Murder Suspect Arrest Reports Provide Details; Read The Original Reports

July 17, 2009

The original arrest reports of the suspects in the Billings double murder case provide a little more insight in the events that unfolded in their Beulah home on July 9. has obtained copies of the arrest reports for the suspects arrested in both Escambia and Okaloosa counties. We have requested a copy of the arrest report for Donnie Stallworth, the man who turned himself in and was arrested in Escambia County, Alabama. Authorities in Brewton have not responded to our request.

Click each name below to see the complete arrest reports in pdf format. The reports contain identifying information on each suspect, places of employment and a narrative that describes that person’s alleged involvement in the crime.


12 Responses to “Murder Suspect Arrest Reports Provide Details; Read The Original Reports”

  1. sk on July 23rd, 2009 11:17 pm

    Donnie Stallworth is not a wifebeater. I should know–I am his wife’s sister. Get your facts straight.
    One of the rules for comments is not to commit libel. DJ Sheffield indeed has done just that.

  2. Susan Baker on July 18th, 2009 11:58 pm

    What a horrible shame! Such Beautiful, caring people living their lives and doing good works unaware that evil is literally lurking right out side their doors. Giving their hearts and taking care of precious children who need a lot of special care and even more special love. Who are going to hold them now? and love them? and look out for them for the rest of their lives? It is amazing how many awful people were involved and not one of them with even enough moral decency or cared about the lives that would be shattered to inform the police as to what was going down. We know when they entered that house they had to have seen all of the little children there. They thought because they were disguised they would not be caught. I am so glad they were caught and I hope that they all receive severe punishments. And, God bless everyone involved with bringing them in and I commend them all for working together and how quickly they brought the criminals in. And God bless the family and friends of the Billings who are hurting.

  3. jim leath on July 18th, 2009 9:53 am


  4. meforone on July 18th, 2009 8:23 am

    Thank you John , i have been thinking in the same direction what was his motivation for the statements . Thank you ESO for the hard work and that’s more than one person. SEE YOU AT THE MOVIES maybe walking tall 2 .

  5. John on July 17th, 2009 10:35 pm

    All I can say is Gen Morgan is making us all look like a bunch of rednecks. With his “humdinger” and “people in hell want ice water” comments. The nation is watching and he needs to let Ted Roy speak and just stay in the background…stay away from the microphone please. I hate to say it, but Ronnie Mac would’ve had more professionalism than the good General. How bout an apology to the realtor who is being harrassed in Gulf Breeze, Pamela Long? Hello?!

  6. Classmate of Donnie Stallworth Jr on July 17th, 2009 9:26 pm

    I would like to make a comment on DJ Sheffields comment about Donnie Stallworth being a wife beater. That case happened to be against his father, Donnie Sr., not Donnie Jr. Please get your facts right before you post comments.

  7. Shaun on July 17th, 2009 3:09 pm

    I wonder how come the Okaloosa County report doesnt black out the pump shotgun and pistol but the Escambia County report does?

  8. taxpayer on July 17th, 2009 2:31 pm

    I undestand she had money money talks people walk. She was laughting going into the jail. probally because she knew she was just there for a visit. She should be charged just like the other animals. Ten thousand bond she could saved the family and the tax payers lots time money and worry if she had come forward. Instead she was on a boat enjoying her self. She should not have had a low bond. Good luck on the report from Brewton Alabama .I know of a small town close to that area that has been known to not write up reports when they are called to homes. I know from my own experience.

  9. DJ Sheffield on July 17th, 2009 2:12 pm

    It’s amazing what you can learn by reading the arrest reports and then looking each of them up individually on the Santa Rosa Clerk of Courts and Escambia County Clerk of Courts.

    Gonzalez Jr. – has been appointed a regional conflict counsel
    Stallworth – is a wife beater and has a problem with his temper
    Thorton – can’t find anything on him…..surprising!

    I could go on and on……take a look for yourself. The question I have is how do all these people fit together in order to commit this tragic crime against two amazing people?

    I did notice that Judge Linda Nobles is doing the arraignments…..after what she did with LEE…..who knows what is going to happen. Let’s pray that she will do what is right for a change.

    KUDOS to the ESO for a job well done! My prayers go out to all of the children and family members.

  10. Muffet on July 17th, 2009 12:01 pm

    It seems as if there weren’tc ameras inside the house. Otherwise, the police reports would have referenced what happened inside. The documents on reference what was filmed by the cameras outside.

  11. jim leath on July 17th, 2009 9:21 am

    Hard to understand why the w/f is not charged the same as the rest.

  12. Tess on July 17th, 2009 8:07 am

    Why hasn’t Hugh Wiggins been charged – he seems to have had knowledge of the murders and that his wife was involved – he clearly had knowledge of the safe and the guns -he seems like an accessory after the fact as well

    Still cannot comprehend why Pamela Long Malden Wiggins Laverne (bigamist?) has such a low bail – makes no sense to me – she spent probably $1000 for her get out of jail free card

    What are these folks thinking?