Murder Weapons, Missing Safe Found

July 16, 2009

State Attorney Bill Eddins says “valuable evidence” has been recovered including the missing safe from Billings home.

“We believe we have the murder weapon or weapons,” he said.

Eddins will not offer any other additional information on the evidence located.

“We believe, that as the case progresses, that additional motives will be found,” Morgan said. “We have some people were are continuing to look at.”

Sheriff said probably 20 to 30 persons of interest, most knew nothing significant and were released.

Pamela Long Wiggins, 47, could face a grand jury indictment for accessory after the fact to felony murder. She could face up to 30 years in prison.

“We believe this concludes the matter, in our opinion,” Eddins said. “This was a home invasion robbery,” he said, where a safe was stolen. But he said the investigation will continue.

The DEA has provided investigative assistance, according to the DEA. Sheriff Morgan says they were called in to provide assistance.

“The Billings family, to the best of my knowledge, is not the focus of any investigation of the DEA”, Morgan said.

Morgan said the DEA was called as a courtesy. “Then my part was done.”

“I will not answer any questions about any investigation that the DEA may or may not have,” he said.

Morgan said that he did not know of any federal investigation of the Billings family, but he said he would not have information on federal investigations.

Morgan’s press conference concluded at 11:28 this morning.

Pamela Long Wiggins, 47,  was arrested Wednesday night in connection with the murder of Byrd and Melanie Billings. She was the landlord of murder suspect Leonard Patrick Gonzalez Jr. Morgan said that Wiggins has several aliases, including Pamela Wiggins, Pamela Malden, Pamela Long and Pamela Laverne Long Coco.


11 Responses to “Murder Weapons, Missing Safe Found”

  1. Tara on July 16th, 2009 11:05 pm

    William, I somewhat know the sacrifices you must endure to keep all of us informed of news in our area. I, as many of my friends appreciate it. We are a small community and when something so horrific happens, well we want to know. First because we may actually know someone they may need help. Other, we may need to be warned of a convict on the loose. You are great by keeping up with all of it. The Billings murder hit me in more than one way. First, I have children and need to be aware of idiots on the loose. Second, my brother has Down Syndrome and it has hurt my heart so bad to think of those children suffering because of the evil of others. I hope you keep doing such a great job. You also post stories from time to time about my Mother at her job and we get to see her shine through your articles. For MMK, I can only assume he doesn’t live in such a close knit and caring community as you. If he only knew how much work you are having to do, sacrificing family time and such few awards for all you do,,,, then maybe he wouldn’t be so hateful.

  2. KEE on July 16th, 2009 10:55 pm

    To mmk:
    There is nothing fake about me or my post. I’m just a loyal reader who is impressed by the quality work of I’m impressed by the quick work of our sheriff’s department. I wish the Billings family was still intact and this story never happened. It’s nice to have a reliable news source however.

  3. Beegee on July 16th, 2009 9:17 pm

    MMK……..please stay off this news site… doesn’t need the disparaging remarks
    that you have seen fit to post….now,you are welcome to return…..if you find a healthy respect for this wonderful thing we have in the north end!!!!!

  4. Love FL on July 16th, 2009 8:42 pm

    Please don’t judge all Texans (or people living in TX) by MMK’s “attitude”. You’re doing an excellent job. This is a very informative news site. And congratulations where congratulations have been earned & are due. And MMK, this is not a “fake” post, it’s my rightful opinion. With all this good coverage I don’t think the persons working on this site would have time to be posting fake “kudos” to themselves.
    The police are also doing a very good job. It’d good that they do not release any more information than is necessary. I know we all want to know every detail and one day we will know at least most of the story. The evidence the police have does need to be protected so every thing is done right and the case can be totally solved and the guilty brought to justice.

  5. John on July 16th, 2009 8:36 pm

    Kee, WEAR 3 can’t hold a candle to I really don’t know why I continue to watch them. WKRG 5 (Mobile) is a much better news station than our own local news as well. They show much more local news than Channel 3, horrible!

  6. Capt.D on July 16th, 2009 8:35 pm

    William I for one am very glad you do what you do. I live in Atmore bit work in the oil field from Alabama to Texas and check here every time I can get online to see what is going on at home. Thanks for your service you do a great job.

  7. Spence on July 16th, 2009 7:38 pm

    William your work on this story has been outstanding. Everything you post is excellent. I look forward to reading any new items that you might post. Keep up the good work.

  8. William on July 16th, 2009 7:29 pm

    mmk — Maybe that do that in Texas around Houston where you appear to be posting from, but we don’t do that around here. We are just a small-time news site that has a big-time following that did beat CNN, FOX and everyone else with a small portion of the details on this case.

    We are very humbled by any positive comments that people choose to make. We are not here to serve the rest of the country, we are here to serve our local communities and are proud to do so as quickly, honestly and accurately as possible. We are covering this story not because it is that sensational national story, but because it was here, in our own backyard.

  9. John on July 16th, 2009 7:13 pm

    I have read many reports that the Safe and Murder Weapons were located at one of Wiggens properties that she owns. I think the police knew this and it is why they made her a person of interest. I have also discovered she was not helpful and quite belligerant to the Investigators originally, telling them to take a hike. Then she took off into hiding causing them to believe she may be actively trying to get rid of evidence in this case.

    Which draws me to believe she may have been planning on getting rid of them?

    I first believed they were found on her yacht… short trip out into the Gulf and dump them there… Who knows? I believe we will find out later.

  10. mmk on July 16th, 2009 6:36 pm

    I cannot stand it when news sites put fake posts up going on and on about “what a great news site” or “wow you guys are better than everybody else” or whatever. Cut it out please? Its so obvious – especially when the stories are not any better than any of the other online local news sites, ok?

  11. KEE on July 16th, 2009 10:24 am

    Wow, you guys had it posted about the delay before channel 3 news broke into regular programming to announce the delay of the press conference.