Breaking News: Sheriff Morgan Press Conference On Billings Murder; Was It A Contract Hit?

July 31, 2009

Sheriff David Morgan  held a press conference tonight on the Billings murder. The press conference comes after CNN reported earlier this afternoon that the murders were a $100,000 contract killing.

“Investigations are evidence driven,” Morgan said, saying that all avenues were explored in the Billings investigation. He said that contract hit was a possibility, but it would take evidence and be up to the state attorney’s office to make that determination.

“We have interviewed many persons of interest, but you will never know their names,” Morgan said, saying that persons of interest are often ruled out quickly.

“In response to media reports that the Billings Murders were contract killings, Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan is stating that the possibility that these murders were a contract killing is still being investigated as well as other motives. The case remains open and persons of interest are still being interviewed,” a later afternoon press release from the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department said earlier this afternoon.

More details will be posted as they become available.


3 Responses to “Breaking News: Sheriff Morgan Press Conference On Billings Murder; Was It A Contract Hit?”

  1. Shaun on July 31st, 2009 6:58 pm

    So when is the press conference, is it gonna be on TV?

  2. A. Davis on July 31st, 2009 6:38 pm

    I hope he stays on it. In the late 80s early 90s there was a big cover up at the sheriffs dept. (research when things dont look right there not) States Attorney Eddins should do whats right and not worry about what old friends think. people should remember the past. I hope our sheriff doesnt let the old system bring him down. we have to stand behind him if we want change.

  3. psu1earl on July 31st, 2009 5:55 pm

    Sounds like regardless of what States Attorney Eddins wants, the sheriff isn’t not letting this one go…Good for the Sheriff!