Becoming One: Teacher Liaison Working To Bring Communities Together

August 24, 2009


The transition of Carver/Century K-8 School into Ernest Ward Middle and Bratt Elementary will go smoothly. Just ask anyone involved with either school in any capacity, and they are sure of it.

Except for Joyce Wright-Evans. She’s double sure.

Wright-Evans is a teacher on special assignment as a community liaison at Bratt and Ernest Ward this year in a position funded by federal stimulus dollars to help ensure that parents and the community are as involved as possible with the two schools. It is all part of the plan to make sure the consolidation of Carver/Century K-8 into Ernest Ward and Bratt goes as smoothly as possible.

“It’s going to be a great year,” Wright-Evans said last week while sitting in the office of Ernest Ward Principal Nancy Gindl-Perry. “I am very proud to be part of the Ernest Ward family.”

“You hear that?” Perry asked. “Part of the Ernest Ward family…that’s what we are here at Ernest Ward…family.”

With hundreds of children in the two schools — an expected 547 just at Ernest Ward — a big part of Wright-Evans’ job will be helping parents and the community feel like part of that family at EWMS and Bratt Elementary.

“I think she has the right temperament, and she has the right personality. She’s very energetic, and that passion for children is going to show,” Escambia School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said of Wright-Evans. “She is going to be a good thing for everyone involved with either school.”

Jeff Garthwaite, former principal of Carver/Century K-8 School and now stimulus funds coordinator for the school district, agreed.

“She will be there to help plan community activities like open house, and she will be there to smooth out any bumps in the road that might happen,” Garthwaite said. “She will troubleshoot any problems, and she will act as an advocate for children and parents with the school.”

wrightevans.jpg“Parents can contact me about anything involving the schools,” she said. “We work together as a team.”

Wright-Evans will also be reaching out to community groups and businesses, looking for their involvement with Bratt and Ernest Ward.

“It’s all about the kids,” Wright-Evans said. “It is about each one of them. The kids come first.”

Wright-Evans will maintain an office at Ernest Ward and travel frequently to Bratt. To contact her about any issue or more information on how to become involved with the two schools, email or call Ernest Ward Middle at 327-4283 or Bratt Elementary at 327-6137.

Pictured: Joyce Wright-Evans in the hallway at Ernest Ward Middle School. photos, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Becoming One: Teacher Liaison Working To Bring Communities Together”

  1. EW mom on August 25th, 2009 1:14 pm

    We met nothing but friendly faculty & staff at EW’s orientation. They were all very nice and made everyone feel welcome.
    It’s good to know there is a liaison available for anyone who needs help with the changes in schools. It’s a big job and we offer our prayers, to Mrs Wright-Evans and everyone else, that all will go well with no major problems.
    My son just left Bratt to go to EW~so know what you mean about trying to be involved, and getting pushed away. You just need the right teachers or contact the right person and you can be included in just about anything. Where as others won’t include you in anything no matter what.
    If Amanda is still with the PTA, she more than welcomes anyone’s help! Never known her to push anyone away!

  2. parent on August 24th, 2009 10:59 pm

    I was not so sure about my children attending Bratt. I now know why Bratt is the school to attend. I have been welcome with open arms. The children came home with smiles on their faces today. I can understand why the parents,grandparents and neighbors of Bratt Elementary fought to keep it open. I am going to proud to called a Bratt bull dog.

  3. Mother of Three on August 24th, 2009 9:36 pm

    My children and I came in contact with Mrs. Wright-Evans on the “meet the teacher/drop off supplies” day. I felt more welcome on that campus by her than I have by the principal in the 10 +/- years I have been involved at Bratt. We met her briefly as we were coming in and she was going out. She acted as if we made her day just by being there instead of acting like we had ruined it. Notice there are quotes from Mrs. Perry, Mr. Garthwaite, and even Malcom Thomas, but none from anyone at Bratt. I wish her well on trying to make parents feel welcome and comfortable at Bratt while Pomeroy is standing behind her shooting daggers at them with her eyes.

  4. David Huie Green on August 24th, 2009 5:20 pm

    nice wagon

    wish the lady well as well

  5. Bratt Parent on August 24th, 2009 2:45 pm

    good luck getting anyone involved with Bratt. They do all they can to keep parents away.