Escambia Deputy Arrested, Charged With Pointing Gun At Two People

August 11, 2009

An Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputy has been arrested after he allegedly pointed a gun at two people in Pensacola.

Deputy Joseph Dejoie, a 15 year veteran with the Escambia Sheriff’s Office was involved in a incident within the city limits of Pensacola last Monday, according to a press release from the sheriff’s office.

“After an investigation conducted by the Pensacola Police Department, a warrant was issued and served on Deputy Dejoie today, charging him with two counts of aggravated assault,” Ted Roy, spokesperson for the ECSO, said Tuesday afternoon. Bond was set at $500.

“The investigation determined Dejoie could not adequately justify to the satisfaction of the detective and the State Attorney’s Office his actions in pointing the firearm,” said Pensacola Assistant Chief Chip W. Simmons.

The incident began around 3:15 p.m. August 3 in the 800 block of Scenic Highway after Dejoie, who was driving an Infiniti G35, stopped suddenly in the middle of the road, causing the driver of a Jeep Cherokee to slam on its brakes, according to Pensacola Police.

The driver of the other vehicle – Dylan Johnson, 21, of  Pensacola – honked his horn at Dejoie. This resulted in an exchange of profanities and insults between occupants of both vehicles, which continued westbound on Cervantes Street, according to police reports. Dejoie is accused of pointing a handgun at Johnson and a 15-year-old male passenger in his vehicle on East Cervantes Street and the Bayou Texar Bridge.

The victims told police they turned north on 19th Avenue to escape, and called 911 to report the incident. Dejoie also called 911 at about the same time.

Deputy Dejoie is currently on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the case, according to Roy.


19 Responses to “Escambia Deputy Arrested, Charged With Pointing Gun At Two People”

  1. Melissa on November 16th, 2009 12:28 pm

    I believe that none of you really know Joe. He is a very good person. And has dedicated his life to protect and serve the people. I respect that very much. How many of you would do that? Probably none of you that are commenting. Do you realize how many people they have to deal with every day. Some people are easier to deal with than others. They don’t even know how bad the situation is going to be when they get there. Can you honestly say that these kids DID NOT act out. They are kids!!! We don’t know for sure what happened so stop judging. We are not GOD and he is the only person that has the right to judge anyone. Good Luck Joe and may the truth prevail.

  2. If only............. on August 13th, 2009 2:23 pm

    Tired of trash,
    Your comments have no merit. Sheriff Morgan has brought more dignity and respect to this department than any of the previous cronies who ran for or held office combined. You certainly must be a McNesby lover, but you are wasting your time, Sheriff Morgan has a home with us as long as he wants one.

    As for the officer’s behavior, it is completely inexcusable and warrants immediate dismissal if proven to be true.

    As for all the other negative comments concerning police officers in general. I somewhat agree with many of you. It is strange how 10-20 years back LEO were highly respected members of the community, but the possession of cell phone cameras by the majority of citizens has exposed a nasty side of law enforcement. That nasty side has always been there. There have always been LEO’s who felt that they were above the law. Many have gotten away with minor incidents of speeding, DUI, domestic battery, etc provide there were no independent witnesses. Even then every effort was made to discredit these witnesses, thus allowing the law breaking LEO to walk free. But now with so many of us carrying cameras it is a whole new game and it is our obligation as citizens to remove these law breakers from power as quickly as possible. In addition the favoritism which they are shown needs to stop in the court system. They should be held to a higher standard, thus pay a higher price when they blatantly break the law. The crap with Charlie Morris is a crock. Six measly years for the crimes he knowingly committed against the tax paying citizens and a little help getting into club Saufley Federal prison. Would an everyday average Joe citizen receive such a light sentence? I think not! Come on citizens, band together and let your officials know that you do not approve of this type behavior from the people you intrust to protect you.

  3. guest on August 12th, 2009 5:25 pm

    To NHS Student………….The bond amount is of no real significance in this particular case. A bond is put up as insurance to give incentive to a suspect to make sure that he will show up in court. I can only assume that the PPD officers decided that the Deputy will show up in court and is not a flight risk. As far as him being put on paid administrative leave, you should have learned in Civics class that one is presumed innocent until proven guilty. I believe you received a rules and regulations pamphlet when you start school every year, do you not ? I am sure that in it you are not entitled to a jury trial if you violate something in it. You are comparing apples and oranges with this case as you compare it with the schools regulations. You are not looking at jail time if you violate one of the schools policy’s. This Deputy is. I believe you are wrong if you do not think school is not preparing you for real life.

  4. tired of trash on August 12th, 2009 4:37 pm

    Molino Resident,
    If you read my statement it says “a” previous administration not “the” previous administration. I don’t understand why anyone would vote for someone to be sheriff who has never been a police officer. Would you hire a plumber to do electric work or a cook to perform surgery on someone. It is STUPID!!! I’m not supporting McNesby but I am against someone who is clueless. We should have at least put someone in office with a little bit of experience. I guess he will be “a real humdinger”. We shall see.

  5. molino jim on August 12th, 2009 3:25 pm

    I have just one small question—-did the “victims” in this pull up next to the officer and keep yelling? I have had people do dumb things and I would not go from being behind them to being next to them. True —he should not have pointed a gun at them— a call to 911 on his part would have been wiser. Hind sight is a wonderful thing.

  6. AC on August 12th, 2009 2:49 pm

    Posted by Redhead on August 11th, 2009 8:30 pm: “…Once again we the justice system in all of its favortism toward its own.” Wasn’t it his fellow police officers who charged him? I know that the PPD was the investigating agency, and this was a deputy of ECSO, but it’s all the same “justice system”, isn’t it? He will be tried and if he is convicted of a felony (I’m not sure if it is or isn’t), he can never be a law enforcement officer again. Federal law prohibits convicted felons of possesing firearms. But, as with the school prayer issue raised in another article on this site, just because he is a government employee does not mean that he should not enjoy the same constitutional rights as everyone else, in this case the right to due process and a fair trial. Don’t judge him until you have all the facts and a jury makes a determination.

  7. Molino Resident on August 12th, 2009 1:49 pm

    Tired of trash:

    You said that the Billings murder was solved by the previous administrations officers, hehehe, well if that’s how it works then it was solved my Lowman’s officers and the one before him because most of those officers have been around that long. As for a 15 year officer pulling a gun on someone, was it his first time? may have done similiar things before but wasn’t caught. I don’t know if he did it or not. Just because someone survives 15 years before they get caught doesn’t mean it’s their first time. And pointing a gun at someone is not a mistake it is a purposeful action. What next oops I shot you but I acidently picked up my gun and pointed at you from a moving car. HELLO????

    To the NHS student:

    Great statement!

  8. tired of trash on August 12th, 2009 12:05 pm

    What do you expect out of a sheriff that has never been a police officer. You people elected a sheriff with absolutely NO idea how to be a law enforcement officer. I would like to ask you how you think the Billings case would have worked out if Morgan didn’t have some outstanding investigators and deputies, from a prior administration, working the case. I hope that none of you think that Morgan did anything in the case except get on national television and embarass us with his ignorant “humdinger” comments. I hope the county gets through his administration without the ECSO completely crumbling from the lack of leadership and knowledge of law enforcement that Morgan does not possess.

    If what is being reported on the deputy in question is true then it sounds like he made a mistake. However, a 15 year veteran suddenly pointing a gun at somebody for no reason doesn’t sound just right.

  9. Janice Parker on August 12th, 2009 11:09 am

    It is my opinion that anyone that serves in a position of power over other people should be required to undergo a complete psychological exam. This is especially important for anyone in law enforcement. I live in the north end and we get very bad treatment from some of the deputies up here. We have had a deputy accuse us of having incest in our family. Some of these guys that are sent here from Pens. think that we live like the Hatfields and McCoys. I have had a deputy stand in my presence and blackmail a child into pressing charges against her mother under the threat of being arrested herself. If I ever see another one of those hoppers that works for that flea circus, it will be too soon for me. J.P.

  10. Jason Clark on August 12th, 2009 9:32 am

    NHS Student….your post deserves some recognition. Not only is it completely readable (for some inexplicable reason, the comment sections on local blogs tend to attract those who are least able to communicate in writing), but the ideas expressed are quite insightful. You are a credit you your generation and you show that the people who sit around and complain about “kids these days…” aren’t entirely correct. Nice work.

  11. lots a loops on August 12th, 2009 8:07 am

    I agree with most of the comments I can tell you most of the ones I have met are not someone I would stand behind and I dont have hate anywhere in my body!!! I do have sorrow for we live in very corrupt area they are quick to whip out those guns and point at people. I dont know if this officer did what he was charged for or not but as I have found out YOU ARE GUILTY TILL YOU PROVE YOUR INNOCENCE he should have no trouble doing that he is still recieving a paycheck !!! as I do everytime I make a post PLEASE MR.MORGAN GET RID OF THE GOOD OLE BOYS TAKE A DEEP LOOK AT SOME OF THE OFFICERS/INVESTAGATORS THAT HAVE BEEN DOING THINGS THEIR WAY FOR SOMETIME NOW

  12. Brenda on August 11th, 2009 10:23 pm

    Almost everyone carries a cell phone, Flip camera, regular camera with video capability, etc. these days. Simply RECORD the bad behavior and there ya go.

  13. NHS student on August 11th, 2009 9:40 pm

    $500 bond, what a joke. another episode of cops being above the law or so they think. and paid administrative leave, what kind of crap is that? if i get suspended from school while the “administration” investigates something I have done I am not allowed to make up the work? what’s up with that? I have to get 0’s for those assignments i miss, the cop should get 0’s on his pay check while he is out on administrative leave. I tell you, high school really does not seem to prepare us for real life, at least in high school we are held accountable for most things!

  14. Redhead on August 11th, 2009 8:30 pm

    Well now I have a problem with the bond that was set for this individual. Once again we the justice system in all of its favortism toward its own. I believe but am not positive for I am not a lawyer nor do I profess to know all about the law, but that charge I believe is a felony which should carry a 2500.00 per charge. Well now I was educated in Escambia County Schools so I believe that should be 5000.00 dollars which means with a bondsman it would have caused the defendant to put up 500.00. Well, just shows you how it works folks regular people such as myself and others would definitely be facing the 5000. But you know money and who you are(lmao) in this town usually determines your fate.

  15. Charles Wesley on August 11th, 2009 7:53 pm

    I have been around and known dozens of Escambia county sherif deputies over the last 25 years. I would easily disagree with the 4:12 pm comment. I would reverse the numbers that were used and reverse the words used. Some just some are smart mouthed, disrespectful and down right dirty. MOST of them are right the opposite. I believe in them and like them and I am GLAD they are who they are. I always have and always will stand behind them.
    As with any group of people bankers, barbers, cooks, teachers, NFL players, senators, preachers, carpenters, cops, etc etc etc some are bad, some do wrong, and some make mistakes. We are all human. Be careful with hate.
    There are charges to be dealt with.

  16. interested reader on August 11th, 2009 5:02 pm

    I’m sure Sheriff Morgan will handle this case. We don’t know facts yet but it will be taken care of if the deputy is found guilty. We surely don’t need bad cops on the streets.

  17. CAMSHAFT on August 11th, 2009 4:42 pm

    I would not put it past some of the Deputys. I recall when My wife was moving out of My house in which She had only lived in six months and didnt have much there the Deputys were very rude and were cussing Me and My lifelong buddy and His wife because They were called several times and were probably missing some doughnuts. Although They are not all the same there are some good ones.but alot of crooks over there to.

  18. Molino Resident on August 11th, 2009 4:22 pm

    He’s going to be getting paid to do nothing until it goes to trail any idea how long that will be. The citizens of this county are giving him a very long paid vaction. And even if found guilty may not lose his job and even if he does lose his job he will most likely not lose his certififcation to be a law enforcement officer in the state of Flofida. I don’t know if he is guilty or the whole story here but it sounds like at the very least he was involved in a situation that a rational adult would attempt to drive away from or take an alternative route to avoid.

  19. iknowit!! on August 11th, 2009 4:12 pm

    well well well………… another 200 needs to be right beside him and we might make a point. this is by far the WORST county in the USA for Cops with attitudes.
    They are nasty, smart mouth, disrespectful and down right dirty!!!
    You might find 1 (ONE) in 100 in this county that knows how to treat human beings, BUT the bad far outweights the good. I could think of about 20 more I’d like to see sitting in a cell.