Poarch Creek Tribal Council Results Certified

June 13, 2009

The Poarch Creek Indians have upheld the results of their recent Tribal Council election and certified the winners.

In the June 6 election, incumbent Stephanie A. Bryan defeated challenger Eddie Tullis for vice chairman of the council.  Incumbember Keith Martin and newcomer Berry Ross were elected to the council.

But a challenge to the election was filed by candidates Amy Bryan, Peggy Rolin Couch, Douglas Kelley, Chis Adams and Daniel Smillie.The Poarch Creek Election Board overruled the challenge that they described as an “eight-page, single spaced” document with “somewhat disconnected and often rambling allegations”.

The allegations included improper election procedures, improper participation by the Poarch Legal Department, improper counting of absentee votes, and the turning away of qualified voters.


6 Responses to “Poarch Creek Tribal Council Results Certified”

  1. Proud Poarch Creek Indian on June 24th, 2009 4:02 am

    I am proud Poarch Creek Indian.Look at all of the positive stuff the tribe has done.”Dude”are you actually ever in the poarch community?There isnt alot of tribal members driving these “brand new cars”that youve talked about,Yes some are but there is way more thats not.Talking about the housing,Have you ever really been to any of the houses out there?Have you seen the monthly house payment that comes in the mail for you to say what you did?We are just like anybody else.Have you met any of the people in the poarch community to judge them?Yes “some” Poarch creek indians are addicted to drugs..But some Whites,Blacks,Asians,Hispanics ect.are addicted to drugs to.So whats you point?There may be a few bad out of the bunch but dont throw the whole reservation under the bus.
    I am tired of some people putting the tribe down.Isnt there scholorships out there for everybody?Why do you have to talk about ours the tribe has given us?We are very lucky to have the scholorships to go to college.And I am sure gonna use mine.Its no different than getting a scholorship from a college or pagent or anything like that.The ones that havent used the scholorship already have jobs,familys or have already gone to college.Yes its a casino.”Why not do some manufacturing or something productive?”what about Muskogee,CIE and the other small buisness’ the tribe has helped get started that is productive.So please get your facts straight.And try not to talk about people.Its just rude and shows people the kinda person you are.

  2. Skipzone on June 18th, 2009 12:52 pm

    What is the percentage of Creek Indian Blood in those on the Council? Hmmm?

  3. Dude on June 16th, 2009 11:11 am

    As far as I’m concerned the whole reservation system is horrible. Indians are highly addictive to habits so lets go build a casino! Why not do some manufacturing or something productive. They have the community house where people pay dirt cheap rent some less than $300 for very decent houses. Yet they drive brand new cars. That whole system gives, gives, and gives. Half of the indian people don’t go to college even though the tribe will nearly pay for it all or at least give loans. Instead some, not all but some maybe even most, abuse the system horribly. I’ll never step foot into that casino or ever support any part of the ’system’.

    So while your talking about crooks in the system… Yeap, your 100% right. Yeap, lots of corruption up in those neck of the woods.

  4. Tax Payer on June 15th, 2009 4:07 pm

    I agree Bratt 1. Danny would make a great community leader..

  5. Bratt 1 on June 14th, 2009 8:34 pm

    To all those who did not vote for Daniel Smille , you missed a great opportunitie.

  6. mrc on June 13th, 2009 8:56 pm

    more crooks to help control escambia county and its officials……