Still Time To Take Survey About Your Child’s School

June 27, 2009

There is still time to take an  Escambia County School District survey and rank how well you believe your child’s school and its staff perform.

The survey, offered on the district’s web page, allows participants to rank many school performance areas based upon how they feel about statements such as:

  • I feel welcome at this school.
  • Learning is interesting at this school.
  • The principal at this school communicates effectively.
  • Students are challenged to their ability at this school.
  • Students receive recognition for good performance in academics.

There is also an open-ended question designed to recognize outstanding persons in the school district: “Can you identify one individual in the Escambia School District who has had an impact on you or your family during this school year?”

The survey is completely anonymous with no attempt to identify the participants, the district says, and the survey asks for “frank and honest” responses.

To take the survey, click here and then click on the red “Take the School Climate survey” link near the upper right corner of the page.


One Response to “Still Time To Take Survey About Your Child’s School”

  1. Mom of three on June 27th, 2009 9:16 am

    This survey is currently closed. Please contact the author of this survey for further assistance.
    This is what the link says