Press Release From Billings Family

July 15, 2009

Ashley Billings Markham made the following statement at a press conference at 6:00 a.m. this morning. She is the daughter of Beulah murder victims Melanie and Byrd Billings.

Again, we would like to thank all law enforcement agencies, the community, our family and friends. We are relieved that the people involved in this crime have been apprehended, and we are certain that justice will be served.

The events that have unfolded in the last week, in the last couple of days, have devastated our family. As you know, our Mom and Dad were loving, caring, giving people. They have simply been taken from our lives too soon.

Mom and Dad devoted their lives, in a large part, to educating others about children with special needs. While many say the children were blessed to have my Mom and Dad, Mom and Dad would tell you if they could, that they were the ones most blessed. They wanted to be the voice for children without a voice, they wanted to give these children a chance, and they wanted to give them a childhood. But it did not stop with children. Many friends will tell you that Mom and Dad were willing to help others who needed it. An example of this is their kindness to friends who recently lost their home in foreclosure. Mom and Dad gave them a home for their family until they could get back on their feet. There are many, many examples of this kind of generosity.

We have lost two people who were truly trying to make the world a better place, one person at a time. The family plans to continue their legacy in the community, as that is what they taught us to do.

The Billings children are coping well. We have an incredible family and we are more than capable of carrying through with the plan our parents have in place. As a result of the overwhelming support and outpouring of generosity from all over the country, we are establishing a trust for the nine younger Billings children. We are so grateful for this extraordinary kindness and will announce the details regarding the trust as soon as they become available.

Again, we would like to express our deep, heartfelt thanks to this community, and to all that have kept us in your prayers. We will need them more than ever in the coming weeks.
Though nothing will ever take away the pain of this horrible tragedy, the love, prayers and support have helped us as we grieve. We know that Mom and Dad are looking down upon us from heaven. We will continue to draw upon the memory of their warmth, compassion, love and strength as we continue through these difficult days. And, we know that they will be by our side every step of the way.


4 Responses to “Press Release From Billings Family”

  1. Jennifer on July 16th, 2009 6:36 pm

    This story haunts me…it just seems so incredibly unfair that good, decent, God-loving and charitable people could have something so horrible like this happen to them. I guess the real sad story here is of 8 people who have tossed their lives away for a “mess of pottage”…money they will never see, and that doesn’t even BEGIN to match the worth of these two wonderful people whose lives these wicked, selfish idiots have taken.

    These criminals. Will. Pay. Even if our judicial system can’t come up with a punishment fitting, justice will, at some point, be served. What a pity that some people are so completely selfish and stupid. An infuriating pity!

    The only blessings I can see that have come from this are: 1) the sweet children were spared, 2) the criminals were quickly caught, with damning evidence against them (thank goodness for those cameras!) and 3) the world watching this story unfold stands ready to help this family. God sometimes let the wicked do what they will, to justify their punishment, but He always manages to bless the innocent, even if it is in small ways. I know the souls of these two good people will live on, and will find ways to bless their children, even if it is from Heaven.

    Prayers are with the family.

  2. Christopher Cheek on July 16th, 2009 8:07 am

    It is a shame that someone could lack a heart as much as the individuals involved to do something like this. It sounds as if they were very good people and the world has truly been dealt a loss with their passing. Prior to joining the military, I worked with developmentally challenged adults/teens and I know the joy and fulfillment that come from that type of service, so I know that what they were doing was a great thing. I pray that you have the strength to continue their work. May God be with you. Take care.

    Christopher Cheek
    Pensacola, FL

  3. nancy therien on July 15th, 2009 10:24 pm

    I remember hearing the news on the radio and I just stood still because I could not believe what I was took a minute to comprehend. I don’t believe I have ever been more sorrowful. I hope the family will be able to read this message.

  4. Lisa Williams on July 15th, 2009 2:12 pm

    My deepest sympathy goes out to all the Billings children. I can’t imagine the feelings of loss and confusion. Thanks to God Almighty, this is a family founded on His love which will carry them through they years to come.

    I am impressed with the police force and Sheriff’s department for acting quickly to capture the criminals so that justice may be served immediately. The men will surely pay a high price for their selfish, wicked acts.