Sheriff Unveils Plan To Ticket Escambia Kids

July 1, 2009


Tuesday, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department announced their plan to ticket kids — for making the right choices and helping others in need.

Beginning next week, deputies will issue “citations of right-doing” to children when they are caught in the act of doing good deeds. The citations can be redeemed for a free kid’s meal at Chili’s restaurant and for a free Orange Crush at any local Tom Thumb.

Pictured above and below: A program to ticket children in Escambia County for doing good deeds was announced Tuesday by Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan.



9 Responses to “Sheriff Unveils Plan To Ticket Escambia Kids”

  1. David Morgan on July 2nd, 2009 8:16 pm

    John: I must agree with the other posters, the point of the story is to recognize and reward good behavior and let the parents know that their efforts (at good parenting) are paying off. That is why we called the press conference to honor the local business owners who are supporting this program.

    As for the other, sorry, you are wrong on both counts. I began my Air Force career as an enlisted member (71-75), going from E-1 to E-5 Staff Sergeant, then I took a break from active duty to return to college and was commissioned a 2Lt and finshed my career as a comissioned officer, attaining the rank of 0-4, Major.

    As for the ECSO rank, please go to the Florida Sheriffs Association website. You will find that the 4 star rank is fairly standard for FL Sheriffs of large departments (we, Escambia County are in the top 10 out of 67 counties).

    Your former sheriff (McNesby) wore 5 stars when he was in uniform, as do a few other FL sheriffs. I would have continued to use that rank, but several retired Marines asked that I not. They felt that the 5 star circle, as worn by McArther, Eisenhower, et al., was not appropriate. So, out of deference to those individuals I have opted to wear a “lesser rank.”

    As always, thank you for your continued interest in the operations of the Escambia County Sheriff Office.

    Sheriff David Morgan

  2. T-Nole on July 2nd, 2009 2:40 pm

    Don’t some of you people every go anywhere? The green uniform is standard among sheriff offices in the state of Florida. And did you miss the point of the story? Kids in Escambia County need to be encouraged and it’s great that the ECSO is willing to step up!!

  3. judy on July 2nd, 2009 12:16 am

    i googled this new program and, unless im mistaken, the only other media outlet that has announced the start of this new program for escambia county is WEAR tv….im wondering how come the PNJ hasnt mentioned this innovative program in their paper…did i miss it? (BTW, i dont read the PNJ)

  4. parent on July 2nd, 2009 12:03 am

    Will they be doing this on the Northend.? We have may great kids in this area.

  5. Annette on July 1st, 2009 10:10 pm

    Does it matter what he wears …he’s doing the job he was elected to do. I think encouraging/helping kids is always a good thing.

    Thank you Mr. Morgan for your efforts.

  6. escambiamom on July 1st, 2009 2:24 pm

    Man, you guys just can’t get past the stars/uniform thing, huh? Most civilians don’t notice and don’t care. We just want a sheriff that will do his honest best.
    I am sure there are different opinions on how Morgan is doing, but who cares if he dresses like Superman if he gets the job done??!! I guess that is all you can find to pick on? not sure …

    This is a nice idea. It is not earth shattering but it can’t hurt to establish positive contact with area youth.

  7. Barricade on July 1st, 2009 12:49 pm

    I am very critical of the Sheriff but this is a positive step for the community. I hope this plan makes its way to the north end of the county. With that said the Army green shirt is ugly with a Deputy uniform.

  8. john on July 1st, 2009 11:15 am

    He was an enlisted man in the Air Force, but now he is a self promoted 4 star general of Escambia County, hooah!

  9. john on July 1st, 2009 11:13 am

    Good job Gen Morgan, I like those 4-stars!