Blog: Record Setting Big Day At NorthEscambia, And Thanks To CNN

July 15, 2009

Tuesday was a big day for, as we reported our biggest traffic day ever with about 1.3 million page views — thanks in part to mentions by several national media outlets. was the first to report that Donnie Stallworth of Brewton had been arrested in the Alabama town in connection with the murders of Melanie and Byrd Billings. We were also the first media outlet in the county to report that he was an Air Force staff sergeant.

Fox, CNN and United Press International  (UPI) were among the national media mentioning our coverage in their stories. Anderson Cooper of CNN mentioned on his AC360 blog and provided our link. There were also links on many other site to, including the New York Times, Huffington Post, and MSN.

We, like the other media outlets in the area, have covered the Beulah murder with updates as events have unfolded. We operate with a staff of one person, so we have not been able to send multiple reporters to press conferences, nor have we had a team of reporters to deploy to the field. But we’ve tried hard to bring you the very latest on the murder story, which happened just a few short miles from North Escambia.

Our high number of page view represents the unique nature of the Internet were Google and the like can instantly provide relevant search results to those in newsrooms at the major media. Those mentions can instantly propel a site’s traffic. We did have to make a few minor adjustments during the traffic peak around lunchtime Tuesday, but the site performed flawlessly — serving about 600,000 of those pages in just over an hour.

Tuesday’s record day followed a busy day on Monday, with about 600,000 page views.

Our normal traffic is about 4 million views per month, or over 130,000 per day average.

Incidentally, many tens of thousands of those page views were from the local area. If you need to advertise your business, we’d be happy to talk to you about how you can do that at


28 Responses to “Blog: Record Setting Big Day At NorthEscambia, And Thanks To CNN”

  1. interested reader on August 8th, 2009 12:45 pm


  2. Bully on August 7th, 2009 6:11 pm

    Great job…sure would like an expansion into Santa Rosa local news!

  3. DOT on July 18th, 2009 5:13 pm

    Yes, many Americans are watching, in shock, the news of the home invasion and murders of the Billings in Escambia County. My hope is that Escambia can show the world that the American justice system can be successful. Hopefully ALL of the individuals involved in this crime will be found guilty in our courts and none of them will make money by the writing of books, magazine articles, or the making of a movie related to their crimes.
    When you can report this to your readers, you can truly take pride in the work of the news media in reporting and helping solve this case.
    From what I have read so far, I am really concerned that this case, like so many others in the past, will become a ‘humdinger’ of a media circus.

  4. Sherry Bloodsworth on July 17th, 2009 2:30 pm

    Not only is very informative, but your format also allows us to vent our thoughts and feelings, allows us to share and exchange our opinions and it also allows us to praise our young people when they have earned it in their accomplishments. is our voice and we are no longer the invisible community!

    Thank you William

  5. AL on July 16th, 2009 7:38 pm

    Duh…. we could have told them ages ago this is the place to go for news! :)
    Congrats on all the good mentions!

  6. William Fan Club on July 16th, 2009 4:34 pm

    Teach ME how to teleport William!!!!!!

  7. Lorene Moore on July 16th, 2009 10:32 am

    A staff of one! Are you kidding? Better coverage here than anyplace else on these sad Billings murders.

  8. An Old friend (= on July 16th, 2009 1:34 am

    WHAT A BLESSING! Congratulations to you and your family! This couldnt have happened to a better person! Now, I must ask…are there certain folks you and your wife would like to look at and say “TOLD YA SO!!!” Ejoy what God has done for you, guys! Love YA!

  9. D on July 15th, 2009 10:35 pm

    GREAT WORK!!!!

    I am so glad a friend refered me to, it has became part of my afternoon routine to check for new headlines.

    I myself do not purchase the newsjournal any more i just use your website. i always now that if anything goes on in our area within a couple hours i can come on the webiste and be able to catch up on it.

    I have many family members that are in the military and that are stationed all over the world ,including japan, and they use this website to keep up with the latest news so thanks for all the hard work! As you can see your hard work is very much appreciated!!!!!

  10. interested reader on July 15th, 2009 7:17 pm

    GEREAT WORK,WILLIAM! We here in the north end are finally on the map. CNN & Anderson Cooper, WOW! Keep up the good work! I don’t see how you have survived the last few days but as you can see, everyone really appreciates your efforts. Maybe you can get some help. Hopefully we will not have this kind of story ever again but the up to date news has been a blessing. God bless you and your family.

  11. bellsheadboy on July 15th, 2009 5:14 pm

    Great Job!! Its so good to have a news source in this county that is not controlled by the powers that be and concentrates on news instead of what the artsy crowd downtown is doing. Keep up the good work and the hits will keep on coming.

  12. pat on July 15th, 2009 1:31 pm

    Great Job William!! You always go above and beyond the call of duty!

  13. DK on July 15th, 2009 12:45 pm

    Go William! we already knew this was best source for information, now the rest of the country does also!

  14. BigDon on July 15th, 2009 12:12 pm

    When you need up to date “pertinet” info, there is NO OTHER place to go!!
    Thanks and good on ya! Keep it up!

  15. Rhonda Hassebrock Gehman on July 15th, 2009 11:38 am

    Keep it up!
    How nice it is to live in Birmingham—and be able to read hometown news.
    Checking is part of my morning ritual!!

  16. Byrneville Resident on July 15th, 2009 10:06 am

    William, now the whole country knows what we already knew………that we are Blessed to have this website, and that you do a GREAT Job!! Thanks for all your hard work!

  17. Janet Shelby on July 15th, 2009 9:45 am

    Congratulations, William!!

  18. Bogia Heights on July 15th, 2009 9:28 am

    You are most definitely the man that never sleeps. Your coverage is fantastic…and on the ball! After I read a story that you’ve written, I never have any questions left! You cover all the bases. Congratulations for the mentions and we all know you’ll keep up the good work.

  19. Lee M. on July 15th, 2009 8:55 am

    You guys do a GREAT job! I wake up with, not the News-Journal! Thanks for keeping us updated better than any other news source.

  20. Mom of 3 on July 15th, 2009 8:53 am

    You are doing such a wonderful job with this site!!

    My friend, who is in Japan, keeps up with all her “hometown” news on this site.

    Thanks for all you do!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!

  21. Rita Bolton on July 15th, 2009 8:14 am

    I live in TX, but am from the Walnut Hill area. My niece gave me this website a few months ago and I keep up with all that is going on in No Escambia. I went to this website first before going to the national news to get my updates on the Billings tragedy. I check the website often for all of the late breaking stories there.
    Thank you and what a great job. I thought, “he must never sleep”.

  22. JJ on July 15th, 2009 8:13 am

    William, you are da man. Well deserved, and I hope everyone realizes what a great resource your site is, and the traffic maintains….

  23. Brandy on July 15th, 2009 8:05 am

    You have a great website and I prefer reading to any other local online newspapers. I appreciate your non-biased approach and the willingness to reach out to the community. Great job!

  24. Terri Sanders on July 15th, 2009 7:20 am

    I have said it before and I will say it again…WILLIAM ,WE HERE IN YOUR BACKYARD ARE SOOOO PROUD OF THIS LITTLE “PO DUNK” online paper!!!
    Now can i have your autograph??? Relish this rare moment,when we know beyond a shadow of a doubt we have positively impacted a community for the better!

  25. me on July 15th, 2009 6:12 am

    You are awesome !!!!!!! Please keep up the great work !!!!!!!! and THANK YOU – I am sure it is exciting to run the website but it is also a great sacrifice and we appreciate all that you do !!!!!!!!

  26. Deni Deron on July 15th, 2009 6:10 am


  27. Jan on July 15th, 2009 5:38 am

    Great work , William. Looks like they took your stories almost verbatim.

  28. Tara on July 15th, 2009 5:23 am

    William, you do a great job. We are all very proud of what you have accomplished. You do amazing things with such a small staff. Keep it up. At times I am not able to get out, your site keeps me updated on everything. And with you, I know the news before the papers are printed. Again, thank you for all the hard work.