Molino Mom Pleads Not Guilty Of Child Abuse, Battery On Husband

June 22, 2009

A Molino woman accused of hitting her child in the head with a plate and slapping her husband has entered a plea of not guilty in Escambia County Circuit Court.

Tina  Louise Ferrell, 46, was charged May 21 with one count of aggravated child abuse and one count of aggravated battery in connection with an incident at a mobile home on Duxbury Avenue off Highway 29 in Molino.

She is due back in court for a jury trial on August 19. She remains in the Escambia County Jail on $10,000 bond. If she makes bond, she was also ordered to submit to monitoring through the pre-trial release program, submit to random urine and breath testing and consume no alcohol or non-prescription drugs.

Ferrell was also ordered to have no contact with the children at the Duxbury Avenue address where the incident occurred. The court ordered a public defender be appointed for Ferrell.

Ferrell and her husband were asleep about 7 p.m. on May 21 when her 10-year old child tried to wake her to get help with a one-year old child in the home, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department. When Ferrell refused to help with the infant and went back to sleep, the 10-year old tried to wake her again with drops of water sprinkled in her face. That’s when Ferrell slapped her husband and threw a plate a him, deputies said. The plate missed the husband and struck a three-year old in the head.

The three-year old was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola with injuries that were not serious.  The 10 and one-year old were not injured.


9 Responses to “Molino Mom Pleads Not Guilty Of Child Abuse, Battery On Husband”

  1. EMD on June 23rd, 2009 4:56 pm

    I think I meant to say “far enough away,” as opposed to “far enough awake.”

  2. t on June 23rd, 2009 1:01 pm

    This story really has me fuming. If you cannot raise and feed them and take care of them in a loving and respectful manner, then give them to someone who will. And quit having them to abuse and neglect. Children are Gods gift. They are individuals that cannot be replaced. And if you cannot get up to take care of them and you are throwing things at your husband because you are ill because the 10 yr old isn’t doing your job for you, well you are truely pitiful. I send prayer to these little children in this horrible situation. And I’m hoping the judge can do something to correct this problem. The children need protecting.

  3. EMD on June 23rd, 2009 10:07 am

    I’m sorry I didn’t get back sooner to reply.

    When I read, I picture things in my mind. It says she slapped her husband, and threw a plate at him. I saw her in bed with her husband, and being awakened by the 10 year old. I had a hard time picturing her that close to her husband to slap him, yet far enough awake to throw a plate at him. Quote below:

    “the 10-year old tried to wake her again with drops of water sprinkled in her face.——– “That’s when Ferrell slapped her husband and threw a plate a him,———–
    deputies said. The plate missed the husband and struck a three-year old in the head.”

    Picture that. Maybe I missed something here.

    These people definitely don’t need kids. The whole family needs help.

  4. Tina on June 23rd, 2009 9:19 am

    Yea well, thats where the government is about as smart as a field full of goats. Now you got this lady who is allowed to have children that WE TAX PAYERS Im sure has paid for her to have, NO PROBLEM, we continue to allow her to have them and continue to PAY for each hospital bill,so she can bring them home for her 10 year old to raise, THEN we have the little baby who needs the $20,000 for the surgery that for some reason our tax money will NOT pay for. Thats our GREAT government!!!

  5. guest on June 23rd, 2009 7:53 am

    sounds like the child abuse part comes in when her 10 year old is caring for the 1 year old. She needs to be fixed where she can’t breed anymore.

  6. escambiamom on June 22nd, 2009 10:56 pm

    I am guessing that you mean the intent was not there for the child abuse? That part was an accident? or did you mean why didn’t the husband get up and help the kids? It is a strange story.

  7. guest on June 22nd, 2009 6:00 pm

    EMD what are you talking about??????????????

  8. mabey on June 22nd, 2009 12:33 pm

    EMD Please EXPLAIN

  9. EMD on June 22nd, 2009 11:33 am

    That’s when Ferrell slapped her husband and threw a plate a him, deputies said. The plate missed the husband and struck a three-year old in the head.

    If events unfolded as written above, am I the only one who sees something here that should stump the jury?