Animals Found Without Food, Water; Child Found Living In Filth

July 10, 2009


( Exclusive) Authorities are pursuing animal cruelty and child neglect charges against two people after a horse, a donkey, four goats, two pigs and dog were found living without food and water at a home outside Century; and a young teen was found in their mobile home living in what deputies described as “squalor”.

The animals were discovered at mobile home at 2390 Highway 168, where rescuers say they had been living for days without water or food. The horse named Champagne was tied to a tree with an extension cord at the rear of the trash-covered property. Her ribs were clearly visible as she stood in an unfenced circle of dirt surrounded by tall grass. She had tried so hard to get to the grass that was just outside her reach that her bridle had worn a large sore on her head.

Escambia County deputies are in the process of obtaining animal cruelty warrants for the arrest of Steven Wayne Billiot, 57, and Faye M. Kyle, 48, over the starving animals.  Deputies are also seeking a child neglect warrant because of a young male teen living in the single wide mobile home on the property. The home had no apparent air conditioning and deputies described the living conditions inside the home as deplorable — full of cockroaches, dirty dishes, exposed electrical wiring, holes in the floor and filth. The Department of Children and Families was called to the scene to investigate the living conditions of the child.

Deputies said that when they provided water for Champagne the horse, she drank nearly a five gallon bucket of water.

abused-animals-53.jpgThe two small pigs were living in a crudely constructed pen made of wire and wood. The dirt in the pen was dry and dusty, according to deputy James Moretz, when he discovered it. There was no water in the pen for the pigs.

The four goats were in a wire pen, also with no water. The donkey was tied to a tree in the front yard of the mobile home, again, with no water. And the dog, also tied a tree in the front yard, appeared to be malnourished  and had no water.

Panhandle Equine Rescue, a non-profit group authorized by the court system to investigate equine cruelty in Escambia County, was called to the scene. PER seized the horse and donkey. After difficulty getting any other agency to remove the goats and pigs, PER seized them as well. All of the animals were transported to an area veterinarian for treatment. Click here for a story about how animal control and a livestock officer refused to respond to the scene.

The dog was seized as evidence by a crime scene investigator with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department and transported to the Escambia County Animal Shelter in Pensacola.

ravenracer.jpgThis was not the first time an animal cruelty incident involving Billiot and Kyle had been investigated at the home. The couple voluntarily surrendered two starving horses, Raver and Racer, to PER in April 2008. There were no charges filed in the incident due to the voluntary surrender. (Raven and Racer are pictured left, click to enlarge.)

Deputies also called Escambia County Code Enforcement to the property to investigate conditions inside and outside of the mobile home.

Click here for more exclusive photos from the rescue, the animals and the property. (Some readers may find some of the photographs in the photo gallery to be disturbing.)

Pictured top: This horse was found without food or water at a mobile home on Highway 168 Thursday afternoon. The horse was unable to reach the grass in the photo because of being tied to a tree. Pictured inset: Deputies James Moretz and Randy Murph remove goats from the property. Pictured below: The backyard of the mobile home were the animals were located. exclusive photos, click to enlarge.



44 Responses to “Animals Found Without Food, Water; Child Found Living In Filth”

  1. Fang Alia on December 15th, 2010 6:10 am

    I feel that animals have a life as well IF YOUR AN ABUSER! AND ABUSE ANIMALS THEN PUT YOURSELF IN THAT POOR ANIMALS SHOES you can’t be rude to people you should go to Jail if your an animal abuser!!!!!! GO HAVE A CHANGE OF GEART YOIU CUREL PEOPLE!

  2. Amyaloe on June 13th, 2010 10:37 am

    I dont know whats wrong wit people now days, i think that animal abuse is really bad and heart breakin i have had animals all my life and still have them when i see animals being abused i want to cry and hurt the people who did that to the poor animals.the people who do this to animals should be abused like they did the animals and than what rally really makes me so mad is that they people dont get punished and then they go and get more animals and do the same thing again and again i just hate seenin animal abuse i love anmalsto death

  3. JustMe on March 4th, 2010 12:54 pm

    Put your self in the position of the horse, who is dying a slow painful death from starvation, and then say that it’s more important to make sure the human has clean living conditions. Honestly, you people who rant on about the importance of “God’s Children” make me sick; God made that horse and all those other animals as surely as He made that human and anyone who inflicts pain and suffering upon ANY of His creations is surely bound to pay for it in the end.

  4. sylvia Godwin on July 15th, 2009 9:37 pm

    I have no idea of how long this teen had lived like this, but if he was raised like this he probably didn’t think much about it. I have seen children who lived in dirty homes and they seem to think that was the way it was suppose to be. Some people grow up and do better and some never change. It is ashame that some people never try to help themselves. I feel bad for the teen reguardless.
    Anyone who would starve an animal and not give them water as hot as it has been needs to be punished for that also.

  5. retha milstead on July 14th, 2009 8:01 pm

    I turned these people in the first time and i thought sure they could never have animals again but months later they had dogs,cats and most of them lay on the road dead cause they have no fence.Then months after that they have a donkey,horse,goats.I THINK THEY LOVE TO BE CRUEL TO ANIMALS THEY NEED MORE THAN A SLAP ON THE HAND. THE CHILD SLOULD BE TAKEN AWAY .AFTER ALL THEY DIDNT EVEN HAVE A FRONT DOOR IN THE WINTER.

  6. willard purdue on July 13th, 2009 10:33 pm

    “Bratt Woman”
    Since when can a teenager support him or her self? Go get food, Clothing, health products, Health aide, pay electric, water etc.. bills. You get it don’t you? Maybe your child or family “HELPS” your teens out. But without transportation, decient clothes, a little education etc… HOW on earth can a TEEN/CHILD make it on their own??? HOW.. Walk to what, walk to where?

    Now I don’t know of any animal on earth, on earth that compares with the value of GOD’s children. Teen or not teen. Why is your compassion for an animal first?
    You state it as if you had happen upon this situation you would have and still would run to the animals first.
    God, and I mean this, Help us. What does GOD say about his little children? A teen is his little child.
    Not to make you angry, but maybe just open your eyes and heart. See your value as well as this younger child of GODs.

  7. AL on July 13th, 2009 9:44 pm

    Bratt woman –
    I have to take serious exception to your comments This was a TEEN, not an infant. This young person could walk out the door, call a friend, go to a relative, or something.!! Therefore the conditions in which they were living ,is in some part BY CHOICE

    Teen can be 13-17 (leaving out older because they are considered “adults) – if this young man grew up in this squalor, why would he know different? Why would he care? No… he doesn’t have a choice. That is like saying a teen has a “choice” when their parents abuse them physically / sexually – why do you think there are not more incidents reported? because you “don’t rat on family”, “what happens in this house stays in this house”

    I understand your anger and frustration (and heartache) at the treatment of the animals, I feel the same – but I refuse to blame a child for their parents idiocy.

  8. William on July 13th, 2009 11:41 am

    Both the animal cruelty and the alleged child abuse and the animal cruelty were headlined. Both were reported. But I wanted to answer why there is more on the animal cruelty than the child — simply because there was more to report. Child neglect investigations are not as open and ‘public record’ as animal cruelty.

    Reporting the animal cruelty and the living environment in great detail perhaps provides information that would help one understand any alleged child neglect.

    Plus — we would never publish photos of a minor victim of a crime.

  9. Bratt woman on July 13th, 2009 11:14 am

    I am convinced that the people who are trying to “down” the paper for headlining the animal cruelty instead of “child abuse”, are not compassionate AT ALL for any animal……….. This was a TEEN, not an infant. This young person could walk out the door, call a friend, go to a relative, or something.!! Therefore the conditions in which they were living ,is in some part BY CHOICE. The animals don`t have a CHOICE!! They are at the mercy of the people..!!! It seems to me that too many people are sweating over “helping” other people, even though alot of these people will not “HELP” themselves. In reality, it is the poor, defenseless animals that are overlooked,abandoned, abused, or starved!! More people need to be concerned about helping those who can NOT help themselves..!!!

  10. Century Woman on July 13th, 2009 9:47 am


    If the never becomes a pet owner, the whole point is that this is a child that was underage that was living in filth. Yes i think that it is shameful that anyone would let animals be treated in this way but, the most important person in this story is the child. Would anyone want their children to be in this situation? i would think not.

  11. Century Woman on July 13th, 2009 9:42 am

    Why is this whole thing based mostly on the animals when you have a child that was living in filth. no seems at all bothered by this. the sheriff talked about what, the animals. yes the animals were treated cruelly but, a child was living in a home filled with roaches and total filth. i agree that the should have been “Child Living In Neglect. Animal Cruelty.” The child needs to have someone thinking about him too!!!!

  12. Cowgirl J on July 13th, 2009 12:02 am

    Of course Children always come first. The young man in question is a Teenager not a small child. He could have gone out to feed the animals if some of them were his. Apparently he does not have reasponsible parents so he was probably never taught to feed his animals or much less learn how to clean up after himself, if his parents don’t clean up after themselves. Since he is under 18 I hope he gets a good home where he’ll be taught the meaning of cleanliness and how to be a reasponsible pet owner.

  13. Anger "On Hold" Cowgirl on July 12th, 2009 11:51 pm

    Dear Sheriff,

    A child could do a better job than your live stock officer because he does not do it. The case I’m speaking of personally was one of my best friends who called about an animal at large. Mr. live stock officer, yes I know his correct name, told my friend that he would be there after work around 4 p.m. to pick up the animal and never showed up and never called. My friend called him on several ocassions trying to reach him at work, his cell and his home, you see my friend knows your live stock officer also. Guess what? The animal at large was never picked up so my friend had to find someone to take this animal. A deputy did come by and make out a report and told my friend that if someone didn’t claim the animal in 3 days that he could do what he wanted with it, even take him to the auction and sell him and make some money. My friend did finally give the animal to a neighbor which finally got the animal off my friends hands. Your Mr. Livestock officer never once returned any of the calls and never went to pick up the animal. That my Dear Sheriff is the Gods honest truth!!! I”m sorry your have people around you that you can’t trust to tell you the truth but Sir thats just the way it is. Just because someone says it so doesn’t mean it really is.

    I know your livestock officer has use of a Truck, Trailer & has the facilities to keep some animals, so why not go, pick up this animal like he said he would, take it to his facilitie, sale the animal at auction himself and make the county a little bit of money. No he didn’t do that either. I’m not the only person who knows that this man doesn’t do his job and never returns phone calls, there are many others and I wish they would get the nerve to report him to you. Why people turn a blind eye I will never know.

    Thanks for offering me the job but I’m only a little old lady 5′1″ and theres no way I’m going to chase down any loose pigs or goats. Horses yes, of course I’d take a Roper along with me if they were wild and I couldn’t catch them, and a bucket of feed always works with starving and neglected horses. That reminds me, your livestock officer is a Roper also isn’t he? This is not a personal attack, maybe the mans truck was stuck in the ditch, or he had a sick child, or he had to work late, whatever reason for not picking up this animal, at least have the common curtisy to pick up the phone, say you can’t make it and come the next day, how hard is that?

    People that can’t feed their animals shouldn’t have them anyway. Why buy a horse if you can’t even feed yourself or your family. I have 4 beautiful mares, 10 dogs, no 11, I just rescued another Chihuahua that a man on a bike threw into a magnolia tree yesterday. See Sheriff, people are really crazy and the man on the bike will probably never be caught. Of course this happened in Atmore. I also have 3 cats. They are ALL healty and loved.

    I’m not a part of the Panhandle Equine Rescue because I couldn’t handle seeing those poor starving horses but I do support their efforts in rescue and I give them a tremendous applaud for the outstanding job they are trying to do. With a little more support from the county the animal cruelty problem would be cut way down.

    Sorry I didn’t respond sooner but my computer was down and I’m not a computer tech. either.

    Thanks for writing me back, you are a brave man :-} Some of us girls can get very emotional when we believe in something soooo strongly.

    “Have a Jesus Filled Day”

  14. Childrenfirst on July 12th, 2009 11:01 pm

    The headline should read, “Child Neglected and Living in Filth; Also, Animals Found Without Food and Water.” Why are the animals mentioned before the human? I feel sad for the animals but the welfare of animals should NEVER be put before the welfare of a human being. I will be praying that this child gets a way out of this abusive situation.

  15. reader's comment on July 12th, 2009 10:43 pm

    Sad story.
    The young boy needs help.

    Residents must be held accountable for their own actions first.

    What happened to the idea that we all must stand on our own two feet?

  16. Thinker on July 12th, 2009 2:49 pm

    I would say, having had a little education on mental health issues, that the main and dominant actor in this case is very delusional. He or she tells their self that things will be better if they get an animal…or something to that effect, without rational consideration of the cost, work, etc. (drugs or alcoholism might also be a factor) They might be attempting to recreate a childhood farm life, where they felt more secure generally, but where they were probably beaten or neglected and overly disciplined to take care of animals and subconsciously hate them. (the negative results.) Obviously it is a mental health issue.

    Failing effective treatment options, and I would expect treatment is not available where they live, these people should be on a routine wellness check list by authorities or volunteers, to be sure they don’t repeat. Jail time is deserved. The child needs to be adopted or go into foster care. Churches are everywhere in this area. Church members could be asked to volunteer to visit and monitor this family if they are released to their own resources (again?). Is any help being offered by all these “good” Christian folks? It always amazes me how churches thrive near situations like this. A collective altruistic effort COULD work wonders here.

  17. Queenbee on July 12th, 2009 12:01 pm

    Let me clarify, sheriff. I never implied that you were not doing and ignoring your responsiblities. I simply stated that nothing has been done up to this point.

    The case that you brought up has been confidential among the agencies involved, but since you felt that you needed to bring it to the public, then we feel that it is necessary that we respond and let the citizens know both sides of the story. We understand that the county budget is tight and you have to work within your means; our budget is tight also. On the initial investigation date, all agencies, including you and the state attorney agreed that there were several violations of FL. Statute animal cruelty laws. Animal Control wrote two cruelty citations, but would not write a third, because according to their policy, they would have to sieze all animals. Since there were approx. 150 animals involved, they could not accomodate them. According to the state attorney’s office, this case is still open.

    The vet’s opinion was based on what she saw that day; most of the neglected animals had been removed from the property and she knew nothing about the initial day we responded, since we could not discuss that with her, for fear of swaying her opinion.

    On the initial investigation, several dead animals were discovered. Some were being housed on trailers 24/7, most of the animals had no water and were living in filth and feces. We have documentation and photographs that we brought to you, in which you seemed appalled by and your response to us was that you thought an arrest was warranted. We were very impressed that you took this so seriously. We are still confused as to why an arrest was never made. It is sad for the animals that the agencies could not work together on this case, but hopefully in the future things will turn around.

  18. addie lee on July 12th, 2009 10:42 am

    willard, these are my thoughts exactly. the livestock issue seems to be getting more attention and outrage than for this child. why is this? sheriff morgan went on and on about how much he needs more funding and intra- agency cooperation and resources and passion from private citizens for livestock protection. where is the outcry for child welfare? how about it, are you going to keep us posted as to the eventual welfare of this child? everyone is to be commended for their interest and concern for the livestock but my god people, we are talking about a precious young child…what is being done to help and protect him?

  19. David Morgan on July 12th, 2009 9:06 am

    Dear Cowgirl: I understand your frustration, but let us now back-up, take deep, breath and assess the situation from a perspective of reality. We are working the “issue” with our livestock officer (a contracted position). But let me assure you, that the annual amount of this contract does not adequately compensate for the required work. It is easy to attack and hurl insults so I would encourage you, that if you feel you can do a better job, please contact my office and we will provide you the parameters of the job (legal requirements) and you may bid on this contract. But bear in mind, it entails more than responding to “complaints.” You will need adequate transport (vehicles), be on call 24/7, have housing and storage (barns, stalls, cages, etc.) approved feed, containers and water retention, and lastly you must ensure adequate vet care, oh yes, and don’t forget the city, county and state licensing. This is a contracted position for we (nor any other county agency) has the storage (care) facilities of this size. Maybe you are just what this job needs, someone with passion!

    Remember, when “we” (the government) take into custody, etc., any person or animal, “we” own them. If they need a heart transplant, we pay, if they need a tooth extraction, we pay. The same is true for animals, “we” take on all of the responsibilities. Want to hear my budget shortage speech? And oh yes, although we have trimmed over $4M, the county is seeking another $2.5M.

    My office (sheriff) is not the end all, I am not judge jury and executioner. We are called on and work these issues of animal neglect and cruelty with some regularity. However, you would find it interesting the variance of opinion as to what is “neglect.” In a recent case one of the agencies was adamant that animals were being so treated, however, a vet did not agree, our deputies did not agree, and the state attorney did not agree. The only ones sure it was neglect? The “agency” that reported it. They now of course “blog” and criticize me (as sheriff), for “not doing and ignoring my responsibilities.” Yet, I cannot arrest, prosecute and punish anyone without the agreement and assistance of the other agencies.

    Please get involved and assist us in correcting these situations. We all know what the problems are, we need citizens to actively participate in working the solution.

    Thank you for your concern and interest in the operation and management of the ECSO.

    Sheriff David Morgan

  20. Bam on July 12th, 2009 2:19 am

    These two should be forced themselves to live like that, save the tax payers money not having to buy food for them while in jail.

  21. willard purdue on July 11th, 2009 10:44 pm

    Where is the young man? How old is he? Was he getting food and water? Is there any family that can take him? Where are they from? Have they named these two adults? and Are they his parents?
    Just maybe there is someone who will know them and help this child.

  22. Redhead on July 11th, 2009 9:05 pm

    Well, I would hope that all animal lovers who read of this horrible story will spread it to their friends. What is needed is these two clowns pictures and have them posted with a sign that says. JUST SAY NO YOU CAN’T BUY THIS ANIMAL OR ANY OTHER FOR LIFE. Oh and lets also tie them to the front porch with electrical cords as they had done to their animals and provide them with the same frills and perks they gave their animals. NADA THING.

  23. Justice on July 11th, 2009 8:11 am

    These people need to be accountable for their animal cruelty. This is not the first time they have starved horses that they have had … I am told. Now, when will the Sheriff Dept. do their job and ARREST? A slap on the wrist just doesn’t seem to get the job done or the point across …. does it ?

    And when will the County provide us with a Livestock Officer that will pick up the livestock that are in desperate need. And when will the County provide a facility to take these “victims of a CRIME” to … as required by the County Ordinances.

    Panhandle Equine Rescue cannot be expected to do it all !!! They are dedicated to Horse Rescue and operate on donations and volunteers. Maybe the County should pay them to do the job !!!!

  24. EMD on July 10th, 2009 9:59 pm

    I just had to go and look at the pictures, even after I was warned. Now, I am crying. I didn’t know I had more tears to cry. How can any human being be so heartless? They must be on drugs and have numbed any sense of right and wrong, sympathy, and surely empathy.

    If the ones responsible read this, I want to say to you………..Did you ever stop to think, that these creatures are your Creator’s creations too, and that He has entrusted them to those who are created in His image? His Image is in you somewhere. With all my heart, I pray you find it. Find Him, and you will.

  25. EMD on July 10th, 2009 9:47 pm

    My heart feels like it just went through a ringer, after reading this. My whole childhood, I wanted a horse more than anything in the world. Now, that I am finally able to have one, I do not have the strength and stamina to do so (after I learned what all is involved in their care). And, here, it seems that no thought was given to the care of any of these animals. Life sure does not seem fair sometimes. I am deeply concerned about the mental and spiritual state of the people responsible for this. There is not one shred of doubt, in my mind, that they need some serious help. REAL serious help. Meanwhile, I think they need to be locked up, for their own good, and for the good of every living creature within their reach. I was already feeling queasy the last couple of days, and this did not help. I could just cry. The more I read, hear and see, lately, the more I do cry. Makes me want to scream and beat a boulder with a rubber bat, before I can even pray for folks like this. Right now, I am indulging in a silent scream!!!

  26. Lynnette Sickafoose on July 10th, 2009 9:04 pm

    I work at a horse rescue here in New Mexico,,,we get cases like this all the time. These kind of people are sick, sick, sick…maybe they should be confined without food or water,,,let’s see how they like it!!!

  27. Local Resident on July 10th, 2009 8:12 pm

    How long before the Escambia County authorities actually do their jobs as required by the animal cruelty laws of this State. Panhandle Equine Rescue has been a breath of fresh air. They are passionate and do what it right for the animals according to the laws.

  28. BGA on July 10th, 2009 5:08 pm


  29. Marie on July 10th, 2009 4:56 pm

    Look this guy up on public records. He has been charged with child neglect before. They need to make sure that these people never have a child or animal in their posession again. I hope justice will be served.

  30. Valerie Delaney on July 10th, 2009 2:25 pm

    All of God’s creatures should be cared for. It will take tender loving care to get these animals back into good condition. As always, I will pray.

  31. Oak Grove Bud on July 10th, 2009 1:40 pm

    Got the old magnifying glass out to get a closer look at that box in the doorway of that trailer.Just as I thought,it is a beer carton. Funny how some people have money for that and smokes and neglect every thing around them,including children,animals and their residence.

  32. Kristina on July 10th, 2009 12:44 pm

    I am a volunteer for PER and I know for a fact that they are low on space, so taking on the pigs and goats cause other agenies wouldnt pick up the slack or bend the rules of “its private property and my contract only states public” really effect how PER can assist the Horses that is their main concerns, yet just cause PER is for equines, they also took in the pigs and goats out of concern for the animals, animal control should take lessons for Diane Lowey and the others, and atleast assist in finding a foster home if they cant properly care for the animals in their facility. I cant believe their excuse was, “normally deal with cats, dogs and perhaps a snake or two” that is BS, any animal lover would assist if called upon no matter what they “normally” deal with, I would have jump’d at the oppertunity to help, but at the moment im out of state on a family emergancy. I hope those people get punished, but i can guarentee if they do get punished it will be because of child neglect, not animal cruelity, and I believe they should be punished 2x over cause of that poor teen, I feel sorry for him.

  33. addie lee on July 10th, 2009 11:38 am

    my heart goes out to the teen. what does his future look like? it looks better for the livestock than it does for this poor kiddo.

  34. Angry Cowgirl on July 10th, 2009 10:57 am

    I know is media, but this needs to be in the P. News Journal, Mobile Press. All local TV news channels. is doing a remarkable job, and should be commended for it.

  35. JJ on July 10th, 2009 10:33 am

    Sad story. Unfortunately, a common one. I doubt these people will get more than a slap on the wrist and will be back to living in the same conditions in a very short time.

    Century Woman, here’s a Google Map link to the location…

  36. me on July 10th, 2009 9:42 am

    Century woman~~~~~its on hwy 168, and its about 1/4 of a mile past Raines rd. on the right, and its before you get to that first bridge…you can’t miss it, it is a trailer, and the front door use to be propped up, and garbage ALL over the yard.

  37. Molino Mom on July 10th, 2009 9:28 am

    Angry cowgirls wrote “I hope the media picks this story up “. What do you think is? Everybody reads it, including the sheriff. He comments on there a sometimes More people read this than the Tri-city ledgerly or watch some of the newscasts on some of the tv stations.

  38. Century Woman on July 10th, 2009 9:24 am

    where exactly is this area at? i don’t recognize it.

  39. Tara on July 10th, 2009 8:55 am


  40. Angry Cowgirl on July 10th, 2009 8:32 am

    Read this Sheriff Morgan and maybe you’ll start doing your job and get rid of the now livestock officer and we all know what his name is. If you don’t like what Ive had to say then thats just tooooo bad.

    The Live Stock officer in this county has never once taken his job seriously. All he does is sit around collect his pay and DOES NOT go out and do his job concerning these starving abused animals. I know of a case personally, which I cannot name names, when he was called told about the situation on several occasions and never once went to collect the animal at large. Now him being payed by the budget of the Sheriffs office I see no other means of getting him to do his job except to FIRE HIS SORRY A__. The Sheriff has been all talk and no action, promising to do something and then not following thru. Maybe he needs to seriously get on the stick because he was elected to his position not appointed. We the people are tired of getting the run around from these so called public officials that do absolutely nothing about the animal problems in this county. If only they would start putting these people in jail and giving them stiff fines, including the boy that shot the donkey, maybe it would be a sign to all animal abusers to start taking better care of their livestock down to their pups and kittens!!!! Am I angry with the officials in charge??? HECK YEAH!!! They need to get their jobs done that WE the TAX Payers pay them for or hit the road and we’ll put someone in office that will take their jobs seriously. DO YOUR JOB OR GET OUT OF DODGE. The only organization that handles this on donations only is “Pandlehandle Equine Rescue”…. Do they have to do everything in this county? PER survives on donations not Tax Payer money as the Sheriffs Dept. does. So send donations to PER and vote out the politions that steal our money blind and sit around on their Big Man Butts… you know they are men because women are more compassionate.

    I hope the media picks this story up and finally gets the truth out about this present administration that really needs to go!!!!

    Thank You

  41. Dixie on July 10th, 2009 7:16 am

    This is just plain sad. It’s terrible. What could possibly possess a person to do such a horrible thing. Those animals have done nothing to them, NOTHING!!! And the child negelct case, just plain sorriful. I hope they lock them up, or something of that nature. I live in Century, and know where thats at, like whoever it is above me, and to think of such a thing. and there were some who wouldn’t even take the animals. Sad, just sad.

  42. concerned on July 10th, 2009 6:37 am

    Wish there was some way to see where animals from the sales are going. Knowing that is impossible, I agree with “me”. If you cant’ take care of yourself, don’t bring someone else or especially an animal that has no way of taking care of themselves into it. Wish this individual had learned from before that if you don’t know how to propery care for animals or can’t afford to care for them, DON’T GET MORE. DUH!!!!

  43. animalabusersarelosers on July 10th, 2009 5:55 am

    The laws protecting animals in this county are not enforced. Time and time again, agencies pass the buck, and the poor animals end up the losers. Just ask the volunteers with the Jr. Humane Society in Pensacola about the animal abuse cases.

    Escambia Co. is rampant with abused animals and the agencies charged with protecting them and enforcing the FL Cruelty Statutes turn a blind eye.

  44. me on July 10th, 2009 2:37 am

    I live in the area, and before I even seen the pictures I knew where this was. I know this is not the first time that animals have been rescued from this dump, HOW…I MEAN HOW, does people like this get more animals?
    I don’t personally know these people, but I do know where the lady use to work, and I have seen the teenager, and he is a very sweet person, and nobody deserves to live like this. I hope these people really get punished for this, this time, and maybe they won’t be able to get any more animals.
    People need to grow up, if you can’t afford to feed your children, and keep the electricity on, you definently don’t need any animals to add to the problem.