Unemployment Jumps To 10 Percent; 13,225 Without Jobs In Escambia

June 22, 2009


Florida’s unemployment rate has surpassed 10 percent for the first time in 34 years.

At 10.2 percent, Florida’s jobless rate in May was up from 9.7 percent in April and higher than the national level of 9.4 percent.  The 10.2 unemployment rate represents 943,000 Florida residents out of a job. The last time the unemployment rate was higher than May 2009 was October 1975 when it was 11.0 percent.

Escambia County’s unemployment rate was up to 9.4 percent, or 13,225 people jobless. That was up from 9.1 percent in April.

In Santa Rosa County, the unemployment rate was up to 8.6 percent, or 5,919 people out of work. That was an increase from 8.2 percent in April.

The downturn started with declines in construction jobs, but has now spread to most all other major industries. Experts say Florida’s jobless rate could remain high for up to two years while employers play it safe — making sure that things really area better before hiring new workers.


2 Responses to “Unemployment Jumps To 10 Percent; 13,225 Without Jobs In Escambia”

  1. David Huie Green on June 24th, 2009 9:38 pm

    the other way of looking at it is:
    You have 5 applicants and two jobs
    three would be lucky to get any kind of job due to poor work record
    two others could reasonably expect some better job offer within a few months
    It’s going to cost you something to train whoever you hire
    After you decide, there are still going to be some unemployed
    If you hire off the low end, they might leave you for jail time or general sorriness
    If you hire off the high end, they likely will leave you when the better job comes along
    Whatever you do, it is going to cost you and somebody’s gonna be unhappy

  2. INSTIGATOR on June 23rd, 2009 5:36 am

    employers refuse to take a chance on a good employee choice they still refuse applicants out of work 3 years because they tell them they are over qualified and wont last if they find a better job. but there are no “better jobs ” out there right now so a one time mortgage broker begging for a fast food job to feed his family is still out of work. lets be creative employers. you may find a diamond in the rough and a loyal employee who will work for many long years of service