about the kids who messed up early in life and tried to turn their life around. I watched some of the young men try and try to find a job but was not able to get one because of their background. It’s sad when they do time in prison and get out and still pay for a crime they committed years ago. I have family who is a victim of this same situation. I have family who got out went to college and to this day will not be hired because of background. God is a forgiving God, AND i thank God for Jesus everyday. Man will never forget but Jesus will not only forget but give you chance after chance to get it right. Everyday is a day to get it right with God but with man, everyday is a day to be knocked around, let down and judged by a unjust judge. We will continue to pray because he is one of our babies, regardless of what the judge say, he is going to be saved and delivered from the streets. IN THE NAME OF JESUS! AND IF HE IS FOR HIM THEN THAT’S MORE THAN THE WHOLE WORLD AGAINST HIM.

  2. Did you read the story! on August 27th, 2009 11:33 am

    The article states:

    Once inside the jail, a detention deputy found a larger bag containing six small bags individually containing marijuana in one of Dixon’s pockets; the larger bag also contained several smaller empty baggies, according to the report.

    What part of POCKET don’t you understand?

    On another note:
    Guess we now know that it wasn’t Whooping Cough that had the whole jail hacking up a lung, it was the C-town Green Bud that was the cause.

  3. tttt on August 27th, 2009 7:00 am

    Again, it all boils down to what a child grows up around, NOT saying that all parents do drugs, but now days there are so many parents who teach the children how to run drugs. There are some parents who do drugs right in front of the children, and that is about as low as you can get.

  4. person on August 26th, 2009 7:20 pm

    how did u know it was in his pocket.

  5. jay on August 26th, 2009 7:08 pm

    It would seem the introduction charge is harsh since it’s obvious the deputy did not search the guy. Deputies are suppose to search a suspect before putting them in his car. It was in his pockets not hidden.

  6. Cynical on August 26th, 2009 10:25 am

    i certainly sympathize with joblessness and the hopelessness that unemployment brings. But there’s very little excuse in the world for outright stupidity. Trying to smuggle drugs into the Escambia County lockup has a “duh” factor of 12 out of 10. Only an idiot would do such a thing.

    Now let’s hire this able-bodied-looking young blood to drive our $49,000 dump truck. We’ll forgive all his trespasses and entrust our equipment to his good judgement and intelligence.

    Result: smashed truck, dead family in a Chevy van when a substance altered driver drifts left of center while texting his dealer for more pot.

    Yeah. Let’s all hire moron druggies and live forever after in a smoke filled haze.

  7. John on August 26th, 2009 10:19 am

    I guess that since you cant get a job in Century you should sell drugs? I left century for a good paying job . I could’ve stayed and sold drugs but I was raised better than that.

  8. HeaRTBRoKeN... on August 26th, 2009 8:06 am

    I remember the day this child was born. This really saddens me to know that a child that I once babysat is dealing drugs. But what can we expect when Century is becoming a jobless town. If you don’t work you don’t eat. Don’t get me wrong I’m not agreeing with the selling of drugs because there are obviously more dealers than users in C-ToWN, but when you take what little hope they had. I suggest you bring jobs to Century rather than take them away. And maybe if hire some people who have backrounds (which is about all of them now) then maybe they won’t feel pushed to selling drugs..