Century Man Arrested For Assaulting Girlfriend After Dog Poops On Bed

August 25, 2009

A Century man was arrested on domestic violence and aggravated assault charges after he got into a fight with his girlfriend after their dog defecated on a bed.

lowerywilliammel.jpgWilliam Mel Lowery,  51, was arrested early Sunday morning and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill and felony battery by strangulation in a domestic violence situation.

Escambia County Deputy James Gilman responded to a domestic violence call in the 9500 block of Ivey Street at 1:05 Sunday morning. The victim told Deputy Gilman that Lowery “entered the bedroom and observed that their dog had defecated on the bed sheets”. That is when, according to the sheriff’s office report, Lowery became angry and woke up the female victim. The two got into an argument over the dog using the bed sheets, according to the report.

Lowery grabbed a golf club next to the bed and verbally threatened the victim, according to the report. The victim tried to grab the golf club, and the two fell back onto the bed. Then Lowery held the victim down with the golf club and tried to choke her, the report says. She managed to get free and ran out the door.

The victim told Deputy Gilman that Lowery had ran to a nearby residence on Cottage Street. When located at the Cottage Street address, Lowery told deputies that he had argued with the victim about the dog defecating on the bed, but Lowery said the female had come after him with the golf club. Deputy Gilman arrested Lowery based upon scratches on the victim’s neck.

Lowery remained in the Escambia County Jail early Tuesday morning. He is being held on $20,000 bond.


13 Responses to “Century Man Arrested For Assaulting Girlfriend After Dog Poops On Bed”

  1. ANONYMOUS on August 29th, 2009 2:21 pm

    SO SAD!

  2. JJ on August 26th, 2009 10:03 pm

    Ha! I’m sorry, Sorry, that you do not accept your poor grade on ‘Reading Comprehension’.

    I simply responded to the way you so eloquently stated that it is very “SAD” that ‘tired of trash’ and myself found his actions “ACCEPTABLE”… (which NEITHER of us said or inferred) and also referred to our comments as “ASININE” while posting a small book on how to clean poopy sheets and the state of most pet owners, idiots and society in general.

    While I could do the same and attempt to explain ‘humor’ to you, followed by a sequel of ‘how to lighten up’, I will refrain and apply to you and your comments the 3 rules you so nicely posted.

    If you want to know the truth, I hope they throw the man, his girlfriend AND the dog in jail. Sounds like to me they all three deserve it.

  3. Caraway Bandit on August 26th, 2009 9:59 am

    Shouldve choked the dog.

  4. judy c masek on August 26th, 2009 9:11 am

    only God knows what goes on behind closed doors…..could there really be more to the story?….i doubt that most normal, even-tempered folks would have allegedly reacted in such a violent manner to the above distasteful situation….it wasnt mentioned as to whether or not alcohol was a factor, but…it wouldnt surprise me to learn that it was…..now, on the other hand, is it plausible that she (the victim w/the scratch on her neck) did come after him w/a golf club after he arrived home at 0105…. leaving him forced to defend himself…a scuffle ensued and she ended up w/a scratched neck during the confrontation? i dont think that you could entirely rule that scenrio out… also, im wondering, is it reasonable to believe that one could sleep thru the aroma of dog poop within a short distance of your nose?….i sure couldnt…..but, without eye witnesses, the judge will probably have to rule based the facts…(her necks scratches)…as well as his documented history of violence demonstrated by his numerous encounters in our escambia county jail system related to his violent behaviors, along w/drug & alcohol convictions…time will tell

  5. EMD on August 25th, 2009 9:24 pm


    Your middle name must be Mark. You sound like my brother. His first name is John. LOL!

  6. John on August 25th, 2009 3:55 pm

    I think this story stinks.

    This is quite a steamy story.

    Quite the news ‘Scoop’…

    This man will be dogged about his actions for a long time.

    This guy sure got dumped on.

    ….I could go on all day, but at least the guy gets to sleep on a clean bed tonight.

  7. Dan on August 25th, 2009 1:46 pm

    Somebody had a “crappy” day!

  8. Still can't relate on August 25th, 2009 1:29 pm

    Still can’t relate. I can however relate to this tidbit of information.

    I could care less what you think of my spelling, writing or reading comprehension. If I wanted to be graded on my work, I would take an ENG 101 course again. At least then the person doing the grading would……

    A. Be qualified to give an opinion.
    B. The person’s opinion would be of substance.
    C. There would be something to be gained from this person’s opinion

    You meet none of those criteria, therefore you are dismissed. Carry on.

  9. JJ on August 25th, 2009 10:25 am

    Hey Sorry….

    Spelling – Good
    Writing – Fair
    Reading Comprehension – Not So Good

    Nobody said his (alleged) behavior was acceptable… only that it is understandable that he might be upset about wanting to come to bed and finding poop in his sheets.

  10. Sorry, can't relate on August 25th, 2009 9:28 am

    Sorry I CANNOT relate to committing aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill and felony battery by strangulation just because a dog poops on a bed. What an asinine comment. First off IF they were RESPONSIBLE pet owners, they would have trained the dog to use the bathroom outside and made sure the dog was given the opportunity to go outside when needed. In the event the dog made a mistake, a paper towel and washing of the sheets which costs maybe .50 cents would have rectified the situation in less than an hour without the need for violence against the dog or dog owner. Unfortunately there are no requirements to become pet or human parents, therefore we as a society are left with ignorant people raising pets and children. The sadder part is we have people who think this type behavior is acceptable.

  11. JJ on August 25th, 2009 9:18 am

    Hmmmm…. borderline ‘extenuating circumstances’…….

  12. tired of trash on August 25th, 2009 8:43 am

    Im not saying what he did was OK but I think everyone can relate.

  13. Molino Mom on August 25th, 2009 7:24 am

    That’s sad.