Tri-County Beats Shalimar 15-3, Advances To Play NWE

June 17, 2009


Tri-County eliminated Shalimar from the District 1 Little League 8-9 Year Old All Stars tournament at Bradberry Park in Walnut Hill.

The Tri-Count All-Stars dominated Shalimar 15-3 in six innings.

Michael “MJ” Jones, Logan Dobson, and Neikel Robinson had two hits each, with Robinson and Dobson each ripping triples.  Dutch Burkhead, Seth Killam, Reid Kelly and Brent Groover each delivered singles to advance Tri-County in tournament play.

Lefty Logan Dobson was the winning pitcher for Tri-County, which is made up of players from Century, Jay, Fidelis and Chumuckla. Middle relief pitching was provided by Reid Kelly and Dutch Burkhead, leaving Seth Killam to close out the powerful pitching tag-team.

“The victory was a team effort with every all-star contributing to the win,” said Team Manager Gary Killam. The teach celebrated with a traditional free ice-cold Coke to end a hot, humid game.

For an exclusive photo gallery with over 100 photos from the Tri-County game, click here.

Tri-County advances to the next round of play Wednesday at 5:30 against the host Northwest Escambia All-Stars.

In other Tuesday night action, Defuniak beat Niceville American 9-8.

Pictured above: Tri-County scores Tuesday afternoon against Shalimar in tournament play in Walnut Hill.  Pictured below: Tri-County steals another run as a Shalimar player holds out his glove awaiting the arrival of the ball (pictured mid-air in front of the standing Tri-County player). photos, click to enlarge.



8 Responses to “Tri-County Beats Shalimar 15-3, Advances To Play NWE”

  1. Steve, President NWE on June 23rd, 2009 7:01 pm

    The private school comment is just one of many things that are a challenge in front of our schools in the this area. As stated by a earlier article, Northview as well as others have considered getting out of the FHSAA. That can wake up the FHSAA and maybe let them know that while we’re small, we still have a voice. The dialogue you and I our having here, is the dialogue we need at communitiy meetings, quarterback club meetings, school board meetings, and yes, little league BOD meetings. When we first realize and admit there are problems, only then can we confront them and correct them. I appluad you for your opinion and am glad to get things like this in the open. I just don’t agree with everything you said as well as you don’t agree with everything I said. I do not think good talent is being wasted by a few selfish people. What we need for these people that think that their child is being discriminated against, is to come forward, speak up, stand up, and open our eyes to their story. We can’t fix what we don’t see, and we can’t see everything. What happens alot of times, these people leave our program or quit, then we find out about the problem. We didn’t waste the talent, we drove it or let it go to another area. And of course sometimes, its perception that is misplaced. Again, please come by and see us in August, we gladly will listen and try to do our part to make Northview all it can be. We are a feeder program for Northview, and we can do a better job. We just need more volunteers.

  2. Baseball Fan on June 23rd, 2009 10:11 am

    Mr. President. Thanks (I think) for the compliment. Until our communities as a WHOLE start using their BRAINS rather than being steered by emotion it will continue to be de ja vu all over again. Read what I wrote and you should see that the blame is placed evenly throughout the entire system. I have shared in the blame myself as well as worked for the necessary change. That’s reality my friend not emotion. The opportunites that exsist in our community reguarless of whether it is sports related, school related or just neighbor to neighbor careing IS laying there for all of us to take advantage of on a silver platter. We continue to let defensive emotion keep us from using the collective “Brains” we have to work to the best solution. Keep denying reality and our competition will keep handing us or JOCKS on the playing field and later in the working world. We have not done near the mininum to make ourselves to be the best we can be so don’t go using the private school excuse until our own house is in order and our best effort is out front! Otherwise stop keeping score, buy them all trophies and tell them it’s ok to lose as long no one gets their feelings hurt!

  3. Steve, President NWE on June 22nd, 2009 5:42 pm

    I’m not getting defensive, I’m just using this forum to reestablish the ideas that are being misrepresented by a few select people with their hearts in the right place, but their brains in another. I was with Joey when our parks tried to come together as one, but we could not work through the past. Maybe now, our communities can come together as one, I think it would be great. Joey’s idea about changing the mascot and school colors is an awesome idea.No where did I point the finger at the leadership at Northview High School. As you said, let the blame fall where it should. One of my biggest complaints is our school throughout the state, competing against private schools. For you to think that our programs are to partly blame for a ficticious 10 ton gorilla, is rediculous. These programs take VOLUNTEERS. We do background checks to make sure their safe to work with the children, and check with others that know them before we put them on the field with our communities children. I don’t have enough space to convey my feelings about daddt ball through this forum, but if you wish to call me, I will gladly and politely try to explain my perception of daddy ball and where it is in today’s little league program. Does it exist, yes…Is it a 10 ton gorilla, I don’t think so. To say we are at fault, and that what we have has been given to us on a silver platter, Is rediculous. Come by and work at one of our work days and experience this silver platter you speak off. You not having a dog in the fight, I really don’t see how that matters, this is a county park and a community little league. We don’t care if you have a child playing or not. ALL opinions and volunteers are welcomed at our park. If you wish to join are team, please come by the second Tuesday in August at 7pm, and join our team. we welcome your ideas,input, and your time to help with our children. Remember, this is little league, not travel ball. Travel ball is the actual feeder programs for the programs in Pensacola, not LL. But I assure you, none of the people you run into at our park feel that what we are doing is foolishness.

  4. Baseball Fan on June 17th, 2009 6:50 pm

    Mr. President, take a breath and don’t get defensive. This is not a blanket statement let the blame fall where it should. Those good ones with pure intentions that you mention are around but have been out maneuvered by vocal selfish minority. I’m using this forum to re-establish the ideas which I think are vital to our total success as one supportive entity. Your right allot of good people have worked hard in all of the feeder programs for Northview including Molino’s sports leagues along with Century/Tri-County and North West Escambia. The 10 ton Gorilla in the room is still rampant selfishness and mama/daddy ball and the youth programs are in part responsible for it. Their overall success does have a direct impact on the success at Northview. Granted the leadership from the high school is non existent when it comes to taking a leadership role in helping the farm programs in all of the sports. That don’t mean it is not time to come together with a common goal. It is going to take a comprehensive effort from the entire system from top to bottom to build success. Mr. Mcall makes great points and I hope they don’t fall on deaf ears. Let’s help build something to be proud of. Stop all of the foolishness and take advantage of what the good lord has handed us on a silver platter. Will it be easy? No! But if it was easy anybody could do it! P. S. I don’t have a dog in this fight except I love the place that God gave me to live. Thanks you to all volunteers with pure intentions.

  5. Joey McCall on June 17th, 2009 4:47 pm

    Some people may remember about five years ago I coordinated several meetings of the Century and NWE coaches, parents, and Board members to discuss and encourage combining the two leagues. At that time, it was an up hill battle. There was still staunch Ernest Ward people and Century people who did not want to take on the challenge. There was people who didn’t want to break away from the Tri-County Little League system because they had established a strong Little League allstar team. There was also people who just could not stand the thought of playing with the Century Blackcats. I trully believe that everyone has matured beyond where we were at five years ago. I think it is probably time that someone revisit the idea that has the energy and diplomacy to put into it. Concerns about boundaries, practice locations, how to register, pick teams, schedule games, etc. with such a vast geographic area could all be worked out with people who are willing to work together. Key words,,,work together. I think we are headed in the right direction but we have a long way to go in regards to developing an athletic infrastucture between the two communities that serves as a feeder to Northview High School. I know that the closing of Carver School has upset a lot of people. However, we talk about ideas of how to help the transition go smoother. Here is one. It is a great time to change the mascot and school colors at Ernest Ward to the “Indians” or “Warriors” and garnet / gold. It’s change, but it would be taking one more step in the right direction.

  6. Steve, President NWE on June 17th, 2009 3:49 pm

    I think it would be great if Century and NWE could come together as one. It would be the ideal situation for our communities to come together as one. But to make such at statement about Daddy ball around these two teams of 9 yr olds is totally out of line and unfounded,at least on the NWE side I can profoundly deny that allegation. While there has been daddy ball at our park and at parks everywhere, to make such a blanket statment about ALL teams, is wrong, and a awfull thing to say about some of the great folks we have working with these boys and girls. If you think daddy ball is bad, wait untill you see what goes on in the high school arena. Our young boys and girls are not on the same playing field as some of the other programs in our area, and to say it’s because of the leagues at the lower level (Little League/football) is wrong. While the quarterback club might help with some of the problems our communities are facing, until the PEOPLE in both of our communities unite and stop living in the past, will we see a lasting change. Good luck tonight Tricounty and NWE. Tonight, both our communities can be proud, one of our teams is assured of moving on in the tournament. Have fun guys.

  7. G.B on June 17th, 2009 12:02 pm

    Parents and Fans love to watch their children participate in sports. Sports for the kids and schools play an important part of growing up. What was said about the community needing to develop programs that eventually feed into the local schools is right on the point. I would love to see more sports programs in the north end. I would also like to see the county build a community swimming pool that would benefit the community and provide a local area for the schools to use for a swim and dive team. Congratulations to the young players and here is me cheering you onto your next victory.

  8. Baseball Fan on June 17th, 2009 10:25 am

    Congratulations to Tri-County on the win and good luck to NWE. It is a shame that the youth leagues that feed Northview can’t get coordinated and start developing the farm system that would build solid programs for all sports. It has been over 10 years since Northview was built and our communites are so selfish and short sited that our sports leagues do more to help our across the river competition than we do to help our own kids. I’m long past the little league and high school age but would love the see the mama and daddy ball eliminated and a community youth program built that would help establish the local High School team which could compete year in and year out. Hopefully the new energy and leadership with the quarterback club will provide the vision to help build the foundation for this to happen. There is too much talnet being wasted by a few selfish adults!