$4 Million In Stimulus Funding For ECAT; New Mini Buses For North Escambia

August 1, 2009

Escambia County will receive $4 million for new ECAT buses, some of which could be running the Pensacola to Cantonment to Molino to Century route in just a few months.

ecatfront.jpgThe U.S. Department of Transportation awarded the stimulus funds Friday to used to buy 10 buses and three mini-buses for Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT).

At a June meeting of the Century Town Council, Marilyn Wesley, director of Neighborhoods and Community Services for the county, said that new smaller buses would be purchased for the Pensacola to Century route. The route is currently served by full-size buses, but the low ridership prompted ECAT to seek the smaller buses to save fuel costs.

That route currently has less than 8,000 passengers per year on the three buses per day.


5 Responses to “$4 Million In Stimulus Funding For ECAT; New Mini Buses For North Escambia”

  1. YELLAR HAMMER on August 5th, 2009 10:02 am

    All this does is promote socialism and poverty.

  2. lots of loops on August 1st, 2009 11:39 pm

    While our school children are still rideing around for long periods of time with no airconditioning????

  3. CArl on August 1st, 2009 11:27 pm

    The U.S Department of Transportation awarded the money probably to replace some of the older buses they have. It’s not uncommon, in fact 99% transportation agencies receive money from USDOT.

  4. taxed to death on August 1st, 2009 5:51 pm

    Its still our federal tax dollars going to waste in that money pit. Also dont be so sure that that is all they will get….remember Obama could get re-elected and keep it coming.

  5. Bob Hudson on August 1st, 2009 5:12 am

    Guess we did not need that 3 cents gas tax after all. That is the fun thing about a tax , it would never go away, even if you hit the ECAT lotto. I hope that they do not waste it ,because that is all that they are going to get.