Minimum Wage Increased

July 24, 2009

If you work for minimum wage, you received a raise Friday. The federal minimum wage increased 70 cents Friday to $7.25 an hour, or $28 a week.

In Florida, the increase for a minimum wage worker is less dramatic, with just a 4-cent increase. Until Gtofsuday, Florida’s minimum wage was already at $7.21 an hour.

Tipped employees also received a minimum wage increase from $4.19 plus tips to $4.23.

During 2008, the minimum wage in Florida was $6.79 per hour, 24 cents higher than the federal standard.

Under Florida law, the Agency for Workforce Innovation will be required to calculate a new minimum wage in the state on September 30. Those calculations are based on the Consumer Price Index. If the state calculation is higher than the federal minimum wage, the state wage would take effect in January 2010.


13 Responses to “Minimum Wage Increased”

  1. ATMORE on July 29th, 2009 11:41 am

    My opinion is $8.00hr,no one should work for less than that amount.It is hard to live on 10-12 dollars on hours with 2 working people in the home.Water has went up,lights have went up.,gas,food,clothing,supplies but we still make what we make.That not fair and these big and small business are making a killing.Its true they are not crying for help that is why Bondurant is able to say what they are saying.If i had a business and made a fair amount i would love to see my employee’s have the same that if you care anything for them.Most jobs just look at you as a number and could carelss bc you dont have a education or you cant feed your family.Its all about what is in your heart.Why be so greedy.Share your wealth,help the needy.Everyone needs a break especially those that are working for under 7.25.Do you know what a blessing the 7.25 is for some people?Its not much but they are able to do a little more than they normally do or take a lil stress off thier back!!

  2. A. Davis on July 26th, 2009 10:19 pm

    people talk about the recession, yes people have lost jobs and things are bad when you cant pay your bills but people need to stand together stop spending so much extra money save it do without new stuff if your stuff you already have will work. let big companies go broke do they care if we do? school will be starting soon instead of spending so much on name brands talk to your children explain that a cheaper shoe is just as good if they dont go for it explain they will have to get cheaper other things to make up the diffrence show them that its like christmas prices go down after the big day. look if places are doing so bad why are they still open? Its like car lots has any one went to buy a car lately. they still like there cars when they dont want to come off the price none. I will say what most people won’t no one cares about the people who try to live right and do the best that they can. so 4 cent should really not make are break us but we work hard for it and it should be gave to us. I could care less about a company crying about there business, I never hear them crying for us, our children.Only if they think they will get a bailout.

  3. T.R. on July 26th, 2009 12:12 am

    AMEN. S. L. B. AMEN

  4. T.R. on July 26th, 2009 12:08 am

    Mr. Bondurant, are you willing to work for min. wage ? I agree with you up to a point, the country needs to start takeing a real hard look and this begins with all you business men. we min. wage workers do not get a fair shake either,when we get a raise the prices go up.and so do taxes.I agree with you .so what is your fix. what do think needs to be done I know but do you? I think you do but nobody has the guts to do it or even talk about it . We need to quit I mean all quit paying our taxes.And render unto ceaser what is his . just what he expects us to live off of. very little.

  5. W.R. on July 25th, 2009 12:07 pm

    Thanks S.L.B — that makes two of us that have a clear v iew. I wonder if anyone else sees it our way?

  6. S.L.B on July 25th, 2009 9:02 am

    W.R…you are right on the money! I said the exact same thing last year when they were still trying to decide how to bail out our economy. I even sent an e-mail to requesting a story to be done on the possibility.

    If every American was given the money to get back on their feet to pay off debts and buy cars, houses and everything in between, that would have jumped started the economy right off the bat.

    If every American could have traded in their clunckers and paid cash for a new energy efficient car/truck/suv, then that would have put car workers back to work in order to meet the demand. But instead, we gave the car industry the money an we all see how that turned out!

    If every American that was in danger of loosing their home was suddenly given the money to pay it off, then that would have been money into the banking system.
    Instead, some are reporting a slight gain and some are not. And people who have dreamed of owning their own home, would have the money to invest in one.
    But instead, we gave the money to the banks and people are still loosing their homes and dreams of owning a home are just that, dreams and not reality.

    If every American didn’t have a mortgage or car payment, it seems to me they would have more money in their pockets to spend, spend, spend and boost the economy everywhere and even take vacations, which I surely don’t know how that feels.

    Yes, most likely their would be those who would spend their money on the negative aspects of life such as drugs and etc…but they are doing that anyways with or without stimulous money. And everyday crime is getting so much worse that it’s getting pretty scarey to leave your home to go anywhere and you have to lock your home up like Ft.Knox to feel and stay safe.

    Even $500,000 for each American citizen would have made a HUGE difference in everyone’s life and with the economy and a second stimulous wouldn’t even be needed, as they are talking about doing now!

    If they are considering a second stimulous plan, our government should consider the people first and not make the same mistakes as they did the first time around. Without the tax payers having any money to spend, the economy will never improve…that’s just plain common sense!

  7. W.R. on July 25th, 2009 7:50 am

    Everyone should be making at least $15.00 per hour and working at least 40 hours a week and this just might keep thier noise above water at todays prices and no new increses in the near future unless pay goes up again with it. I know all workers are not worth $15.00 per hour but if you are then you should be getting it. I am for the working man. A dollar that is not in the working mans hand is a dollar that not getting spent. The rich folk can sit on their money if they want to but until dollars start turning we will always be a stagnet country. Mr Business man– What goes around comes around. The Feds are foolish too. Instead of giving all those Billions to big Banks and business to stimulate the economy—What do you think would have happen if they had given every adult American a million dollars.
    This would have taken under 200 million and now they have spent billions going to big banks and businesses. Mr. Ford , Chrysler or GM could not have had enough new cars with every American holding a million dollars in their hands!!!!!!!!!

  8. Just Because on July 24th, 2009 6:49 pm

    You people that use the argument that raising the minimum wage makes prices go up, need to do your OWN shopping at least twice. Go one time and write down the prices, then go back a couple of weeks later. If you truly believe in your heart that the minimum wage makes prices go up, you will be in total shock when you see that prices have gone up, in some cases by 40% or 50% and the minimum wage hasn’t gone up, in months or years. I make well above minimum wage, but I have less money in my pocket today and can’t do the things I would like to do or buy the extras I would like to, because I’m paying a lot more for food and other necessities like electricity then I was when I got my last raise three years ago. My point is, prices are going to go up, regardless of what the minimum wage does, believe it or not. I bet Dietrich has raised his prices many times since his employees got their last raise, and that’s $28 a week, not a day.

  9. KEE on July 24th, 2009 1:26 pm

    Mr. Bondurant,
    What local business do you own? Maybe we can patronize it, if we aren’t already. It’s free adverstising for you too!

  10. C on July 24th, 2009 11:18 am

    If one worked a minimum wage job & worked 40 hours per week then their pay would be $1160 before taxes were taken out. Even if one lived on the bare necessities $1160 could not pay for rent, utilities, food, gas $.

  11. bmb on July 24th, 2009 8:33 am

    Some brainiac account with the the government should do some type of calculation that would show the ratio of how the price of THINGS has gone up vs the rate of wage increase and then make a judgement on what is wrong. Back in the day a home cost $30,000.00 and your wage was around $3.00 per hour ( I am just guessing not cold hard facts) now that same house cost $155,000.00 and minimum wage is what it is. SOMEBODY DO THE MATH. THINGS can’t keep costing more and more without the way to pay for them going up. The calculator does not lie politicians do. The rate of foreclosures should be some kind of red flag to everybody as to where this is all headed. Somewhere in time the two shall meet, lets just hope it is not on “Homeless Avenue.” Just an opinion not necessarily right or wrong, just an opinion.

  12. YELLAR HAMMER on July 24th, 2009 8:07 am

    Dietrich you need to rework your calculator the minuim wage in Florida was already at $7.21, and the federal just caught up. This is only a .04 cent increase not a .28 cent increase. Granted this put a strain on the economy but who pays for these peoples bills.

  13. Dietrich Bondurant on July 24th, 2009 6:50 am

    This is a TERRIBLE thing for our economy! The “$28 per day” mentioned in this article doesn’t sound like much, but it’ll cost our business $500 per week!!! Who has an extra $500 per week? If that money was available we’d already be paying it to the employees…but it’s not. Many companies who are struggling to pay thier bills will go under because of the continued increase in minimum wage. And the increase only drives inflation making everything cost more! It’s silly, and if congress was worth ANYTHING they would have had an emergency vote to suspend the increase at least until the recession is over.