Zoo Closed — Unless Escambia And Santa Rosa Find $125,000 Each

August 17, 2009

The Zoo Northwest Florida closed at the end of the day Sunday, and it could remained closed forever if Escambia and Santa Rosa counties don’t contribute $125,000 each by Friday.

The cash-strapped zoo has requested $125,000 from each county. Escambia County took a wait and see approach to find out what Santa Rosa County, where the zoo is located, would do. Santa Rosa commissioners declined to contribute general fund revenue to the zoo. Instead, Santa Rosa commissioners deferred the funding request to the Santa Rosa County Tourist Development Council. That group will discuss the request on Wednesday.

“I am optimistic that a positive financial solution for The ZOO can be reached with the support of the TDC & Escambia County,” Danyelle Lantz, Executive Director of The ZOO, said. “This is a temporary hurdle. We have plans in place to insure future financial self-sufficiency for The ZOO. This assistance will allow us the time needed to implement that plan, and get our feet firmly planted.”

Although The ZOO is closed to the public, essential staff will remain on-site to care for the animals. “The health and well-being of our animals has always been, and remains, our top priority,” Lantz stated. Funding is being provided by Animal Park Inc., the prior owners of The ZOO, to ensure that food, care and full veterinarian services are given to the animals.


8 Responses to “Zoo Closed — Unless Escambia And Santa Rosa Find $125,000 Each”

  1. Shut it down on August 17th, 2009 12:02 pm

    Gulf Shores has “The little zoo that could” we have “The little zoo that should” shut down that is. I have been to Gulf Breeze Zoo several times over the last several years and everytime I leave feeling disappointed and slightly disgusted over the manner in which some of these animals are kept. Had a good friend who did her internship through PJC at that zoo and she told me many horror stories about animals being neglected. I feel for those who will lose their jobs, but for the sake of the animals it is time set them free or at least allow them to receive adequate care somewhere else.

  2. robert Hudson on August 17th, 2009 11:52 am

    Well hate to see it close, but if it cannot support itself, then it must close. It is not the business of the counties to support it. And I do not think that Escambia county has the funds or should expect the tax payers to support it. Support should come from private funds.

  3. Darryl on August 17th, 2009 9:52 am

    Having worked with the North Carolina Zoo, I know how expensive it is to operate a zoo, especially with a facility that meets current regulations and has exhibits that are humane. I don’t know the level of quality the NW Florida Zoo was trying to maintain, but with the realization that the four counties that were trying to support it are not large population centers, thus not large tax bases, it seems they were fighting a loosing battle. The zoo in NC that receives state support has had to put on hold or cancel new exhibits or improvements to old exhibits.

  4. Ron on August 17th, 2009 9:02 am

    Apparently the Zoo is not a viable operation. County taxpayers can’t be burdened with every “nice to have” undertaking that comes along. If private donations and admission revenues aren’t enough then let it go.

  5. Sylvia Godwin on August 15th, 2009 8:59 pm

    I hate seeing the zoo close. We took our granddaughters many times when they were growing up. They always lov to go. I hope something will work out that it can remain open.

  6. Al on August 15th, 2009 2:04 pm

    It makes me so sad to think of the zoo closing. I have made a few trip out so far this year…. everytime I go there are improvements and changes from the time before.
    I hope the counties step in and support the zoo.

  7. interested reader on August 15th, 2009 10:30 am

    The Zoo benefits FOUR counties, Santa Rosa, Escambia, Okaloosa, & Walton. They need to get together and find a permanent solution. The Zoo cannot support itself and if the counties are not willing to do it the Zoo needs to be closed and the animals moved to a place that CAN support them. It will be agreat loss to our area both for locals and tourisrts but how long can they limp along in limbo?

  8. parent on August 15th, 2009 9:30 am

    This will be a sad day. I can remember many wonder visits to the zoo. This is a great field trip for many students that will not have the change to see these animals unless it is in a school setting.