Convicted Sex Offender Arrested Near Flomaton Preschool

July 1, 2009

A convicted sexual offender has been arrested in Flomaton for allegedly being too close to a daycare.

dixon.jpgDwight Anthony Dixon, 39, of Flomaton was arrested on felony sex offender charge Monday by Flomaton Police.

Flomaton Police Chief Tim R. Hardage said that a local resident recognized Dixon from a photograph and reported to police that Dixon was employed at a local store.

A subsequent investigation revealed that Dixon was in fact employed at the Sidney Manning Blvd. convenience store, and that the store was located 778 feet of a preschool facility, the police chief said. Records revealed Dixon had been employed at the local business from March until the present, Hardage said.

“Under Alabama Law , Title 15-20-26, a registered sex offender is not allowed to live or be employed in certain area. Those areas include within 2,000 feet of a school or preschool and violation of this law is a felony,” according to Hardage.

Dixon was convicted in 2003 for solicitation sexual battery of minor. According to records from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and Escambia (Fla.) County Circuit Court, the incident occurred in Escambia, County Florida, and the victim was a 15 year old male.

Hardage says that there are currently ten  registered sex offenders living in Flomaton, and names of those convicted for sexual related offenses, details of the crime and a picture of each offender is available  at


14 Responses to “Convicted Sex Offender Arrested Near Flomaton Preschool”

  1. canoeman on July 6th, 2009 9:07 am


    Nice grammar, did you graduate with big Ant? First of all, he was convicted, that means he was guilty. We all know that no one that goes to jail is guilty, it was a set up, right? Secondly, as a “convicted” sex offender, it is his duty to know the laws that now apply to him, a convicted sex offender. And lastly, he gave up his rights to a normal life and the pursuit of happiness we he had sex with an underage “boy” Oh, by the way, he was convicted, that means he did it, in English that is.

  2. K L on July 5th, 2009 7:31 am

    I am a cousin of Big Ant, and there is no way in hell that he done what he was accused of. I have known him all my life. I have worked with him at the place he was accused of. He always helped everybody, all of these negative comments that have been submitted; are insane. If you all know him like I do, you wouldn’t be trying to judge him. Nobody knows the impact that his family has been going through since these accusations. Say what you want, but if you dont know him don’t judge him. I will always know in my heart that he is innocent.

  3. senior on July 4th, 2009 7:01 pm

    I had to make this comment. I graduated with Big Ant as we called him and have known him for several years and I do not believe he is capable of harming any one! He is one of the most humble and sweetest guys I know! We are praying for everyone involved! I know from experience that everyone that gets accused of something isn’t always guilt!

  4. bleh on July 4th, 2009 3:04 pm

    I think its sad, this guy was just working at a job, You can’t pick or choose where your job is located.

    To everyone saying ” good this is what he gets” lets think about it, without a job your tax dollars will be supporting him for welfare/food stamps

    Is this what you want? or would you rather him work and support himself/family?

    You Neo Cons really need to get it together and figure out what you want this guy to do. Now he is in jail, being supported by the state

    Are you guys the socialist or what?

  5. LSC on July 2nd, 2009 4:15 pm

    First of all canoeman, he didn’t have sex with no child. If you don’t know what happened then you don’t need to make that type of comment. It is very sad that a person cannot make an honest living without drama. Not knowing that the daycare was within those feet is in honest mistake. Also he worked the night shift. The daycare was closed. At least he wasn’t out there selling drugs to get the quick money. I agree with Kevin, there are no jobs around here. He had been looking for a job since he moved here. And to everyone who has insulting comments. Just remember, everyone that’s convicted is not always guilty. And for the concerned resident that reported it, if u were so concerned shouldn’t you have found out if he knew that he was that close to the daycare. Or did you just want to see him go to jail.

  6. Concerned parent on July 1st, 2009 10:13 pm

    The problem I have with it is only that now the taxpayers are stuck supporting him because he’s either going to be in jail (living off us) or sitting home collecting welfare (again, living off us).

  7. AL on July 1st, 2009 7:15 pm

    NO sympathy to be found here….. don’t mess with little kids and you wouldn’t have this problem. Work for cigarettes in prison now

  8. J. P. on July 1st, 2009 12:48 pm

    George Wash, as you’ve been dead for almost 210 years you are apparently un-aware of the trends the minority that contols the nation you helped to create is
    taking. No longer do the majority rule by vote on the reps. that make up our laws
    in congress, now the laws are written by the ACLU and ordered by the Supreme
    Court. Members of congress are more worried about how much lobbiest are
    giving them to sell you(American ciitizens) out for special interest groups. The
    party affiliation makes no difference.

    By the way, what is a geneticist?

  9. TooBad on July 1st, 2009 10:29 am

    J.P., I think you broke my sarcasm meter… it pegged out for a second and then the needle came off and is now laying in the bottom of the face…

    However, like Kevin said.. it is a little unfortunate for Dude who was trying to make a living, and now has another felony on his hands. I mean, you could probably take ANY job in Flomaton, plot a circle 2000′ and a school or day care center would fall within it…

  10. canoeman on July 1st, 2009 10:20 am

    Come on Kevin, are you an idiot? He is a criminal, he chose to violate the law that is on the books, he chose to have sex with underage boys???!!!!. And if he did it once he probably did it dozens of times. What if it was your 12 year old son? Everything is ok as long as it doesn’t happen to you, right? We need to quit excusing everyone for their behavior simply because we don’t want to seem unfair. Too bad, I think he needs to be castrated myself. I really don’t care what causes any of these perverts to do what they do, I just want my children protected from them.

  11. sarah slay on July 1st, 2009 10:12 am

    I know you’re probably being sarcastic.
    Despite what men may believe, God will judge those people who break His law (and take advantage of and hurt others). We know that 1 Peter 4:5 says “But they will have to give an accounting to him who stands ready to judge the living and the dead. ”
    As far as a civil issue, it is our job to protect the most vulnerable in society. How can we call ourselves civilized if we cannot bring ourselves to the simple standard of protecting the weak? Back to another Bible reference, you reap what you sow. A person should be aware of the consequences that even the appearance of a sexual advance toward a minor might bring. Men and women like the one mentioned in this article have thier civil rights taken away because they chose to violate the law of common human decency.

  12. kevin on July 1st, 2009 9:57 am

    i think that this is wong. the man made a mistake, or was at least accused of it, and all he was doign was trying to make and honest living. so what if he was that close to the school, nothing happened. with todays economy, you have to take any job you can get. and i thin this arrest should be illegal and is wrong. and sickening at how our low enforcement worries about lil things not hte big things

  13. George Washington on July 1st, 2009 9:45 am

    J.P. what is a geneticist doning reading such an obscure article. I figured all you guys read was the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. And if you are not a geneticist where do you get your information that it is in their genes? So all murders have that in their genes and robbers and such, or do they get the excuse that it just happened and it was out of their hands? People like you make me laugh not to see that when one group of people be they criminals or folks “like you” lose their rights everyone has the potential to lose theirs. Good luck with your research and hope you get that government grant.

  14. J. P. on July 1st, 2009 8:40 am

    When will people understand that child molestation is in a persons genes and
    therefore explains their sexual appitite? These people should have their civil rights protected by law just as homosexuals. We as Americans should remember being “politically correct” is far more important than anything else,
    including protecting our children. Just ask the ACLU.