Seven Year Old Injured In Four-Wheeler Accident

June 12, 2009


A seven year old girl was injured in a four-wheeler accident this afternoon south of Walnut Hill.

The accident happened about 3:30 Friday afternoon in the 5000 block of Highway 97. Authorities said the girl was the passenger on a four-wheeler when the driver tried to ride the four-wheeler over a driveway, lost control and flipped.

She was transported by LifeFlight to a Pensacola hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

The Walnut Hill Station of Escambia Fire Rescue and Atmore Ambulance responded to the call.

No further details were available.



20 Responses to “Seven Year Old Injured In Four-Wheeler Accident”

  1. Kim on June 15th, 2009 4:10 pm

    Thank God nobody was killed and I pray this little girl makes a complete recovery.. People fly by our house, on the street, going at least 60 with kids on the back and none wear helmets. It is a wonder more are not killed when they treat such a dangerous piece of equipment like a kiddie ride.

  2. zack on June 14th, 2009 8:59 pm

    it dose not matter how much training you have everyone will crash sooner or later so shut up

  3. ATV RIDER on June 14th, 2009 8:36 pm

    So.. Sue wat your sayin is any amount of training is not enough. You contradicted yourself. So in other words wat u said is no matter wat the age or experience level they are still dangerous. But so is every one motorized transportation. but we still use those. ATVs are a reliable source of transportation in this part of the county. So this accident could have happend to anybody driving a ATV, no matter wat the skill level or age. so dont just jump to conclusions that u as an adult could have dont any better. the amount of training has a a lot to do with this he must have been a novice driver to make such a mistake.

  4. tammy on June 14th, 2009 6:36 pm

    this is my great niece that was in this accident and I know for a fact that the parents are very responsible and caring people. this was an accident and could have happen to anyone. I live in north eastern oklahoma and riding a atv is a past time foe everyone.

  5. Rick Farmer on June 14th, 2009 5:55 pm

    The little 7 yr old is my granddaughter. I am thrilled to find out about this web site devoted to the area there. I live in NW Arkansas, where atv and motorcycle riding and racing are major pastimes. I understand from my grandson, Zack, that as of today, his sister is O.K. I believe this mishap is unfortunate but could have been so much worse than it is. Let’s count our blessings (as we all are in the family) and not get too heated over this. Personally, I despise helmets myself, but I still wear them when riding over walking speed. And, in all honesty, wrecks happen! There is no getting around that! Also, I agree with the fellow who said atv’s are ‘no different than a horse’ except that a horse can and will throw you off and come back and stomp you! No. Escambia, you have my love & respect!! Rick…..

  6. Sue on June 13th, 2009 10:07 pm

    This little girl is lucky to be alive! No child under the age of 16 should ever be on any ATV. They are too dangerous no matter how much training you have, or whether or not you are wearing a helmet. They are powerful machines and they should not be treated like toys. Keep children safe by keeping them off ATV’s!

  7. Mary Ann Spence on June 13th, 2009 6:04 pm

    We saw them on the way home from Pensacola shortly before the accident. I am so thankful they are both ok. God and his Angels were surely watching over them.

  8. Becky on June 13th, 2009 2:11 pm

    Sounds to me like this little girl should have had a helmet on, no acceptions. Very irresponsible on the drivers and parents part. This could have been a different story…this little girl is lucky to be alive, no thanks to her parents.

  9. another educator (NHS) on June 13th, 2009 9:00 am

    zach your comment “you will regret putting this lie on the internet” tells me you are old enough to know better but too young to care that this can be taken as verbal assult. everyone understands you are concerned about your sister. I am glad she will be ok. you need to understand some people just say stupid things because they do not know what else to say. I am glad she will be ok.

  10. Molinomom on June 13th, 2009 8:42 am

    If she was riding between the highway and the woods as the brother says, shouldn’t the Florida highway patrol investigate? It was on the right of way which would make it a vehicle crash. Then maybe children and family services should get involved and see if there was any adult supervision with the girl. And the brother seems to have some anger issues as well.

  11. Beegee on June 13th, 2009 12:26 am

    Earlier in the day,around 9:15 a.m.,I was traveling south on 97….I saw a girl
    driving a four wheeler at that exact spot{might’ve even been the driver}. She was flying!!!!!! I thought then that she better slow that thing down!!!!!

  12. noh8rs on June 12th, 2009 11:24 pm

    CHILL. I don’t know how old you are, but you sound old enough to understand that you don’t write stuff like that! That is permanant record. Have your mom and dad proofread what you write BEFORE you post.

    And they should also have a talk with you about how you vent your anger.

  13. Zack B. on June 12th, 2009 10:22 pm

    Her brother again, who ever bob is mind your own business. If you don’t know what really happened shut up and keep what you have to say too your self. And who ever put this lie on the internet if your man enough post your name or e-mail me it. You will regret putting this lie on the internet!!! You have know idea how upsetting this is for all of us. I can’t believe you would take what happened and tare it apart to make it more interesting.

  14. Accidents happen on June 12th, 2009 10:15 pm

    I understand your concern, but the placards actually used to say 12 years old and I believe they moved them to 16 years but i can not be sure. My boys have 4 wheelers and dirt bikes, that is just what we do out here in the country. We have the room and we teach our kids to ride. No different than a horse as long as you wear gear. The precious little girl was a passenger and her family is probably scared to death already. Prayers go out to the family and I hope people will be more careful what they say.

  15. Zack B. on June 12th, 2009 10:04 pm

    I’m the little girls brother. She was NOT driving the ATV, she was a passenger. The driver was driving a little fast and they should have been wearing helmets. If i could change it i would make them wear one. They went over the driveway too fast and got some air and landed wrong and lost control. My sister hit her face on the handle bar and the ATV flipped and she did a face plant on the ground, giving her a severe concussion to the face and a busted lip! She could not remember the crash, could not remember the driver’s name. She was laying there on the grass in the sun for 45 min. before the paramedics moved her and took them 30 min. to get there. it was 65 min. before they air lifted her. P.S. THEY WERE NOT IN THE DITCH!!!! They were between the highway and the woods.

  16. Angela Rowell on June 12th, 2009 10:00 pm

    I’m relieved to hear she will be ok. I actually saw them riding the 4-wheeler as I drove north on Hwy. 97 coming home from Pensacola and I remember thinking as I went by that I hoped they were careful so close to that crazy, busy highway.

  17. tracy the neighbor of the girls on June 12th, 2009 9:19 pm

    Ok before we get anymore negative comments…. The 7 year old was riding on the 4 wheeler not driving it…. The girl that was driving it lost control of it and they were thrown for the 4 wheeler… Accidents happen all the time… we all know the laws…. The 7 year old is ok and will be home tomorrow… she is being kept over night for observation…THANK YOU to Walnut Hill Fire Department, Atmore Ambulance, and Life Flight… Thank you for the prayers…..

  18. Bob on June 12th, 2009 7:20 pm

    I believe the law requires placards and markings on all four wheelers manufactured in the last number of years that simply says. Operation of this vehicle by anyone under age 18 greatly enhances your chance of injury or death. Wake up people these things are not toys. A CHILD OF ONLY SEVEN I cannot believe this.

  19. m on June 12th, 2009 6:56 pm

    Chris, No one really cares what you fly. to use this story and site to make such a stupid comment is well…….stupid!!! What really matters is this little girl being oK and I will keep her and her family in my prayers. God Bless her and her family. Amen.

  20. Chris Maloney on June 12th, 2009 5:39 pm

    I hope she’s okay.

    That’s a Bell 407 helicopter & I believe they fly an S76 at night. We fly the same stuff out here offshore. Good Stuff.

    Again, best regards to the lil girl & family. I hope she’s okay.