Teacher To Be Hired To Ensure Community Involvement At Bratt And Ernest Ward

June 8, 2009

becomeoneall.jpgThe Escambia County School District is hiring a teacher on special assignment to help ensure that parents and the community are as involved as possible at Ernest Ward Middle and Bratt Elementary schools next year.

It is all part of the plan to make sure the consolidation of Carver/Century K-8 into Ernest Ward and Bratt goes as smoothly as possible.

“We are using stimulus money to hire this person to help with community involvement at Bratt and Ernest Ward,” Escambia Superintendent Malcolm Thomas told NorthEscambia.com. “A big part of the program will be to help Century residents participate in the schools.”

When Thomas announced the closure and consolidation of Carver/Century, there were concerns expressed by many Century area residents that they and their children would not be able to become involved in their child’s school.

According to the job description for the position, the person hired will be a certified teacher that will:

  • provide leadership in transition activities
  • serve as a liaison between families, various committees, departments and agencies as requested by the principals
  • assist the principals in the development, preparation and a process of data collection, needs assessments, satisfaction surveys and other activities
  • assist the principals and office support personnel in the preparation  of calendars, fliers, newsletters and registration packets
  • coordinate and facilitate partnerships with civic groups, business partners, mentors and volunteers

“We will see if we get results and the position is beneficial before we continue it next year,” Thomas said. “We will see if it increases parental involvement.”


11 Responses to “Teacher To Be Hired To Ensure Community Involvement At Bratt And Ernest Ward”

  1. Concerned Century Citizen on September 2nd, 2010 2:03 pm

    Get real. Parents need transportation to these schools not in their living area. We have a lot of students going to schools that are not in their local environment. That’s a big problem for Mr.Malcolm Thomas. Perhaps if they provided transporation some parents would attend. But, also the parents that want to be more in their children school activities are too busy trying to support their children. They still have to have a roof to put over their heads, electricity, etc. Then you have the parents that qualify for free everything, but stay at home wathing the “stories”. They’re glad their children are out of their hair. Providing a new teacher for this is a waste of tax payer’s dollars and parents in Century are tired of paying for schools that aren’t in Century.

  2. Teacher on June 10th, 2009 9:14 am

    The key word is “ensure”, not if they don’t want to get involved. I have seen students go all the way thru NHS and never have a parent come to anything. Good luck on this happening. Maybe if something goes wrong so they can complain, then you might see them!

  3. ! on June 10th, 2009 8:43 am

    I think creating this position is a good idea. At least the students/parents will have a “go to” person during the transition. It will also alleviate the already busy staff from having to answer 1,000 questions from each transition family.
    It wouldn’t matter if Malcolm Thomas came to Century & laid a golden egg in the Town Hall. The people would complain that the egg wasn’t big enough or he laid it in the wrong room. For heaven’s sake folks, change is not always bad.

  4. Janice on June 9th, 2009 3:17 pm

    OK.. Seriously, If a teacher is doing his or her job, they are teaching AND relating to parents and community! Good Grief! Enough with the “transition” talk, people! We knew it was coming and our students and teachers will adjust! We dont need a “Community Captain!”

  5. techno on June 9th, 2009 12:30 pm

    Whats sad is that you and I will have to pay a salary to fund some-one to beg the parent(s) to get involved in their childs life. Maybe if they had that position when the school was open its outcome would be different……..nah probably not.

  6. curious on June 8th, 2009 6:24 pm

    It will not matter about the liasion, if the parent can not pass a background check w/ Bratt School. In order to volunteer @ Bratt, the people who are gonna volunteer have to fill out a background paper, and attend a volunteer orientation meeting. That is what helps our kids stay safe.

  7. Observer on June 8th, 2009 1:53 pm

    Give me a break!! Was there such a position created during the merger of Molino Elementary and Barrineau Park Elementary? How about Century High and Ernest Ward High? No there was not. Put them back in the classroom, not create a new position.

  8. addie lee on June 8th, 2009 1:30 pm

    give me a break. this isn’t a teaching position and yet that is how it is advertised. look at the requirements. why not just say you’re hiring a liason. i dont get it. educators appear to have their own lingo and if you don’t know it, too bad. kind of like a cult.

  9. noh8rs on June 8th, 2009 10:34 am

    Bratt and Ernest Ward already have tremendous parental envolvement.

    If the parents of the children from Century/Carver weren’t already involved in their child’s school, what makes anyone think they are going to be now?

    This is just another “Whine” that they are going to need some cheese to go with.

  10. Funny on June 8th, 2009 7:59 am

    Great Idea…. we are cutting teachers out of our classrooms where the kids are suppose to be actually learning, BUT making a position to make parents feel good…. Didn’t think we had a problem at Bratt and Ernest Ward with community relations… With all of the cuts and crisis in our schools today, this has to be one of the dumbest ideas yet….. You can make me mad all you want if you put GOOD teachers in the class room to TEACH my children.

  11. concerned2 on June 8th, 2009 6:25 am

    Who will be responsible for interviewing and hiring for this position? It should not be just the principals from the Walnut Hill/Bratt area. Too may relatives work for some principals in the system. This hire must be someone that is concerned about and familiar with the students/parents from Century.
