Community Outreach: Children At Bratt Church Wash Cars For Free

August 8, 2009


brattcarwash10.jpg Children at the First Baptist Church of Bratt held a free community car wash Friday.

Pete Amerson explained that the car wash was for the community — a chance for the children to do something for the community and spread the Gospel at the same time. First to fifth graders washed cars and stood by the side of Highway 4 with handmade signs advertising their event.

Pictured top: Children at the First Baptist Church of Bratt held a free community car wash Friday afternoon. Pictured inset: Advertising the event. Pictured bottom: Anna Lee, 5, decided to cool off with a hose during the car wash. photos, click to enlarge.



3 Responses to “Community Outreach: Children At Bratt Church Wash Cars For Free”

  1. shelly on August 11th, 2009 11:41 am

    I know that hurts! I use to do that as a kid!!! Very Cute! LOL

  2. northendbratt on August 8th, 2009 12:29 pm

    love this picture! Good job!!!!

  3. Molino Mom on August 8th, 2009 8:57 am

    Awesome in your face picture!