Brewton Judge Could Order Murder Suspect Back To Florida Today

July 20, 2009

Another hearing will be held in Brewton today to determine if Staff Sgt. Donnie Stallworth will be extradited back to Florida to face charges in connection with the murder of Melanie and Byrd Billings.

donniestallworthjr1.jpgStallworth, 28, surrendered at the Escambia County (Ala.) Detention Center in Brewton last Tuesday night, hours after a warrant was issued for his arrest in Escambia County, Florida.  Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan said that Stallworth was involved in the July 9 double murder in Beulah.

The extradition hearing before Circuit Judge Bert Rice will determine if he will be sent back to Florida to face two open counts of murder. Stallworth refused to waive extradition at his first court appearance last week. An extradition hearing, often considered a formality, will determine if the case documentation is complete, if Stallworth is charged in Florida, if he is the man charged in Florida and if he was in the state of Florida when the crime was committed before he fled to Alabama.

donniestallworthmyspace1.jpgStallworth is one of seven suspects charged in Florida with open counts of murder. An eighth suspect is charged as an accessory after the fact. At the time of the murders, Stallworth was assigned to the 1st Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron at Hurlburt Field.

The 1999 T.R. Miller High School graduate is a Brewton native. His family still resides in the Brewton area.


One Response to “Brewton Judge Could Order Murder Suspect Back To Florida Today”

  1. an observer on July 20th, 2009 3:22 pm

    Does this guy have any outstanding warrants on him? Just curious and didn’t know where to post this, but William is there any way possible to work with the local officials in Escambia fl and either have a list of absconders and /or pics with a list so we can get some of these crooks off the streets?