Carver/Century Final Moving Day To Ernest Ward, Bratt

July 23, 2009


Wednesday was the final scheduled move day from Carver/Century K-8 School to Ernest Ward Middle and Bratt Elementary. According to plans, all teacher materials should have been transferred by Wednesday afternoon to the teacher’s new school. Pictured above: Some of the 58 boxes that were used to move Dee Hendrix from Room 711 at Carver/Century to her new Room 17 at Ernest Ward. photo, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Carver/Century Final Moving Day To Ernest Ward, Bratt”

  1. a on July 26th, 2009 10:06 am

    Right you are, taxpayer!

  2. TAXPAYER on July 25th, 2009 9:17 pm

    just think, atmore students are causing your kids to have to go to portables, and that crowd from century, watch the test scores plummet.

  3. NANA OF TWO on July 25th, 2009 8:07 pm

    Talk about a waste of money, look at the construction done at carver/century that is now just sitting there empty. And the school system is wondering why they are short of money. This is not the only school like this….just look around in Pensacola.

  4. taxpayer on July 24th, 2009 12:04 am

    Has anyone seen the 500,00 trailers that have been placed ae Bratt. Why did Carver stay open for another year build a buiding at Bratt that would be safe and be there for years’. Will these trailers be safe during storms I understand that the school always bring the students in the main building during bad weather. will they have to move in to the main building in bad weather?

  5. Mother of Three on July 23rd, 2009 11:05 pm

    There is another story on NorthEscambia you would do well to read the comments to. It is titled “Bratt Elementary Renovation Cost Rises After Damage is Found.” It’s a little further down on the front page but you may be more educated after you read the posts already left by others. Since when was room 17 at Bratt a portable?

  6. Buddy on July 23rd, 2009 6:33 pm

    Move out of a school that was just renovated by 4 million dollars and move into a used portable building What a great move