Bratt Elementary Renovation Cost Rises After Damage Is Found

July 21, 2009


The upgrades underway this summer at Bratt Elementary School will cost the school district a little more than expected after the contractor found damaged plaster.

It will cost $14,379.71 to drywall the exterior wall of classrooms 17-25 in the school’s north wing to cover damaged plaster that was concealed by transite panels.  The plaster could not be patched, according to contractor Morette Company of Pensacola.

Morette’s contract is also being increased by $1,448 to remove and replace the acoustical ceiling in the stage area to allow access to mechanical equipment.

The total renovation cost for the front building at the school, which was constructed in 1980, stands at $992,234.73. The project is funded from capital construction monies from the half cent sales tax.

Renovations include:

  • replace restroom fixtures in the west wing, $3,425
  • replace lighting and ceilings in west wing, $36,500
  • renovations in guidance and administration areas, $26,000
  • replace air handling units in cafetorium, $82,600
  • replace water meter and piping for increased water pressure, $27,382

Pictured above: Bratt Elementary School Monday afternoon. photo, click to enlarge.


25 Responses to “Bratt Elementary Renovation Cost Rises After Damage Is Found”

  1. AGM on July 24th, 2009 10:17 pm

    Thank you Mother of Three. I’m glad to see that someone can read and comprehend a simple post on a website.

  2. Mother of Three on July 23rd, 2009 10:59 pm

    I read back through the comments and didn’t find where any poster had said anything bad about Century’s teachers. One posed the question that IF it were Century teachers they were trying to get rid of, to bring in the Bratt teachers. Please, please. If you are going to comment on what others have already commented, make sure you read and comprehend what was said.

  3. AGM on July 23rd, 2009 10:46 pm

    To Century Woman. Did you even read my post? If so you obviuosly did not comprehend it. The Century residents like myself who do have higher educational backgrounds are the minority. It would be idiotic to reveal my place of employment ,so that’s just a dumb question on your part. Finally, when I drive up HWY 29 and see countless people walking on the sidewalk and sitting on the tables at the roadside park, you (Century Woman), want me to believe that those are contributing members of society. Come on let’s be honest.

  4. in between on July 23rd, 2009 9:29 pm

    Well, I’m glad yall think Carver/Century Teachers are bad ,because the School District didn’t think so there will be TEN Carver/Century Teachers at Bratt this year!

  5. Century Woman on July 23rd, 2009 7:01 pm

    Why do I care? I have other family that will still be changing. Yes I am talking about the Century across the overpass from Flomaton and yes I am talking about people that have homes and addresses in Century at actually live in Century.

    It seems that trying to hold a converstion does not always work so, thank you all for your time i am finished with this.

  6. Mother of Three on July 23rd, 2009 4:03 pm

    To Century Woman:
    I am quoting AGM-”Sorry to all you hard working citizens of Century who can actually read this when I post it.” This shows AGM wasn’t talking about EVERYONE in Century. Please start reading the posts more clearly before you reply.
    You say you know almost everyone in Century and they are all well educated and have a job. I’m sorry. You do realize we are talking about Century, FL, right? I don’t know what Century you are talking about, but it isn’t the one just across the line from Flomaton, AL. I do know a few people from Century that are hard working, law abiding citizens. I also know A LOT more that have Century in their address but don’t actually live in Century. Maybe these are the folks you are referring to. We all know not everyone in Century is useless, but not all of them or almost all of them are well educated and have jobs. You need to get over yourself and move on. AGM wasn’t whining and complaining. It’s the Century folks that have whined and complained since this all started. I haven’t seen one comment from Bratt or Ernest Ward parents not wanting the children at our schools but there have been lots of negative remarks from Century. If you aren’t even sending your children to Bratt or Ernest Ward, WHY DO YOU CARE??!! I can assure you that Bratt and Ernest Ward are going to be better for those children than Century/Carver ever could have been. They were given plenty of opportunities to prove otherwise.

  7. Mom of 3 on July 23rd, 2009 1:42 pm

    I know that no one is particular happy with the change but everything changes and yes we all have to adjust. I think that everyone needs to stop complaining, whinning and gripping and just encourage our children to accept one another. I have two children at EW and one at Bratt and they have mentioned several times about the children from Century coming to their school and I have always told them that maybe they should find one or more of the children from Century and be their friend and welcome them to the school and help them find where they need to go. Show them that they are welcomed. I will continue to teach mine that as school get closer to starting and even afterwards. I think if we all teach our children that then every one of them will be just fine. When they hear their parents fussing about Century moving to EW/Bratt or Century parents fussing about their children having to go to EW/Bratt…what kind of attitude do you think the kids are going to have towards each other then? They are going to be upset with each other. BUT if we all teach them to welcome them then all will be ok. Children adapt better to change than we do.

    Besides, it teaches them for real world. What about when they get out of school and get a job? People come and people go at jobs and they will have to adjust to “new” people coming in at their jobs. Or what about when they go off to college, won’t they be mixing in with other students at that college that has been there before them? If they can start accepting change now it will not be that hard for them do it when they get older.

    As far as the portables at Bratt and EW….that is just plain silly for people to be so worried about their child having to be in a portable. I went to EW when there were portables there and I LOVED THEM!!! You didn’t have the distractions of students and faculty going up and down the hall during the classes and it gave us a chance to get out and get some fresh air during classes. During bad weather we were safe and I am pretty sure that the portables are built a lot stronger now than they were in the earlier 90’s when I was at EW (not that they weren’t safe then). I also know that the staff at both schools will take extreme measures to make sure that your children are safe if they are in a portable during bad weather. So stop complaining about portables and how they are not good enough for your children!!! They will be fine and probably enjoy them as long as they don’t hear their parents fussing about them.

  8. Century Woman on July 23rd, 2009 12:04 pm

    To AGM

    I do not know where you get the nerve to say that everyone in Century is on welfare or doesn’t have a car or a job. I and everyone in my family have cars, jobs and degrees that are at least Bachelors. What is your education? Where do you work? What kind of car do you drive? Most of the people that we know, which is almost everyone, are very well educated and have jobs and cars. We have let all of our children go to Century and have been happy for years. And am I saying this on Thursday at 12:05pm? Yes I am. Why? Because I have a job that I work different shifts. I do not have to go to the library to “log on” and use their computer. I have my own in my own home. Just because there are some people that are on welfare or do not have cars gives you no right to say that about every parent or person in Century.

    People like you are the reason that the school had to close in the first place. Because you wouldn’t let your children go to Century. People like you are the reason that Century has not progressed. Because all you want to do is complain that things are not the way that you think that they should be. If you want to be that ignorant, then you need to be one of those people that leaves Century. Like I said before, the closure of the school is in no way about me, but what I want for my children. The school is closed. O.K. But, this still does not mean that I cannot say how unhappy I am about this.

    You need to get over youself and stop whining and complaining.

  9. AGM on July 22nd, 2009 10:49 pm

    I live in Century and have a child entering the eighth grade at Ernest Ward. My child has never attended school in Century. I work in Century and I constantly hear people gripe and whine about the closure of Carver. I hear them say that they don’t want their kids at Bratt and Ernest Ward. To these people I am about to say what I have been thinking for some time now. Get a job, buy a car,contribute to society,stop depending on us hard working tax payers for your welfare check. Then you can take your children to any school like. Sorry to all you hard working citizens of Century who can actually read this when I post it.The population to whom this is directed will not read it until about noon on Thursday when the rest of us are at work and they roll out of bed and walk to the library to log on.

  10. Janice Parker on July 22nd, 2009 10:42 pm

    Don’t know a whole lot about the situation. Just know that the children are the most important thing. As long as parents and the school board remember this, everything will work out. I do know that every time cuts are being made, they are usually made in the north end. Parents, keep fighting for whats right for your children.

  11. De' ja vu on July 22nd, 2009 9:30 pm

    I have just read all the comments, and I can say that I understand where the woman from Century is coming from. I have been there many times before. First when I had to go to school and leave my mama~ I cried the first 6 months of school. Then suddenly I loved it and cried when school was out. I loved my little school…I went to Davisville School. It was the neatest little wooden school. We were like family there…the lunchroom lady was the sweetest thing…always offering a hug and kind, loving words ~ never mind she was my great aunt.
    Then when I went to 7th grade, we had to go to “Ernest Ward” (note the spelling…ERNEST) now that was a major change for our small group of maybe 20 students…we had no idea where anything was. It took us the first 6 weeks just to find our way around. And there were all the ‘new kids’ that we had to learn to share space with. It was not easy to begin with, but we did learn the ropes and though it was different, we managed to adjust. Then in 10th grade the kids from Bratt joined us and a whole new bunch of kids became a part of our class. Change is a part of life, and sometimes it’s hard when you have lived a sheltered life or when you have not had the opportunity to reach out beyond your own little world. I know, that’s who I was.
    Years later, there was talk of closing down Davisville School. Oh no! I had wanted my children to have an opportunity to go to this special little school as I did. Others that went to school there wanted their kids to go there as well…but there was this one kid from Bratt who was academically challenged. And in order for this child to have the extra things he needed, they would have to consolidate the elementary schools. His parents went to all lengths to see that their child received the special education he needed. (nothing more than any good parent would do if it were their child) There were lots of unhappy campers back then. But, you know what, it really did work out for the better for all concerned. life is sooo full of changes and to be honest, the earlier the children learn to adjust to change, the better they will be able to deal with LIFE. We as parents and grandparents are setting examples for the children. It’s hard, but we have to realize that there will always be change and we have to encourage them to always be their best in whatever they are called to do. You, Century mother, evidently are a very caring mother. You probably spend a great deal of time helping yours to have a positive outlook on life and to do their best. However, there must be others in your area who do not take their parental duties seriously. And that shows by the grades they receive. Perhaps some of the teachers were not doing their jobs as they should (I don’t know them) but even if a teacher puts her whole heart and soul into teaching, if the students are not encouraged at home and taught to show respect to those in authority over them, they are setting themselves up for failure…something that will effect them in every area of their lives.
    My kids went to Bratt and we made friends with lots of the workers there. The secret was…I was there, volunteering as much as possible…I was there for them and if there was a problem, it was nipped in the bud. I was an over protective mother, but I had to allow them to make their own choices sometimes. if they did not choose well, I was there to help guide them back on the right track. We have to be there for them at all levels and we have to be involved in their lives.
    Then they went to Ernest Ward. I was there as well. The teachers and faculty soon knew whose mother I was. Again, if there was a problem, I was there and it was resolved. You have to take an active role in their lives to stay on top of the situations that may arise. And when they know that you are there for them, they can make it.
    My grandson went to Bratt after attending private school for two years. It took him 2 years to level out and get into the routine of things, but he finished 5th grade with honors. No, he didn’t make straight A’s, but he did good. And we are proud of that. Now he is headed to Ernest Ward this year…de’ ja’ vu (however you spell it). But, he will be okay…may take some getting use to, but he will get through it all with our support and encouragement and meeting with the teachers or guidance counselors as needed….and a lot of prayers!

  12. Local Mom on July 22nd, 2009 7:46 pm

    From past experience, I’m sure it will be more the parents than the kids who have a problem with this change. As when they combined ErnestWard High School & Century High School. For the most part, the kids did fine, the parents were the main ones with the problem.

    Yes, it makes more sense, esp with cost, to move a smaller number of kids to one school than a larger number to the other school. My son has had to be on the bus by 6:30am for 4 yrs, and this past year, by 6:20am….and there were already kids on the bus, don’t know what time they had to be on there. When I went to Carver I had to get on the bus by 6:30, then ErnestWard & Northview there were days the bus came as early as 5:50am! You just have to adjust to the change and go with it. Change can be good.

    Yes there are advantages and disadvantages to portables. The teachers are wise enough that the kids will not be in them when weather is bad. They kinda ‘team’ up with another class (the same grade) to do their work, so they don’t get behind in their work. And the kids like the occasional change; gives them a chance to work with kids from another class that they may not normally have contact with on a regualr day.

    The teachers are not going to mistreat the kids, no matter who they are or where they are from. They are there to teach ~ not judge. It’s not going to be just “Bratt” teachers either, there will be some from Century too. There are teachers from ALL the schools being shifted around or even losing their jobs.

    As for the renovations, the school board only knows what the inspector finds and submits a proposal of what’s needed to be done. The school board members do not go in and inspect themselves, that’s a contractor/inspector’s job. Just like with a mechanic, inspectors can miss things too. It’s better they dug enough to find the problems now while school’s out, than something come up later and they have to close the school during the school year. That would put ALL the kids behind!

    Just remember to be thankful and pray all will be well. Anything you include God in will work out for the best….just have faith!

  13. Mother of Three on July 22nd, 2009 5:38 pm

    How could you possibly think that your children will be treated unfairly? Do you think these children that are coming from Century/Carver are going to wear a label that designates them as such? Maybe on their nametag they wear the first week of school we can just have the teachers put a little star so we will all know they are from Century. Otherwise, how will they be any different from all the other children that will be new to Bratt and Ernest Ward? We understand that you are frustrated. We went through this all before with Northview.

    “Most of these children have no problem with learning they just need an environment that is conducive to that learning.” BINGO!!! That is exactly what they will have at Bratt and Ernest Ward.

  14. Century Woman on July 22nd, 2009 5:18 pm

    For some reason people seem to think that just because the school was a “F” school there was no hope for the school or the children. That was not the case. The people in Century are not “whining”, about the school closing anymore but, about what is fair. Did anyone ever say “Hey maybe we may need to look at some of the teachers here and see if this is the best teacher for the kids.” So what Bratt is a “A” school. The children in Century are been put into a situation that is so new to them that they may have serious issues with this change.

    You are right I will not have my children in a place that the minute they get there people will have an issue with them and think that maybe they are not smart. Anyone with any understanding will understand the feelings that parents are having about this move. Most of these children have no problem with learning they just need an environment that is condusive to that learning.I have two children and both of my kids have been tested when they were in they were in the kindergarten and have been classified as “gifted” and I will not let them go somewhere that they wll be treated unfairly.

  15. interested reader on July 22nd, 2009 3:27 pm

    Thank you, William for showing the ages of the schools in question. Some people need to do more research before they put up a post. I personally know teachers at Bratt that would do an excellant job no matter where they teach. I’m sure there are some at Century/Carver also. You can see that some are being transfered to other schools. The children are the most important issue to consider. An F school has too many problems to teach effectively. Some children at all the elementary schools must get on the bus by 6:30. Most start at appx. one hour later. Buses have to be ready for the next group of children so there is a schedule. Mr. Thomas will be critized by some people, no matter what he does. It just goes with the job. Parents pulling together for the good of the students instead of crying and moaning , is what needs to be done now. G

  16. Mother of Three on July 22nd, 2009 2:20 pm

    Who said anything about accepting what has been? I don’t even know what you are talking about. I said accept what is happening. Right now.

    You are right. Bratt and Ernest Ward parents would not want to send their children to Century. It was a failing school. Why on earth would anyone want to send their child to an F school instead of A schools? If the tables had been turned, I would have fought it tooth and nail just like Century parents are now. But, when the decision had been finalized and I knew there was nothing that could be done, I would have sat down and shut up and not wasted my breath fighting a losing battle. As I said, it’s done. They aren’t going to change their minds. I don’t see how you can possibly say that the school district does not care for Century children when they are moving them to A schools from a school that has repeatedly performed well below what is passing. Leaving them there instead of giving them something better would have been evidence of a non-caring school board.

    There were repairs made to the building after Ivan. It would have been the inspectors that would have missed something that wasn’t done correctly or completely. Not the school board.

    I will repeat myself. The administration at Bratt has the children’s safety at the top of their priority list. Anytime there is approaching bad weather, the children are brought into the main building. I have been there when it has been done.

    If you would have read my statement concerning the children getting on the bus at 6:30 a little better you would have seen that I said some Bratt children are already getting on the bus that early and earlier. That is why I said it was a non-issue to try to use that as an excuse for a pity party for Century.

    Century Woman, you said EXACTLY what I was thinking when I was writing my first post. “Most adults need to stop thinking about themselves and think about the children. It is not about what you think is best for you but what is best for the children.” You are so right. You Century folks need to stop your whining and crying and put on a brave face for the CHILDREN. That is what is best for them. They know there is nothing that can be done to change the fact that they are going to go to a different school. Regardless of which school they go to. Whether it is Flomaton, or Byrneville, or Brewton, or Bratt and Ernest Ward, it will be a different school than what they have been going to. They need to be given positive feedback concerning this change. Otherwise they are going to go to school every day with a bad attitude or depressed mood because they are in a situation that has been drilled negatively into their heads and there isn’t anything that can change it. You need to stop worrying about having to get up a little earlier to have your child ready for school and just do it. Middle school hours have changed for next year and I am not real impressed with that but I am not running around griping and complaining about it. I will make adjustments when necessary and deal with it. Have any of you folks heard of the Serenity Prayer? I really hope our children are granted the courage to accept the things they cannot change. Now if the parents could be granted the same.

  17. William on July 22nd, 2009 1:12 pm

    I pulled some dates on the buildings at the three schools:

    Carver Century had three buildings built in 1958, and three in 2003. There were some renovations in 2002 and 2004.

    Bratt had buildings constructed in 1980 (the one being renovated this summer), 1988. 2000, 2001 and 2007. One of the building was repaired/renovated in 2005, another in 2006 after hurricane damage.

    Ernest Ward had buildings built in 1945, 1955, 1963, 1972, 1975, 1977, 1978 and 1992.

  18. Century Woman on July 22nd, 2009 1:05 pm

    It is not about accepting what has been, it is about what was best for the children. Would any of the Bratt or Earmest Ward parents sent their children to Century? NO! This was a school that had millions put into it to provide a better environment for the children and now it has gone to waste. I don’t care who wants to be in a portable building. It is not safe for the children or anyone else. The school was built in 1980 and that is better than a school that was built in 2003? If the School Board left a part of the building not repaired after Ivan and it was moldy and in bad shape this should tell you something about the people on this School Board that say that they are looking out for the best interest of the children. Earnest Ward will get something soon. People are trying to be supportive for their children but when things like this happen it makes you think is this the best environment for my children to be in.

    Bratt may have a amazing set of teachers but Century had teachers that tried their best witha school board that cared nothing about the welfare of the children. Children having to be on the bus by 6:30 may not be an issue for children in Bratt but it is a huge difference for the children in Century. Most adults need to stop thinking about themselves and think about the children. It is not about what you think is best for you but what is best for the children.

  19. Mother of Three on July 22nd, 2009 8:18 am

    So, let me get this straight. According to some of you posting, you would prefer to bus 400 students from the Bratt and Ernest Ward district to the Century/Carver district than to bus 200 or so from Century/Carver to Bratt and Ernest Ward. And you think this makes more financial sense? What is the difference in the main building and the portables? As long as the children are safe and they receive a quality education; which I will say, both of these are of the highest priority to Bratt’s administration, what does it matter what building they are in?

    One of the best teachers at Bratt told me she loved being in a portable the year she had to be in one. One of the best teachers Ernest Ward ever had that now teaches at Washington High was in a portable at EW until they built the Mathematics lab and is in a portable now at Washington-by her choice. She said she loves it and wouldn’t have it any other way. There are fewer distractions from people walking down the hallways; they can make noise if they want to without having the fear of disturbing surrounding classrooms. As far as children having to leave by 6:30, there are already lots of Bratt children who have to get on the bus earlier than that, so I call that a non-issue.

    As William said, this money could only be used for improvements, additions, and renovations. I am ecstatic to see some of it coming up here. Folks, get over it. It’s done. These children are moving to Bratt and Ernest Ward. Accept it and support your children and your new schools during this transition and stop whining. Children are very perceptive and if you are being negative about this, then they will be as well.

    I am petrified of bad weather. However, whenever there is a storm, I remain calm and relaxed on the outside so my children won’t see my fear and become frightened themselves. You folks need to do the same for the sake of your children. It’s over and done and there isn’t anything you can to do change it. Either they will be going to Bratt or Ernest Ward, or you will find some way to get them in somewhere else. Either way, they aren’t going to be going to Century/Carver anymore. Children are also very resilient and adapt to change well. Bratt has an amazing staff of teachers who will accept these children with open arms.

    Mr. Purdue stated he went to Bratt 62 years ago. As far as I know, the old school burned a long time ago. According to one of William’s past articles, the building that is being renovated was built in 1980. One of the wings had to be completely redone after Ivan, so it is around 4 or 5 years old. Another wing is fairly new although I don’t know when it was constructed. The library/media center is brand new. The only part of Bratt that is older is the one that is being renovated.

  20. GoodForBratt on July 22nd, 2009 12:31 am

    That part of the building is the oldest part and the repairs were unavoidable. It was moldy and pethy in there after Ivan and out of date before Ivan.

    The portables are supposed to be temporary solutions to long range planning … I hope the district remembers that.

    William is right about money coming in specifically for improvements — it is shame that it can’t be transferred when repairs aren’t necessary.

  21. William on July 21st, 2009 10:51 pm

    I’m not criticizing or defending anything here…but the $1 million or so being used to renovate Bratt is from half cent sales tax money in a capital improvement fund. That means the money can be used for improvements, additions and renovations to buildings. The money could not legally be spent on items that would be needed to keep Carver/Century or any of the other closing schools open. The $1 million, for instance, could not have been used to pay teacher salaries, buy books and supplies or any other non-building construction expenses at Carver/Century. It’s dictated by Florida law, not by the Escambia School Board.

  22. Shaun on July 21st, 2009 10:47 pm

    This is Pathetic. Voters will truly remember this Supt. Malcom Thomas, and board members. Thing that truly would have made sense was to ship Bratt kids to Century and close down that old school. If its the teachers you are trying to get rid of because of the failing grade then for heavens sake bring the Bratt teachers in to teach to replace the ones that you think are not cutting it. Another thing I would be curious to know just how much money will be spent on the fuel used by the buses to travel that much farther.

  23. Weed on July 21st, 2009 10:27 pm

    way to go school board! no not really that is sarcasium. why do we spend this kind of money on a building when there is a good one available? as for the portables, who knows how much that cost. makes no sense to me.

  24. Century Woman on July 21st, 2009 10:11 pm

    I think that it is amazing that the Carver/Century school was closed because of money but the School District all of a sudden has close to a million dollars to renovate Bratt. There was a school that was only 3-4 years old, the Carver School, that was closed. I’m sure that soon we will be told that Earnest Ward needs a complete renovation too.

    Some things make very little sense. The School District didn’t care about the children the are having to come from Century on abus that may have to leave by 6:30 in the morning. I guess it is O.K. to put these children in a portable building when there was a school there for the children. Now the school is going to be made a Emergency Shelter. I guess this makes a whole lot of sense. I guess the children will be safe in a portable when the weather gets to rough.

    The school district needs to think about more than just money. If they had just left the kids at Century this would probably not be the case.

  25. willard purdue on July 21st, 2009 3:52 pm

    As a citizen here in Escambia. And a local citizen I am shaking my head at the cost of this school improvements. Have you been by to see ALL the portables at Bratt? How much did that cost to have them pulled up here, set-up and then made ready, elect, bath etc… And we are told that by closing Carver/Century, which was in fine shape that we are SAVING MONEY. Nonsense. Nonsense.

    Being a very old school Bratt (I went to school at Bratt 62 YEARS ago, and it was there a while then) more than likely will need additionale money each time they start an improvement project.
    As far as the portables. In bad weather, it’s a good run to get back to the main building. In real bad weather, like hurricanes, well that’s another story. I would not and will not like my children being in a portable.
    It’s too late now to back up and not close Carver. I guess we will all just hold on for the ride. How sad.