State Rep: Entire State Needs Broadband Internet

June 11, 2009

The entire state of Florida needs broadband Internet service now, according to one state representative.

murzin10.jpgRep. Dave Murzin told the Walnut Hill Ruritan Club recently that Florida needs broadband Internet service everywhere for economic and educational growth.

Murzin co-sponsored a bill in the last session of the Florida Legislature that called broadband Internet service to be “critical to the economic development of the state and is beneficial for libraries, schools, colleges, and universities, health care providers and community organizations”.

Murzin’s plan would allow the state’s Department of Management Services to map the current broadband Internet services in the state, including those offered over cellular networks. Once that map was completed, the state would begin working with providers such as Verizon or AT&T to construct towers to fill-in the gaps in current cellular Internet offerings.

“We could take education out of the box. We could do classes anywhere, anytime, including in rooms like this one,” Murzin said of a small meeting room at the Walnut Hill Community Center. “We could teach Mandarin Chinese, for instance, with a teacher from China right here in this room.”

A statewide wireless broadband service could also be used by the state’s schools to replace textbooks. Murzin said textbooks cost an average of $600 per student. For $250 or less, he said the state could purchase every child a “mini” notebook computer. School lessons would always be up to date, and the need to print new textbooks would be eliminated.

Under Murzin’s plan, consumers would have a choice of more than one broadband provider, and every effort would be made to make the service as affordable as possible. Funding would come from federal dollars available for broadband mapping and deployment.

“It would also be invaluable for economic development,” he said.

Murzin’s bill was amended onto another telecom bill and will be presented to Gov. Charlie Crist for his signature soon.


4 Responses to “State Rep: Entire State Needs Broadband Internet”

  1. Jack Moran on June 12th, 2009 10:38 am

    I think relying on cellular access; Edge, 3-G, 3-GS, or 4-G for broadband access in this economic climate will have us waiting far too long.

  2. Jack Moran on June 12th, 2009 10:36 am

    Just because you have telephone service, does NOT mean that you can get DSL access to high-speed broadband internet. That is why even areas in Century and Walnut Hill, and Molino do not have access to the internet except by dial-up which is low-speed.

    wanderinghoo, you are absolutely correct about the need for high-speed broadband infrastructure.

    Go to for a great story!

  3. wanderinghoo on June 11th, 2009 9:16 am

    Universal broadband access is going to be crucial to future economic growth and development. Much as the electrification of rural areas during the New Deal in the 30s provided a way out of poverty – broadband access will be a driving force in the transformation of the lives of many rural residents.

  4. Dave Murzin on June 11th, 2009 1:29 am

    The Dept. of Management Services has been holding weekly meetings on the issue with stakeholders. If your readers want to know more, they can certainly contact me on my cell at 380-8249 and I share the info I have. Thanks, Dave