Molino Church Ends VBS With 284 And A 50-Foot Banana Split

July 4, 2009

highland-vbs-13.jpgA Molino church wrapped up their Vacation Bible School Friday night in a really big way — a 50-foot long, double row banana split for over 200 kids.

Highland Baptist Church had set a lofty goal of 200 enrolled in their VBS this week. One of the ways they decided to promote their “Boomerang Express” VBS was with signs along several Molino roads. A day after they signs were placed around Molino — included in private yards and on church property — every sign had been stolen. The signs were remade and put out Monday afternoon, only to be stolen again Monday night.

Between word of mouth, news stories and advertisements on NorthEscambia.comĀ  about the stolen signs and mentions of the story on WXBM radio, the Highland Baptist finished the week with 284 enrolled in VBS.

“The Lord is so good,” Pastor Brian Calhoun said. “He took the bad and turned it into a really good week for the children.”

The 50-foot banana split was assembled Friday night with military precision. Volunteers sliced 120 bananas, added 20 gallons of ice cream, eight large cans of whipped cream, seven pounds of M&Ms and over a gallon of chocolate syrup.

The total time from 200 plus spoons hitting the banana split to the first mop on the floor to cleanup was just over 10 minutes.

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Pictured above and below: Highland Baptist Church in Molino wrapped up their Vacation Bible School Friday night with a 50-foot long banana split. photos, click to enlarge.



3 Responses to “Molino Church Ends VBS With 284 And A 50-Foot Banana Split”

  1. Jordan on July 8th, 2009 5:23 pm

    I really enjoyed VBS and will come back to help.

  2. mommy2beautifulgirls on July 6th, 2009 9:08 am

    my girls loved the vacation bible school all week and especially the banana split! i love this church and hope i can keep my girls attending it.good job!

  3. interested reader on July 4th, 2009 9:35 am

    GOD does work in mysterious ways! Whoever removed those signs should be quaking in their shoes. God didn’t need the signs to make this a great bible school week. Sounds like that banana split was a big hit. We may try it at our church next year. Everyone loves ice cream and especially this year as it’s been so hot. Bless you Highland Baptist for showing the community what great things GOD can do.