Walnut Hill Sheriff’s Precinct Opens Today

July 7, 2009


The Escambia County Sheriff’s Department substation in Walnut Hill will be reopened beginning today with regular office hours.

The Walnut Hill substation will be open on Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. It will be manned by reserve deputies Jimmy Kirkland and Danny Collins under the supervision of Lt. Carl Jones from the Century Precinct.

whprecinct3.jpgJones said the precinct will provide the Walnut Hill Community with easy access to the Sheriff’s Department. Residents will be able to file a report, or just stop by and express concerns about issues in their community, he said.

“It will really make it easier for people in this community to have access to the department,” Jones said. “A lot of times people want to talk about what is going on in their neighborhood.”

Sheriff David Morgan told NorthEscambia.com when he was elected last fall that reopening the precinct was one of his North Escambia priorities. He said the precinct would be open on a “test basis” to determine if there will be enough walk-in traffic to justify keeping it open.

The building that housed the Walnut Hill Precinct 7 was destroyed by Hurricane Ivan back in 2004. Since it was rebuilt, it has not been open to the public. Deputies occasionally use the office space or restrooms in the building, otherwise the Sheriff’s Department space in the building has sat unused.

The Walnut Hill Precinct is located at 7850 Highway 97 in front of the Walnut Hill Community Center. During the Tuesday office hours from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., the office can be reached by phone at (850) 327-4974.

Pictured top: The Escambia County Sheriff’s Department Walnut Hill substation will reopen today. It has been closed since the building was destroyed by Hurricane Ivan. Pictured inset: Lt. Carl Jones looks over files being moved into the Walnut Hill Precinct 7 last week. NorthEscambia.com file photos, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Walnut Hill Sheriff’s Precinct Opens Today”

  1. Barricade on July 4th, 2009 7:16 am

    Its a good start. I would like to see the Sheriff cut back on his contract employee’s making more than 50k a year and put more deputies up in the north end of the county.

  2. Century girl on July 4th, 2009 12:45 am

    So nice to see someone actually doing what was they say they are going to do! Go Sheriff Morgan, glad to see you haven’t forgotyour campaign promises.

  3. interested reader on July 3rd, 2009 8:35 am

    THANK YOU THANK YOU, We really need this but only on Tues? Oh well, maybe everything will happen on that day and they will be really busy. I don’t know how many people will drop by but just being open may help control some of the speeding.