Deputies Arrest 14 More On Prostitution Charges; Over 85 Arrested This Year

August 18, 2009

Another Escambia County prostitution sting has landed 14 more people behind bars. Over 85 people have been arrested on prostitution related charges since Sheriff David Morgan took office in January.

Eight females were arrested on solicitation charges, and eight males were arrested for soliciting during the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office prostitution sting in and around the Brownsville community.

Mug shots and charges for each suspect are below.



20 Responses to “Deputies Arrest 14 More On Prostitution Charges; Over 85 Arrested This Year”

  1. David Morgan on August 21st, 2009 8:25 pm

    To Citizens;

    I have waited some time before “weighing in” on this subject, for like many areas of the law, everyone has an opinion, and rarely is one changed by any discussion or logic. Having stated that, let me give you my approach and perspective as to the suppression of prostitution and really anyother “crime.”

    I (as an elected sheriff) do not have the luxury of determining what is and is not “a crime.” These determinations are rightly made by the duly elected legislators (Representatives and Senators). I am reguired by law to enforce these mandates. Ergo, those amongst you that believe that this is a “victimless crime” and should be legalized, should contact your legislators and work to have them changed. And, in the meantime, I would recommend (facetiously) that you invite these ladies and gentlemen of the evening, along with their pimps and drug pushers, to move to your neighborhood as an interim sanctuary.

    I have traveled many times to Europe and visited those countries that have legalized (or euphemistically ‘decriminalized’) prostitution and many drugs. I can honestly tell you that they only traded one set of problems for another. Amsterdam (the Netherlands) is not a place you would want to live. The tax burden to support these ‘legalized’ activities is smothering the citizens. It is a true socialist environment. The associated costs for medical treatment(s) far outweigh the revenue it generates.

    As an example, I have repeatedly been asked by the press in the ongoing Billings murder investigation as to the “motive for the crime.” Again, I as an elected sheriff, cannot concern myself with the motive (e.g., why do we try to legislate morality?), and quite frankly, do not care. Why? Two people have been murdered. That is against the law. It is my job and the job of the Escambia County Sheriffs Office to identify and bring to justice those that have committed this crime. For whatever reason.

    So in conclusion, I will assure the citizens of Escambia County, that the ECSO will agressivley pursue those amongst us that have proven themselves (for whatever reason) unable to enjoy the freedoms that we collectively share. The freedom to choose between right and wrong, legal and illegal.

    For this is the task of which I was elected to fulfill.

    David Morgan, Sheriff
    Escambia County, FL

  2. what is this world coming to on August 21st, 2009 3:43 pm

    I wholly agree with ‘victimless crime,’ and since that term is an oxymoron that fails to properly describe the oldest exchange activity on earth, I am appaled to see people publicly degraded. Why not legalize prostitution, have the professionals mandatorily obtain health certificates, and prosecute only, if STD are knowingly passed on. Get them to pay taxes and make social security contributions like in Europe. Stop forcing your unrealistic moral concepts on everyone. Signed – a woman

  3. mommy2beautifulgirls on August 20th, 2009 10:42 pm

    wow,what a amazing crowd of “trash”…i however agree with “molino mom”’s less people that we as citizens trying to protect what we can protect..thats filth and i’m happy to see something has been done.

  4. jack on August 20th, 2009 10:48 am

    (lulu)——–>Now,you really don’t mean that… you?

  5. Square Brother on August 20th, 2009 10:18 am

    What happened to INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY? Did these people get arrested and go to trial before these pictures were released? I am just saying. The Media is doing a disservice to people by posting this stuff before the trial date has passed. Just an American here.

  6. hummmm on August 20th, 2009 8:56 am

    can you say skank!!!! those are some nasty looking people….well i guess its a good thing they are all off the streets…..wonder how many more is left?!?!?

  7. I dunno on August 20th, 2009 4:12 am

    Those gals really need to find a new hairdresser!!!!!!!

  8. picking up liter on August 20th, 2009 2:17 am

    If our sheriff’’s office doesn’t continue to do so called ‘neighborhood clean-up’ of crimes including prostitution and drugs, the neighborhoods will continue to decline with other crimes increasing (not just prostitution). The county would have even more neighborhoods where citizens would be concerned when driving through them. Escambia county already has enough declining neighborhoods with increasing crime rate.

    I commend our sheriff’s office for any crime that they try to get off the street, no matter how petty it may seem to some individuals.

    It is just like picking up liter on the side of the road. If our county decided to quit picked up liter off the side of the road, What would our county look like? Not one many people would desire to live in.

  9. lulu on August 20th, 2009 12:13 am

    I think they all deserve the death penalty.

  10. molino mom on August 19th, 2009 8:42 pm

    This is to Cheryl…these men are like most men! They could care less about what the woman looks like,as long as they are getting what they want! They are’nt looking at the faces…..and I know it’s disgusting VERY DISGUSTING!! Maybe they’ll learn when they catch something that clorox wont wash off!

  11. redneck123 on August 19th, 2009 8:28 pm

    Think about it ,do want these men out dateing your kids.Look at Navada it is legal there an Teens are not getting Kock UP.Nobody makes them do it.

  12. Safer now on August 19th, 2009 7:24 pm

    I feel so much safer now.

  13. an observer on August 19th, 2009 4:05 pm

    There are so many nice, educated women out there looking for love, why in the WORLD would ANY man in his RIGHT man want to be with a woman like any of these…just BLOWS my mind! I sure hope their wives, if any of them were married left them after this.

  14. Victimless crime on August 19th, 2009 3:36 pm

    IMO it is a victimless crime because one person willingly sells a product to a willing buyer. So tell me what crime has been committed? The only crime commited is moral in nature. Who are we to regulate morality? Call it however you see it but in reality it is no different from when a man escorts a young lady out to dinner and a movie at his expense, the young lady reciprocates his generosity with a midnight rendevous back at his or her place. The transaction may not seem as seedy in nature, but the exchange is the same.
    As the world’s oldest profession, legal prohibition of prostitution has failed to eradicate the business. There have long been clear religious and ethical objections to the practice of selling sexual services, and indeed to sex outside of the marital union. However, prostitution has also become associated with several modern problems. The sexually transmitted virus HIV poses greater dangers to the health of prostitutes and their clients. Gangs which perpetrate organized crime force prostitutes to work on their behalf and compel them to become involved in the dealing and use of drugs. Nonetheless, many feminists and advocates of individual liberty have recently expressed support for prostitution. As an alternative to ethical concepts, the realist might acknowledge that when the law has so conspicuously failed to preclude prostitution, it may be better to eliminate the problems associated with it, rather than the trade itself. Different solutions to these problems have been proposed, and these can be divided into the options of prohibition, ‘decriminalization’ and ‘legalization’. In the Dutch city of Amsterdam and the state of New South Wales in Australia, the decriminalization approach has been followed. Although prostitution is not explicitly regarded as being lawful, there are not laws that prohibit it. Statistically these countries have had fewer problems with sexual crimes, gang related problems and sexually transmitted diseases because the operations are conducted as businesses and are regulated. Much like the failed war on drugs, statistically prohibition of prostitution leads to more organized crime and is counter productive. Look up these individuals records, for most this is not their first rodeo, nor will it be their last. So tell me, what has been accomplished?

  15. cheryl on August 19th, 2009 10:25 am

    These men must be really desperate….can they actually see what they are paying for? NASTY!!!

  16. question on August 18th, 2009 5:30 pm

    These men and the tricks should have to be tested for std. If they have one then they should post it in the newspaper. I bet this would cause business to slow down. Also, has the law passed that the men will have letters sent to their wifes. Perhaps a billboard with the names of these men would also help.

  17. Elizabeth on August 18th, 2009 4:53 pm

    That woman on the top row, third from the left… she just looks tickled pink to have her mug shot taken. Someone must not have told her it’s NOT Olan Mills.

    Agreed with Beegee: a victimless crime is an oxymoron.

  18. Beegee on August 18th, 2009 3:36 pm

    How can it be a victimless crime? No such thing!!!!!!!
    Sure one has something to sell and the other wants to buy,victimless? No.

  19. an observer on August 18th, 2009 2:54 pm

    I agree, these people will all get what’s coming to them….an STD or even worse. nasty……..

  20. Shame on you..... on August 18th, 2009 2:28 pm

    Heard through the grapevine that one of these guys is a Navy Captain (0-6) who is (soon to be “was”) a Doctor at Naval Hospital Pensacola. What a way to end a career.

    Much like drug use, no amount of these type police interventions are going to stop the oldest profession in the world. Waste of time and money for a victimless crime. Should be concentrating on more important issues, like REAL CRIME prevention.