School Board Approves $635K For Jim Allen Play Area

July 26, 2009

A new covered play area and multipurpose room are on the way for Jim Allen Elementary School.

The Escambia County School Board has approved $635,000 for the facility to be constructed by Omnicon Construction of Destin. The next lowest bidder on the project was R.D. Ward Construction Co. at $638,000. The highest bid received on the project was from Jack Moore & Company at $740,000.


14 Responses to “School Board Approves $635K For Jim Allen Play Area”

  1. Just wanted to know on July 29th, 2009 4:01 pm

    If they had $635,000 why not put it into building Bratt some real classrooms instead of bring portables in? Yes, they can call them what they want…but they are still portable buildings. Another question is….when is the rest of the Elementary schools going to get their covered playground/all-purpose room?

  2. concerned on July 29th, 2009 7:03 am

    It will be a wonderful addition to Jim Allen, but at a cost of $635 thousand. We have students in the Walnut Hill area that are being turned away from pre-k classes at Bratt because they do not have enough classrooms. That is a shame! If the Escambia County School Board can spend $635 thousand for a play area at Jim Allen, they could afford to bring in additional portables for pre-k at Bratt.

  3. ninn on July 28th, 2009 1:57 pm

    This covered facility will be a wonderful addition to benefit all the Jim Allen students. Thank you, Escambia County School Board.

  4. William on July 28th, 2009 8:34 am

    Actually, Bill, the headline is not a lowlife tactic.

    It’s really much simpler than a lowlife tactic to sell advertisements… The word multipurpose room didn’t fit in the space allotted.

    I have not pulled the blueprints on the facility, but they are constructing a facility like the one at Molino Park. A big empty room and a large covered area attached to the same building. It’s used for mostly for PE, making the entire building a “play area”. The headline is completely accurate and was not meant to infuriate anyone.

  5. Bill on July 28th, 2009 8:20 am

    Do you people even read the story before commenting or are you so blinded by your “What about me” attitudes that you can’t see past the headline?

    The story states but unforunatly with very little substance that the money is to build a covered playground AND A MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM. This is clearly a PNJ type headline meant to infuriate readers instead of inform them. I have grown to expect more from but I see they are resorting to the same lowlife tactics other media outlets use to sell advertisment. What a shame.

  6. proud parent on July 27th, 2009 8:58 pm

    What is wrong with people today…..the school board is screwing with our childrens education…What’s more inportant…our children learning or spending $635,000 for a play ground…………….REDICULOUS!!!!

  7. Sandy Chavers on July 27th, 2009 5:28 pm

    Can someone please explain to me how the school board can pay 635,000 dollars for a playground but yet cannot afford a head start nor an extra portable or room for our pre-k children. I guess the school board rather have a playground to play on than our children to get an education. Just to let everyone know that if you have signed your child up for head start at Bratt Elementary there is not going to be one. They closed the Head Start program I guess so Jim Allen Elementary can have a covered playground. Now you tell me which is more important a class room for our children to learn or a playground!!!!!

  8. A. Davis on July 26th, 2009 11:21 pm

    I see now why the schools have to try to get children with LD into regular classrooms. That way they can save to get new play grounds at some schools. This is all a waste. Escambia County needs to get it together. Children need to learn so maybe they can do somthing in life besides swing and slide. Please people we can talk all day about this but until we stand together nothing will ever change or be fair for anyone. Noone has to be scared to voice there thoughts at meetings. Dont worry if you think they will think you are not smart enough for them. Unless you would spend all this money on a playground instead of paper for children noone has anything to worry about. I hope when we vote people remember this. we need a change all around. We are going to have to stand together for the children. We have to be a voice for them and teach them what is good for them like learning they can play at home.

  9. MPE on July 26th, 2009 9:08 pm

    Molino Park had their playground donated by a very generous person,(Thank you) because the school board would not pay for one when the school was being built.
    Jim Allen already has two nice playground equipment sets. I just don’t understand this $635,000 spending at all. It doesn’t make sense with closing Carver Century and cutting teachers.

  10. ESP on July 26th, 2009 8:02 pm

    What about the Educational Support Personal? The school board has money for playground equipment and covered play area but can not give their ESPs a decent pay raise. There are workers that have been working for almost 10 years and are not even making $8.00 and hour.

  11. 2 Cents on July 26th, 2009 6:08 pm

    What I would like to know is why teachers have to be cut and budgets have to be scrimped while the school board can blow $635,000 just on a playground.

  12. a.nicole on July 26th, 2009 4:39 pm

    I am so glad something was said about the Bratt situation!! My thoughts exactly!!! I would love some answers to how this is helping with the economic crisis that our education system is claiming to have…. not to mention why Bratt was told that this was something the school board did not pay for!!!??? I would love for to ask for some explanations???

  13. Interested on July 26th, 2009 2:20 pm

    Can someone explain to me why the school board approves money for a covered play area , and multipurpose room at Jim Allen and we at Bratt Elementary had to do fundraiser after fundraiser and also ask for donations to come up with enough money just to have a playground set ? Which would not have happened without the determination of PTA President (at that time) Sandy Brown. And this did not happen over night , try over a couple of years. I am not asking this with an attitude. I genuinely would like to know how this is possible.

  14. art on July 26th, 2009 1:56 pm

    of course. now i see why they had to close carver century.