Walnut Hill Couple Convicted Of Drug Trafficking

June 13, 2009


A Walnut Hill couple has been convicted of felony drug trafficking following a 2008 uncover operation.

It took an Escambia County jury just 50 minutes to convict Stephen Eugene Freeman, 43, and his wife Monica Lassitter Freeman, 36, of the trafficking charges involving 14 to 28 grams of illegal drugs.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Department said the Freemans were originally arrested by Escambia County Sheriff’s Deputies on June 4, 2008. Spokesperson Ted Roy says ECSO arrested the pair following an undercover operation where deputies discovered prescription Lortab and other pills in the couple’s home on Garrett Road in Walnut Hill.

Stephen and Monica Freeman are both being held in the Escambia County Jail without bond. They could face 15 years in prison and a $250,000 fine each when they are sentenced on July 9.


32 Responses to “Walnut Hill Couple Convicted Of Drug Trafficking”

  1. SS on July 16th, 2009 3:23 pm


  2. susan schoellhamer on July 15th, 2009 8:13 pm

    i see so many of you have hate for her but she is a good girl and loves her hids and would help anyone that needed help where were you when she needed help i wish i had of new she needed help i stand by her she made a bad choice and now she is loook at 15 years i really hope they see this in court and get her help her boys ned her and she needs them and she did care about steve boys the to mother just didnt get along and it made it hard it ws tit for tat there so please for the boys both steves and her be nice and help them keep God on they side

  3. close friend in atmore on July 13th, 2009 7:54 pm

    Every one wants to say bad things about them but either you didn’t know them or you just want to go by hear say. Every one has given someone medicine before whether it is family or friends or someone that lives close to you that is sick. The fact is they are good people and they will get out and they will go on about their lives why can’t you and let them live keep your opinions to yourself they are just like butt holes. everyone has one but you don’t have to show it. They will be out and they have faith in God and he will see them through this. This is by monica’s very close friend !!!!!!!!

  4. cjc on July 2nd, 2009 10:15 am

    PLEASE!!!!! These two have been into this kind of thing forever. They took the chance of getting caught. So they need to suck it up and pay the price.

  5. susan schoellhamer on June 29th, 2009 4:39 pm

    have any of you that are putting down on them even sit back and just thought what is my kid up to or the law some of them are just as bad not saying all law is bad but there are some out there doing the same thing for God love each and ever one of us 15 years come on she may as well shot someone she wouldget less time how about the man that raped the girl for the past 9 years starting when she was 4 bet he gets less time.

  6. Kathy on June 28th, 2009 9:48 pm

    The police always make cases bigger than what they are!!! So what if they sold pills to people that wanted them, they didnt force them to buy them… Doing drugs is a choice whether its legal or illegal I know people that have been in front of all kinds of drugs and have not touched them. The only reason why the law is so harsh on people that sell drugs is because they dont make money off of what they sell, in the law is all about money, i have seen child rapists and attempted murders get less time…. 15 years for selling pills is too much time, what they should do is put them in a facility where they see with there very own eyes how drugs can ruin sum ones life what the heck is a cell gonna teach them? Absolutely nothing!!!!

  7. concerned on June 19th, 2009 5:38 pm

    when were these people busted before? TooBadSoSad

  8. kolten on June 18th, 2009 11:50 pm

    well as every one knows a very bad thing happen but for every one else that was envolved i hope u know you will be getting wat u deserve to so laugh it up because i know i will get a laugh in the end. oh yea jeniffer i hope you know mr o so inicent dad of the year had his own dicisions and monica never stoped steve from seeing his kids that was his decision thank you

  9. closefriends on June 18th, 2009 7:05 pm

    For all of you thinking yeah they are put in jail and poor steve’s kids well monica didn’t take there dad away he did this himself and his ex did that by there own choice . When it comes to blame but it where it goes. they were good people and they would never hurt any one they would help any one they liked or even if they didn’t know you they would help you. the only time they wouldn’t is if you crossed them so all this negitive comments are probably from people who know you are in the wrong yourself!!!!!!!!!!! why should any of the kids suffer? yes some are old enough to take care of there selfs but they still don’t have there parents. May God help the judge have mercy on them and give them probation not 15 years this is WRONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Reed on June 18th, 2009 3:01 pm

    You know, it fascinates me when people say there is something wrong with the judicial system. The only thing wrong with the judicial system is the people who know the laws and continue to break them. These two got arrested for selling drugs, not for showing up early at Sunday school. And still, we are called to love. I pray God show them favor on this difficult journey back to Him.

  11. concerned on June 17th, 2009 8:58 pm

    Please keep us posted on this story

  12. an observer on June 16th, 2009 3:33 pm

    The law is the law and they knew they were breaking it when they did what they did, now they have been caught and have to pay. He;s been doing stuff like this since he was old enough to know better…and it shows

  13. Wondering on June 16th, 2009 2:56 pm

    To concerned , I meant that people can get just as influenced with pills as they can with booze. I read the article and knew she was drunk. It could have been someone high on pills that ran over someone. Booze is not the only cause of DUI. So get your facts straight, what she was doing was against the law.

  14. TooBadSoSad on June 16th, 2009 12:17 pm

    Bottom line is, they thought they were going to get off with it again. I heard (from a friend) that they even made comments over the (recorded) jail phone that they weren’t too worried… that all they were doing was selling pills so would get off… that was brilliant. I have friends who live in that area and they say riff-raff was coming and going from back in there at all hours of the day and night. People parking in Garrett Rd. and turning around in Pine Forest Rd.

    Plus like has been mentioned, this is not their first time being busted.

    I’m kinda having a hard time feeling sorry for them. Good job, ECSO….

  15. angry on June 15th, 2009 11:10 pm

    Look, all these comments are about Monica and her 2 children. But what about Stephen’s 3 wonderful and precious boys whom she (Monica took ThEM AWAY FROM HIM. People say she was a good girl, but the entire time she was out, all she tried to do was hurt peeple, talk about people and had so much hatred in her .The (the 3 boys had their father snatched away from them out of anger and jelously and you see where he is at now. I know what he did was wrong but please people, have a littte heart and think about his boys reading all this crap about their father. He(Stephen) was a wonderful man but just got caught up with the wrong people so I am begging you to please stop with your remarks because it is hurting them. They have been hurt enough as it SO STOP!!!! Remember one thing think about the kids that are hurting and not just yourself. Maybe some of you people need to be
    sweeping around your on back porch before you go and start casting stones when you don’t know what you are talking about.

  16. friend of monica's on June 15th, 2009 10:57 pm

    i have known monica for years , over the last few months she has gotten her life together and giving it to the Lord…way to go monica!!…you have the Lord on your side. you will be just fine. we are keeping you and steve and the kids in our prayers!

  17. concerned on June 15th, 2009 8:27 pm

    to WONDERING…… You must not have read the article about the woman who took the innocent life of another too well, it CLEARLY states the woman was DRUNK not under the influence of narcotics. If you are going to post make sure you know what you are talking about FIRST.
    to BE KIND……You have a heart of gold and you are appreciated and absolutely right, kids and they do have family who cares. People wanting to post negative comments had better remember the meaning of KARMA!!!

    Hats off to you Susan as well

  18. susan schoellhamer on June 15th, 2009 5:17 pm

    my heart go out to the little boy i know she has 2 but the other one is old enough to care for him self. i wish there was some thing i could do for the mother she was doing so good i think if she can get out of this a start going back to church she would be okay she is really a good girl just hit hard times i hope the best for her and will always be here for her that baby need his mommy.i am not saying slap her hand but 15year is a little much.may God shine down on her and help her get a fresh start in life.

  19. givemeabreak on June 15th, 2009 3:44 pm

    I say WTG and hats off to the Escambia County Sheriffs Dept. Cry me a river for two more of these “poor innocent people” who make bad decisions when they have their own kids looking on. Stephan and Monica made their own choices which led to them being locked up and did they ever think about what might happen to their own children if that happened? NO! They were just thinking of the easy money that they could make selling their pills. I hope they have a lot of time locked up to think about what they did.

  20. wondering on June 15th, 2009 3:14 pm

    Do you know what DUI stands for? Driving Under the Influence. This means it could be prescription drugs. They could have sold them to someone who drove a vehicle and killed someone. Now say that they don’t deserve it.

  21. Taxed to death on June 15th, 2009 2:56 pm

    Selling prescription narcotics is hurting no-one? What if they were sold to your kids? Thank God you were not on the jury or any other one for that matter! She broke the law period. No-one cares that she was a good kid in school,shes a drug dealer now and deserves every minute of her sentence.

  22. outside looking in on June 15th, 2009 2:12 pm

    I was in school with Monica an we have remained friends over the years.She is a good person but made a bad choice,an who out there has not at one time in there life ,but she has hurt no one.I will also be watching to see if a drunk driver that kills someone gets less time then someone who, may or may not have done what she has been charged with,sold a few pain pills!

  23. Wonderer on June 15th, 2009 10:58 am

    The whole thing is a shame. Rehab doesn’t work when you get busted and you do it trying to stay out of jail. You have to make the decision yourself. Another shame is the money these people make who sell these pills. When you get a whole prescription of 60 pills for about $15 and sell them for $5 a piece?? And that’s just the Lortabs?? Other pills go for a much higher price.

  24. concerned on June 15th, 2009 8:51 am

    Tell it like it is Anita Woods……. The ones with the little negative comments let’s just hope your children or someone in your family doesn’t ever have to go through anything like this!!

  25. Anita Woods on June 15th, 2009 8:26 am

    This lady and I are friends. And have been for about 15 years.It blows my mind that the general public fails to realize that GOOD PEOPLE make bad choices sometimes. She has a heart of gold and two children. How about rehab?Besides no one has the right to judge another person. She has not hurt anyone.No body made anyone buy these pills.There are people out there that are raping children, drinking and driving and they get less time than a mother that sells some pills. And yes I want my name printed: Anita Woods

  26. be kind on June 15th, 2009 3:54 am

    Lets remember they do have kids for their sake dont be to nasty with comments! you may not but someone loves them and we are not the ones to be passing judgement anyway!

  27. who cares? me!!! on June 14th, 2009 11:40 pm

    there is more to it. they been caught doing this illegal activity like three times and just got there hands slaped and they did it again and i guess the judge got tired of seeing them. three strikes your out! Thanks E S O!!!

  28. m on June 14th, 2009 5:15 pm

    concerned …AMEN to that!!!!! you told the truth is it has ever been told!!!!!

  29. Wonderer on June 14th, 2009 12:53 pm

    There has to be more to it than this. Prescription Lortab and other pills?? To get a trafficking charge??? How many pills was it? 14 to 28 grams? Doesn’t make sense for it to be just pills.

  30. leggrizer on June 14th, 2009 9:27 am

    I agree with you CONCERNED , I’m also going to be watching this one . The message is you can kill someone when you’re drunk but don’t let us catch you selling someone a prescription aspirin !

  31. concerned on June 14th, 2009 12:36 am

    Let’s follow this story and the one with the woman who killed someone drunk and see who gets the most jail time. I bet the couple trafficking drugs gets more time than the drunk woman who took someones life. It is sickening to see how the system works. I have seen numerous cases of murder or child molestation charges less than what these people are facing.

  32. Molinomom on June 13th, 2009 8:43 am

    Bravo. Two more off the streets. I love waking up to read these stories about another druggie being weeded out. Way to go escambia sheriffs! We are cleaning up our community and I Love it