Lending A Helping Hand: Church Provides Free School Supplies

August 15, 2009


supplies16.jpgA Century church provided free school supplies to scores of children Friday morning.

Dozens of children at time lined up at Abundant Life Assembly of God with their school supplies lists to receive the items they need for school.

School starts Monday, August 24 in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties.

Pictured: Free school supplies were handed out Friday at Abundant Life Assembly of God in Century. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.



3 Responses to “Lending A Helping Hand: Church Provides Free School Supplies”

  1. Century Woman on August 14th, 2009 7:25 pm

    This was a great thing that this church did for so many people. i passed by and saw the cars there and was happy. GOOD JOB!!!!

  2. M.Spence on August 14th, 2009 5:35 pm


  3. Rev, Gene Hudson on August 14th, 2009 12:13 pm

    Great job Guys, keep up the good work in the north end and may God richly bless you for it!