Is Pamela Long Wiggins Married To Two Men?

July 28, 2009 records and documents obtained by indicate that Pamela Long Wiggins, 47, may be married to two men.

Wiggins, who is charged as an accessory after the fact in connection with the murders of Byrd and Melanie Billings, was married in December 31, 2008, to Hugh Gregory Wiggins, 48, by a court clerk in Shalimar, Florida. That marriage license, as first reported by on July 16, was witnessed by murder suspect Leonard Patrick Gonzalez, Jr. and his wife Tabitha C. Gonzalez. (License is pictured below, click to enlarge.)

But court records in Escambia County indicate that her divorce from her previous husband is not complete.

Under the name Pamela Long Malden, she filed for divorce from James Colburn Malden, 68, on January 29, 2008.  Escambia County court records indicate that the case is still open.



8 Responses to “Is Pamela Long Wiggins Married To Two Men?”

  1. A. Davis on July 29th, 2009 2:58 pm

    These people will never get a fair trial. So much extra is being brought up about them. Maybe so people will stop asking why so much.

  2. Nokaoi on July 29th, 2009 12:05 pm

    Hey gordon—-how do you know the men aren’t the hags in this case….I am sure they cant be winners……..please

  3. an observer on July 29th, 2009 10:42 am

    how did she know about the safe in the house and it’s contents?

  4. A. Davis on July 28th, 2009 9:56 pm

    There is somthing about this whole thing that doesn’t add up. Maybe she was smiling because she knew she was getting out on a small bond. And laughing on the inside at who ever was dumb enough to make that deal. I think she can just charm people, some women are just lucky like that. And if people are so dumb not to see through it than thats not her fault.

  5. gordon on July 28th, 2009 9:02 pm

    There is always somebody hard up enough to marry a hag like this one. If they had money they would be marrying someone younger and better looking. The video I saw of her is she is overweight and was smiling. There is something about her that doesn’t add up.

  6. Beegee on July 28th, 2009 7:48 pm

    Oh it’ll come out someday!!!!!!!

  7. down and out on July 28th, 2009 7:08 pm

    I think you are right guest

  8. guest on July 28th, 2009 5:40 am

    I think she has a lot more to do with the murders then she is charged with. I think because she runs in the higher circles that she was the one that knew about the money that was in the house. Maybe it will come out some day that byrd was know to have money in his house and that there was more then one safe.