Have An Extra $389? That’s Your Share Of Escambia’s Debt

June 27, 2009

If you are citizen of Escambia County, Fla., your share of the county’s debt is $389. If the county were to ask you to pay your fair share of total county operations, you would need to write a $520 check.

Those numbers are based upon data in the Escambia County Comprehensive Annual Finance Report  released recently by the Clerk and Comptroller’s Finance Department for the last fiscal year that ended on September 30, 2008.

cafr.jpgDuring the fiscal year, government revenues dropped $14 million, property tax increased about $5 million, sales tax revenue decreased $3 million, other tax revenues were down $2.5 million, road transportation projects were  down $4.3 million and interest income decreased $5 million.

The county’s total bonded debt was $115,210, which is $389.23 per person. The bonds are secured by toll bridge revenues, tourist development taxes and half-cent sales tax money. There is no general obligation debt, meaning property tax revenue is not pledged to any of the outstanding bonds.

The total expenditures per person in the county equate  to $520.

Some other interesting facts from the Escambia County Comprehensive Annual Finance Report:

  • The Escambia County general fund had a 10 month operating reserve in an unrestricted fund balance.
  • The ratio of current assets to current liabilities in the governmental activities is 5.91
  • Approximately 16% of all the governmental revenue is received through grants
  • Property Tax revenue is approximately 72 percent of the general fund’s total revenue

Click here read to read the Escambia County Comprehensive Annual Finance Report.


10 Responses to “Have An Extra $389? That’s Your Share Of Escambia’s Debt”

  1. Floyd Bales on July 2nd, 2009 3:54 pm

    when you are 83 years old in bad health, trying to live on SS, my medical bills takes almost all of that. $520.00 [are you kidding]

  2. Edie on June 28th, 2009 12:16 pm

    Okay, I’m confused!! Quote: “share of the county’s debt is $389″.

    Then why would Quote: “need to write a $520″???

    Maybe if someone could do math correctly the county would not be in debt.

  3. Buddy on June 27th, 2009 4:23 pm

    They need to quit wasting money on that water front project that will be wiped out by the first hurricane, and wasting money on the beaches
    And every county employee has a vehicle to drive it looks like a parade every evening and morning with county trucks.
    They want to take over the north end and can’t take care of the south end yet.

  4. Bob on June 27th, 2009 4:18 pm

    Before someone comments about my bad math,Ididn’t check my oooo s before posting. change the taxpayers to 1,000.

  5. Bob on June 27th, 2009 2:29 pm

    Just a point. At $520 per taxpayer. It will take close to 100 taxpayers to just pay the 5 commissioners salary and cover their expense account for one year.

  6. W.R. on June 27th, 2009 1:38 pm

    If it can’t pay its own way wihtout taxing the people to death any more than we are now — Then just shut it down and turn it back over to the State. Let everyone fend for themselves. If a company does not make it that is what they do. So otherwise tighten you belts and shut up. All we do is pay salaries and get little for our money. It takes an act of congress to get anything done and then it is just a high school boys quality of work. All we have is people making Big salaries and FAT cats spending like it is no tomorrow.

  7. an observer on June 27th, 2009 11:20 am

    Your right, every citizen won’t and some can’t and they know this.

  8. interested reader on June 27th, 2009 10:02 am

    I would be more than willing to pay my $520 IF EVERY CITIZEN IN THE COUNTY PAID THEIR SHARE, but we know this will NEVER HAPPEN. The county should be held responsible for spending our money. This is NOT play money but money that someone has had to go out and earn. I think the county is irresponsible with our money by looking at the projects they endorse. HEY, we elected most of them so it is up to us to get rid of the ones who think they can just throw money anywhere they want. Getting on the phone and email to let them know our feelings would help.

  9. an observer on June 27th, 2009 8:59 am

    what about ALL the lottery money? Just WHERE is it going????

  10. Michelle Cayson on June 27th, 2009 8:05 am

    Since Florida has one of the highest tax brackets, what is going on that they are so badly in debt? Especially Escambia County.

    We seriously need a overhaul here, someone is not doing their math right (or like in England) on the fiddle.

    These are hard times for everyone, this is not the time for frivilous projects and spending.