Women Mugged Monday In Atmore And Walnut Hill; Police Look For Suspect

June 2, 2009

Authorities in two states are searching for a man that reportedly mugged two women — one in Atmore and one in Walnut Hill — during a three hour time span Monday.

The Walnut Hill incident occurred on South Highway 99 between Grimes Lane and Highway 97 about 6:45 Monday evening. A female driver told deputies that she noticed the driver of a dark colored SUV flashing his headlights at her and pointing to her gas cap. Thinking the gas cap was open, the woman stopped alongside South Highway 99. That’s when the white male pushed the female and went through her trunk and glove compartment, according to Escambia deputies.


The man took the woman’s wallet, but she told him that there was no money in it. He returned the wallet after she gave him $10 from her pocket, deputies said. The woman was not injured.

The suspect was described as a while male in his 30’s with light brown hair, a mustache and a goatee. He was wearing a dark colored t-shirt and wearing a red hat. His vehicle was described as black, older model two-door style Ford Bronco or Chevy Blazer.

Escambia deputies said the incident was extremely similar to a mugging in Atmore earlier Monday afternoon.

In the Atmore incident, an elderly female reported that she was driving on Main Street about 4:00 Monday afternoon when a white male in a dark green SUV flashed his lights at her. When she pulled off Main Street on Craig Street, the man reportedly told the female that she had a tire problem. She stopped at the Atmore YMCA, and that’s where she told police the man shoved her and took her purse off the front seat of her car.

The Atmore victim told police that the white male was in his 20’s or 30’s with a red hat and dark t-shirt.  The Atmore victim reported a partial Alabama license plate number of “30A69″ to police.

Authorities advise anyone with any information to call their local law enforcement agency. If you believe you are being approached or followed by this man on the highway, you should continue driving and  call 911 immediately.


12 Responses to “Women Mugged Monday In Atmore And Walnut Hill; Police Look For Suspect”

  1. LinAnn on June 6th, 2009 12:36 pm

    It’s sad when we women can’t even go out without a gun or a baseball bat. Maybe we are forgetting to take care of each other. If I were that woman I would have kept on driving until I could get to a service station or something.

  2. bwayne on June 3rd, 2009 9:21 am

    Good advice G. I would never pull over for anyone flashing lights or pointing. I can see my gas portal from the side mirror and if it is open, so what. I can always close it when I get somewhere safe. If I have a tire problem, I can feel it in the way the car responds to the road. A cell phone is a great aid in situations like this. I hope they catch the culprit soon as there are many young and elderly people out there who do not read this column and won’t have a clue about this man.

  3. G on June 3rd, 2009 7:35 am

    Do not pull over. In this day and age, use your cell. Dial 911 to report, or just pick up your phone and act like you are, you will surely get a reaction as to if they are real or not when they see you on the phone.

  4. Delane Garrett on June 3rd, 2009 12:00 am

    Would someone PLEASE! comment on what this story is really about. In one day in two separate incidences two women, one in Atmore, one in Walnut Hill were mugged by the same guy. NOW that is a problem. At three o’clock on Tuesday he was still not apprehended. Please, at this time refer back to Lee Williams comments.

  5. Danny on June 2nd, 2009 11:04 pm

    you people make me sick!!!!!!!!!! enough about the cops, they sometimes have less than 30 seconds to make a life or death decision and STICK WITH IT you have the rest of your life to think and belittle a person who has stepped up and put on a uniform and taken an oath to Protect and Serve. Something you probably would never give a second thought too. there was a poem out one time call “Lousy till you need one” you people fit that profile to a tee. I put on a uniform everyday as a Paramedic/Firefighter, everyday I make decisions that are life threatening or life changeing, you know what, once that decision is made you have to stick with IT or lives will be changed quickly so unless you are willing to put that uniform on and do that job, then I think you have no RIGHT to say anything. And as far as this person goes if he will do this to our elderly people what will he do to others?

  6. willard purdue on June 2nd, 2009 6:14 pm

    I thought THIS article was about two women having the unfortunate event of trying to be robbed or even worse hurt?
    Friends and kin of Mr. D. Williams

  7. Lee Williams on June 2nd, 2009 11:54 am

    If someone attempts to pull you over you should keep driving to the nearest well lit, populated shopping center you can find where there’s people coming and going. Don’t stop out in the parking lot; pull right up in front of the store. If there is someone trying to harm you, believe me, they are not going to follow you to the front of the store where they can be identified.

  8. mm on June 2nd, 2009 11:46 am

    justme – i think you are thinking about the atmore cops shooting the danny williams guy. they stated he tried to run over them and was up to the doors in mud.

  9. justme on June 2nd, 2009 9:48 am

    1 thing i dont understand is HOW can someone try to run someone over when the car is up to the bottom of the doors in MUD it was not a 4 wheel drive ?????????????????????????????? look at the pictures !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Southern Belle on June 2nd, 2009 9:32 am

    This is why I am glad I have a concealed weapons license! But I will still not stop for a stranger where there is no one else around! I hope they find him.

  11. read on June 2nd, 2009 9:06 am

    did you read all the articles…. they suspected him of a robery with a gun, he wouldnt coperate, and then tried to run over an officer. at which point they had to make a snap decision… attempt to stop the driver or let an officer get hit. it might not have been the best thing… but what would you do if someone was trying to run your buddy over, and you had the opportunity to stop him. like i said they mabye could have done something different, but they didnt have much time to think about it….. anyway i hope they catch this guy and will be keeping an eye out for anyting suspicus. thanks for the great coverage william.

  12. mrc on June 2nd, 2009 7:51 am

    where is our atmore cops why arent they running this guy down and shooting him up because he has committed a crime….????
