County Increases Fire Fee For Over 2,500 Small Businesses

July 10, 2009

The Escambia County Commission has approved a change to the county’s fire services fee that will impact over 2,500 small businesses.

There fire services fee in the county for small businesses was 3.4 cents per square foot. At that level,  there were 2,551 small businesses with less than 2,200 square feet that payed less than the county’s residential fire fee.

The county voted Thursday night to impose a $75 per unit minimum for businesses, the same rate paid on residential property in the county.  The increase will net the county $125,921 per year.

Commissioner said that they will increase the resident fire fee next year.


2 Responses to “County Increases Fire Fee For Over 2,500 Small Businesses”

  1. Bob on July 10th, 2009 8:19 pm

    One day the voters will wake up and vote for a county commissioner that has the well being of the taxpayers at heart. The way it stands ,when we go to the polls we are voting in a popularity contest,not necessarily what is best for the district .The only reason they are where they are is because of the money and benefits the job has to offer. The fee above will slightly more than cover one commissioners salary and expense account for one year.

  2. Carl Emmons on July 10th, 2009 5:21 am

    “Commissioner said that they will increase the resident fire fee next year.” When are our elected officials going to learn to live on a budget and stop raising taxes everytime they want more money. The tax payers have to live on a budget. And yes the fire tax is a Tax not a fee.