Unusual Meeting For Century Council

July 21, 2009

Mondays night’s regular meeting of the Century Town Council was very unusual. The entire meeting, gavel to gavel, took place in only about 10 minutes.

Council members approved the minutes of the their last meeting and their bill list in a matter of minutes. After a few quick discussions — including the possible placement of a “Caution Children At Play” sign on Front Street — the meeting was adjourned with no public speakers and no votes by the council.

Council member Sharon Scott requested the sign to deter speeders on Front Street. She said that persons speed down the street with no regard for children that may be out playing.

Four of five council members were present at the meeting. Council member Henry Hawkins was absent.


2 Responses to “Unusual Meeting For Century Council”

  1. Sylvia Godwin on July 22nd, 2009 1:12 pm

    Yes Willard it was. LOL We like those meeting like that!

  2. willard purdue on July 21st, 2009 3:39 pm

    Talk about a smooth running town, hey that’s what we have. No problems, No items to talk about. All’s running like smooth water.

    WOW. Congradulations to our wonderful leaders.

    thought…..Are you sure it was a Century Council meeting?