County Won’t Help Pay For New Library In Pensacola

July 17, 2009

The City of Pensacola is building a $6 million library downtown, and Escambia County Commissioners say they won’t contribute any funding to increase the size of the building.

downtownlibrary.jpg“I move that we do not give the city money,” District 5 Commissioner Kevin White said. “They only need us when they need money from us.”

The other commissioners agreed at Thursday morning’s Committee of the Whole meeting.

“So let the deputy mayor know she got a resounding ‘no’,” White said. Pensacola Deputy Mayor Jewel Cannada-Wynn had recently encouraged the county commission to help fund the new library, which replaces the old downtown branch library (pictured).


3 Responses to “County Won’t Help Pay For New Library In Pensacola”

  1. Bob hudson on July 18th, 2009 8:07 am

    Well on the consolidation plan, We will just have to make sure it is voted down.

  2. interested reader on July 17th, 2009 1:19 pm

    I totally agree with Jay. We people north of 9 mile road are the ones who lose out on projects. Consolidation is a free ticket to the city for more of their pet projects. Move things out where a greater number of people live and they will be better received. The old location of the library is a haven for homeless and a danger for people making their way down to it. Soon there will be a BIG beautiful library on Langley. I CAN’T WAIT! Drive by there and admire it. You probably won’t even have to be looking out for criminals along that road.

  3. Jay on July 17th, 2009 6:03 am

    Including this library re-building, isn’t there already two of them in the city limits of Pensacola, which is for how many people, 50,000? What really bothers me is that Pensacola wants money for this, but it won’t contribute to the ECAT system, which serves a greater number of its residents. WARNING: If there is consolidation, this is where all of our tax monies will be going (downtown Pensacola) and there won’t be a thing we can do about it.