Is The DEA Involved In The Billings Case?

July 16, 2009

There are conflicting reports this morning as to whether or not the DEA has become involved in the Billings murder investigation.

“As Escambia County Sheriff, I have no knowledge of any DEA involvement in this case,” David Morgan said Wednesday night. “I have not spoken to any representative of the Drug Enforcement Agency today.”

But CNN was reporting early Thursday morning that the DEA was on the case. CNN quotes a DEA spokesman in Miami, David Melenkevitz, as saying that the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department did call for the DEA’s assistance.


3 Responses to “Is The DEA Involved In The Billings Case?”

  1. mcnertny on July 16th, 2009 6:14 pm

    Why would a large crowd of these types be interested in a simple home invasion or have knowlege of a safe even if it were stuffed with money,,the yokel sherrif doesnt seem to be aware of much of anything for certain,,the DEA is or isnt involved etc,,why do the family members only speak with an attorney present,,its florida remember the crime and drug capital of N America,,what about Billings being a tax resistor? perhaps some govt interest there,,,stop having constant news conferences to say “we dont know”

  2. Beegee on July 16th, 2009 8:32 am

    There very well may be other departments involved….but sometimes it’s kept quiet for very good reasons!!!!!! Be patient,it will soon come to light!!!!!!!!!

  3. Jay on July 16th, 2009 5:11 am

    Key word from the sheriff, “today.” I guess one could read between the lines and then ask has he or anyone in the department had spoken with DEA at all concerning this case, but the answer may be just as evassive.