Century Gets $1.5 Million Grant Toward Water Project

June 16, 2009

The Town Of Century received $1.5 million dollars worth of the good news Monday; good news that will mean an end to the water woes of residents on Backwoods Roads that have waited a decade for help.

watertank.jpgFrank Fabre of Fabre Engineering surprised the Century Town Council with the announcement Monday night. The town was pursuing a low interest loan to fund several water projects, but Fabre decided to submit the shovel ready project for grant consideration. The result — the town was approved for $1,530,000 in stimulus dollars toward the $1.8 million project. The $270,000 balance will be a on low interest loan, with the current interest rate at about 3-percent.

“It is wonderful thing for the Town of Century,” Fabre told the council. He said he was proud to seek the stimulus grant money on behalf of the town. Fabre Engineering has worked for the town since 1988.

The project will include new 500,000 gallon elevated water storage tank to improve system reliability and fire protection, two natural gas operated back-up generators to improve system reliability for the existing water treatment plants, 16,000 feet of six-inch water main and a booster station to provide fire protection, improve pressure and system reliability in a portion of the existing water system franchise area.

Part of the project will include upgrading a two-inch pipe serving Backwoods Road to a six-inch water main. Backwoods Road residents have complained about poor water pressure and poor water quality for 10 years.

The town will next advertise for bids on the project. The bid is expected to be awarded by October 1.


One Response to “Century Gets $1.5 Million Grant Toward Water Project”

  1. sammie jo on June 16th, 2009 8:13 am

    Congratulations to the Mayor and Council on finally getting what was needed for the backwoods project at almost no cost to the town and citizens!!! This is a most needed project and will be very beneficial to many citizens. I would like to thank the council for supporting the mayor in his efforts to get this done. I know it has been long in coming………..but sometimes if we are patient we get the best deal. Sounds like this was the case here.
    Thanks for a great job.
    Benny Barnes