Final ApprovalFor Pet Hurricane Shelter In Molino

July 9, 2009

mpespetshelter.jpgThe Escambia County Commission has granted final approval to the county’s first pet-friendly hurricane evacuation shelter to be located at Molino Park Elementary School.

While there are over 1,500 local hotel and motel rooms that will accept pets, the county determined the need for a pet-friendly shelter as a last resort for those unable to evacuate their pets elsewhere or simply will not evacuate without their pets. The domestic pets would be housed in the 3,158 square foot area of the school’s gym, about 100 feet from the man building.

The county says the gym will house between 148 to 350 pets in pet carriers or cages. The main school building, which has previously served a hurricane shelter, can house 2,200 people under the supervision of the American Red Cross.

The shelter would be for household cats and dogs only, with no other pets or animals allowed. Pet owners would be responsible for providing their own food, water, medicine and cleanup supplies.

Owners would not be allowed to shelter with their pets in the pet area, nor would pets be allowed in the people shelter area of the school.

The gym floor will be protected with plastic and mats. A contractor will be used to sanitize the school and spray for fleas before students are allowed to return.

The plan has been approved by the Escambia County School Board and will became final after approval Thursday night by the Escambia County Commission.


One Response to “Final ApprovalFor Pet Hurricane Shelter In Molino”

  1. I dunno on July 12th, 2009 7:14 pm

    So….What do I do with my rooster & goats??????