School Grades Released: Good News For Bratt, EWMS, Byrneville, Jay, Ransom, Jim Allen

June 18, 2009

Florida Department of Education school accountability grades were released Thursday morning, and the results were mixed for North Escambia area schools.

The news was good for Bratt Elementary with an A grade for the eighth year in a row. Ernest Ward Middle School remained at an A for the fourth year.

Byrneville Elementary was also A-rated this year, the second consecutive year for the charter school.

After being an A-rated school for five years — since the year it opened — Molino Park Elementary’s school grade fell to a B. Jim Allen Elementary remained at an A for the seventh year. After an A rating for six years, Jay Elementary fell to a B.

After improving to a B-rating last year, Northview High School received a D from the Florida Department of Education.

Ransom Middle School received an A-rating for the fourth consecutive year.

Jay High School returned to an A-rating after slipping to a B last year.

Carver/Century K-8 School, which closed at the end of the school year, received an F rating. Carver/Century was the only F-rated school in Escambia or Santa Rosa counties.


22 Responses to “School Grades Released: Good News For Bratt, EWMS, Byrneville, Jay, Ransom, Jim Allen”

  1. Claude on June 24th, 2009 10:33 pm

    The band director was not fired. He left on his own.

  2. NHS STUDENT on June 21st, 2009 1:10 pm

    First off, NHS has never made a grade this low as far as I know.
    I don’t know what exactly happened, but in my “FCAT year” last year as a 10th grader we made a B for the school. What happened sophomores? The underclassmen better step it up because they’re making the whole school look bad. Honestly it’s a good school. We have good teachers, most of which drive from Pensacola and even Mobile EVERYDAY! Lighten up people…if you aren’t in attendence there then you have no clue. Also, yes we do bust our but every year. And the statement about our principal, she does glare, I won’t lie. But she also doesn’t want us looking like hoodlums when the public and parents are at awards ceremonies. One last thing…the band program has been crap ever since he stepped foot on NHS soil. I’m not in band, but I do know how good the band program used to be about 5 years ago when my sibling attended NHS. It is not that way now. There are barely like 20 people in it, if that, and they don’t get anyone going at the games. We basically get shamed. STEP IT UP NORTHVIEW!!!!! I KNOW YOU CAN DO BETTER!!!!

  3. Barbara on June 20th, 2009 4:01 pm

    I’m very glad my granddaughter is in Byrneville, I hope I always feel this way. She is starting her 2nd year here, the staff as a whole are really great!!!!!!!!
    I’m only concerned about the way they are done during severe weather, I feel their cloak closets are better for the smaller ones as the hall has two open ends and too many kids.
    Also I feel that the weather alerts should say Norht Escambia or South Escambia Co, as they have to stay in the hall for the duration of the alert even if it is at the beach, like the one this school year ,too bad for the kids and teacher waste of time.

  4. S.L.B on June 19th, 2009 4:45 pm

    Northview High School has released high honor and honor rolls for the fourth nine-week grading period.

    Northview has very smart and high achieving students in attendance and if you reflect back to the story posted on June 10, 2009 (link above) it shows this. The students are capable of making the grades, so I cannot really figure out why the accountability school score was so low this year?

  5. Elizabeth on June 19th, 2009 3:31 pm

    oh, and for those who can’t read into a tongue-in-cheek statement, that was one.

  6. Elizabeth on June 19th, 2009 3:30 pm

    Better look out NHS! With a D grade the school board might have their eyes on closing you next! Then the north end teens could drive to Tate for school every day.

  7. Tax Payer on June 19th, 2009 1:10 pm

    Sounds as if Northview has become the north end version of Warrington. Hopefully Mr. Thomas is taking note of this since he has made so many changes at other under achieving schools in the county. It’s time for a change at NHS……..

  8. S.L.B on June 19th, 2009 10:46 am

    Reflecting back on these past few school years and how things have been taking on a different perspective lately, I would almost be willing to compare Northview High School now to a Old folks home and the students are expected to act like senior citizens, sit in your chairs and be seen and not heard!

    These kids need new excitement and to be motivated and energized mentally, physically and acedemically. They need that something special that makes them look forward to going to school each day and want to strive to make Northview an “A” school.

    I agree, the community needs to come together with the school staff and brain storm to come up with ideas and suggestions, even if it means that we need to volunteer to help, even if we don’t have children in the schools, then we do it for the children. Everyone came together as one for the bacularate situation, so I know it’s possible for this too.

    I don’t know if anyone else sees it, but there is a huge difference in the students motivations now since Mrs.Holk left, as she brought so much to Northview and it’s students.

  9. Mom on June 19th, 2009 10:29 am

    I think that Northview has to many teachers there to just draw a check. This year there were many complaints with teachers ecspecially math, where students grades had dropped tremendously and students did not receive the teaching or help they needed. The teacher would say we have to move on, so they would move on to another section of math before the majority of the class understood the prior problems, this is a fact. Now sure I understand that we also have alot of parents that like to blame teachers for everything, when alo of the time it is the childs fault, they need to hold their child accountable. Parents need to stand up and be parents, not your childs best friend! We need to give standards to our children just like we do to administration and hold them to it!

  10. junebug on June 19th, 2009 9:16 am

    Good job EWMS and Bratt!!!
    What’s up at NHS?? They need to get it done also. Have a teenager going there next year……Not good new’s for the new freshman… Something need’s to be done, and not ignored.

  11. NHS MOM on June 18th, 2009 10:46 pm

    NHS a “D” school??? Hmmm… I tend to agree that NHS does not have a feel of school spirit or community Spirit! My daughter is an honor roll student, so i was invited to the awards ceremony. When the recipients were called up, applauding was allowed, but in moderation. The Principal sat on that stage GLARING at these children if they got too excited for a friend…HELLO! THESE ARE OVER ACHIEVERS! They busted their behinds all year…let them celebrate! As for the band program, My daughter was in this past year. I volunteered my time, but was not welcomed. i was given nasty looks and eye rolls by the other volunteeers….THERE’S YOUR BAND PROBLEM! Mr. Tucker was an excellent director. Especially, considering he took on both middle and high school students! WOW! As a former Ernest Ward Graduate, I still get so sad that they ever closed the High School! Talk about School Spirit and incredible teachers!

  12. willard purdue on June 18th, 2009 10:11 pm

    Maybe NOW is the time, this summer, now for all three schools to meet at one school together and work on how they can impove our childrens/young adults education.
    Bratt = A, EWMS = A, THEN NHS – D? Some where there is something missing.
    If it means changing or transferring Teachers, let’s do it. If it means hurting feelings, making some mad, let’s do it. People do get burned out at jobs. And to be blunt, some teachers are just that. Burnt Out!
    If you are teaching at one of these schools are know you are burn out, please try to transfer or go into some other grade or position. Don’t punish our children.

    Please, all three schools meet together. Advertise a meeting maybe community people will volunteer to help. Let us please.

  13. concerned :( on June 18th, 2009 8:50 pm

    Ever heard of “kick a wounded dog while he was down”? Sure it is notable that there is a problem at NHS, but do you think such hard comments will help? As a community citizen I must point out that the school is a part of the community; which means, we ALL had a part in the school grade-principal, teachers, school staff, students, and yes parents! I think the most proactive method of “meeting this head on” is to work together and let our students know we have HIGH expectations for them and we expect and will be looking for them to succeed in all activities at school-especially academics! The best way to start is to point the finger at ourselves individually and ask, “What can I do to make my school better?”

  14. S.L.B on June 18th, 2009 5:12 pm

    First, I’m not exactly sure what has happened with the Northview students for them to score so poorly on the FCAT this year, which is evidently what brought down the overall school score, but isnt this the first year since Northview has been existance that such a poor score has been made?

    It seems to me that lately, the overall atmosphere, teachers and staff of the school are kinda in a hum-drum rut. There’s no excitement and school spirit there anymore, just everyone going through the motions to come to school, get the job done and go home. We put a son through Northview and have a daughter there now, and I can tell you it’s definately different now. Does anyone else see this? When the students are on fire for education and school, their test scores show it. Maybe we need to re-evaluate the underlying problems in order for things to improve?

    Last but not least, I don’t like to see anyone loose their job, but something definately needed to change with the band program. Our son was in the band program for 7 years (middle and high school) under the first NHS band director, and the program excelled, with a high enrollment and trophies on top of trophies to prove it. The band program has spiraled down the past 4 years and the number of band students enrolled proves that. I’m sorry, but I feel if the band director has been terminated, then the right decision was made and I personally have first hand the participation time and experience to back that statement up .

    As far as top students of the class goes, their are many students that are in the top of their class last year and the previous years and they are not in the band program, but are enrolled in other various clubs and/or activities. I think the main point here is, students who are active and make that extra effort to excell in whatever their interest lies, are the one’s that do well in high school and go on to do well in College and/or life. No school program is any more less important than any other one, so we should keep that in mind when making comments.

    I hope that we figure things out and get our school and students back up to par and move forward and not look back.

  15. just my opinion on June 18th, 2009 4:50 pm

    Eli……when you referred to Mrs. Weaver being harder on him than other teachers who were you referring to? If the him is Mr. Weaver then it certainly needs to be investigated. My understanding is that Mrs. Weaver cannot have direct supervision over Mr. Weaver because that is her spouse so he reports directly to Mr. Sherril. Please correct me if I am wrong as I have inquired about this and that is what I was told by NHS staff.

    Also, maybe you shouldn’t be so bold as to say “Leave it to some of these parents to deal with there children and deputies will be dealing with them instead. No one can say for certain that they will wind up being in trouble. Have some faith in the youth of today. They are not all perfect, they will make mistakes (just as we did), but overall they are a good group of kids!

  16. Mad Mama on June 18th, 2009 2:16 pm

    First congratulations to all the schools, and way to go Bratt!! Teach them young learning is important!

    Something to consider: Amen! I agree completely.
    Eli: are you implying that students from carver century are not up to par to begin with?

    I think all students have the potential to excel. The students need to be mentored and the learning process as well as the environment need to be conducive for learning. The punishment not fitting the crime is all to often the case at NHS. Teachers who empower their students and include parents and family in a students education process have greater success. I can’t say enough good things about EWMS and Mrs. Perry. The environment there is much more relaxed but the focus on learning is not at all relaxed. I think EWMS provides the best education in Escambia county. It is a team approach, teachers and administration that equally care about each student. My final comment is merely a question, did the Band Directors at NHS really get fired? If so, I sure did not see or hear anything about that.

  17. Eli on June 18th, 2009 1:58 pm

    Leave it to some of these parents to deal with there children and deputies will be dealing with them instead. No matter who is in charge at this school you will always have someone who does not agree, and far as Mr. Weaver goes, she is harder on him than she is all of the rest of the teachers at that school.

  18. Something to Consider on June 18th, 2009 1:42 pm

    This was posted a couple of weeks ago and I believe it to be one of the underlying causes for Northviews problems. Although I personally like some of the individuals involved the problems created by the environment which exist are near impossible to overcome. An extreme case of nepotism and cronyism has created an environment at Northview High were leadership is non existent. When individuals directly report to family members and the perception of quid pro quo exists the ability to lead is severely hampered or worse eliminated. The moral of staff is all over the map and a couple in key academic positions should have been shown the door several years back. The obsession with thinking that all students should be taking a strictly college track continues to rob many of the students of an opportunity to experience high school in a positive, productive way. The discipline has become laughable and inconsistent. Students are suspended and removed from class for trivial things that could be handled in coordination with parents or at least enforced in a way not to remove them from class. Some of the students with parents on staff are dealt with in minimal terms for behavior that should be dealt with much more severe than what is applied. (Don’t read the previous sentence as advocating leaving my poor baby alone!) Make the crime fit the punishment and KEEP JR. IN CLASS and let mom and dad have a chance to do their job! The environment around the school is less than inviting with a defensive tension in the air. I’m sure this comment will spark much debate and defense of the leadership and may only serve as therapy for me to vent. I do wish we could reclaim the day when we had a strong leader at our community school that understood how to be a catalyst to bring things together. It can be done, I have witnessed it small country communities, towns and big cities across our great country.

  19. Eli on June 18th, 2009 1:32 pm

    Considering half of the students who attend Northview come from an F school. You may want to re-think your accusations.
    Its a lot easier to turn grapes into wine than wine into grapes.
    (Especially after they age)

  20. Dee Wolfe-Sullivan on June 18th, 2009 12:28 pm

    I am very proud of our students, teachers, and staff. Thanks to all of you for doing a great job.

  21. Concerned Band parent on June 18th, 2009 12:25 pm

    Wow, you can’t argue with the grades! I believe the exact quote from Mrs. Weaver was “Grades tend to be the most accurate representation of a students performance at school” I just have to wonder about the methods used there at NHS. Take the band program for instance, the students that participate in the band program at NHS are all top students. 2 of the top 5 from this years graduating class were band members. Last year (08) the numbers were very similar. Even the lower grades top students are in band. When I say top students I mean top 10 of their class. So it makes you wonder why the Band Director and Assistant Band Director would be fired when they seem to have been running one of the most successful and productive programs at NHS. Everyone should be asking questions about NHS and the practices that go on there. The questions I want answered are not how did this happen but why did this happen? After all the schools grade is the most accurate representation of the teachers performance at school.

  22. just my opinion on June 18th, 2009 12:11 pm

    For all of you NHS Educators that stated how good your teaching methods are….. maybe you should re-think all that project based learning….it doesn’t seem to be working so great! Maybe going back to the “old school” way of learning would improve that “D” you have this year!

    Way to go Ernest Ward & Bratt!!! I am proud to say that I have children, neices & nephews that go to school there!!!!