ECAT And 3-Cent Gas Tax: An In Depth Look At North Escambia’s Only Bus

June 7, 2009

Thursday, the Escambia County Commission is set to consider a 3-cent gasoline tax to fund mass transit in the county.

The commission will hold the public hearing on June 18 on the 3-cent gas tax for Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT). After the public hearing, it will take a super majority — four of the five commissions must vote in favor of the gas tax for it to be approved. But two commissioners — Kevin White and Wilson Robertson — have already said publicly that they will not support the tax.

Today, takes an in-depth look at “Route 60″, the only ECAT bus that operates in North Escambia.

Century & Molino To Pensacola Bus Is ECAT’s Most Expensive; Riders Say Most Valuable

The ECAT bus that runs from Century and Molino to Pensacola is the most expensive bus per person and the most expensive bus per hour in the entire public transportation system in the county. But to those that ride it, the “Route 60″ bus in the one of the most important buses in the ECAT network.

The “Route 60″ bus makes three weekday trips between Century and the ECAT transfer center where it allows riders to connect to the rest of the ECAT network. It makes the run twice on Saturdays.

“It’s so valuable,” Brenda Spencer said. Spencer is a frequent passenger on the bus, riding between her home in Century and her job downtown in the county attorney’s office. “It is truly needed in Century, even if it does need more passengers. I wish more people would take advantage of it.”

The bus costs $16.27 per passenger to operate, according to ECAT numbers from the last fiscal year. That’s the most expensive cost per passenger by far over any other bus in the system, with every other route falling below $10 per person (except for a free tourist route that runs to Pensacola Beach). In fact, is almost twice the next most expensive route per person, a 12th Avenue area route that costs ECAT $8.68 per person. The Century and Molino to Pensacola bus is also the most expensive per hour to operate in the ECAT system, at $78.29 per hour.

route60b.gifBut the bus provides transportation to and from Pensacola for Century and Molino residents that otherwise might not have a way to get to and from Pensacola, Spencer said. And, it’s much easier and cheaper than driving.

“It has saved me so much money,” Spencer said. “And it has saved me mentally and physically. It’s given me time to do my reading, do my Sunday School lesson and more while riding to work.”

A total of 7,819 riders took the Route 60 bus over a one year period. That compares to 145,883 riders on a Fairfield Drive area bus.

Spencer said she would like to see more Century residents take advantage of the bus, whether it be for shopping trips, or doctor visits, or any other trip to Pensacola.

“It is such a wonderful group of people to ride with,” she said. “It’s like a family atmosphere. We’ve gotten to know each other.”

“Ride the bus, ride the bus, ride the bus,” Spencer added. “I can’t advertise that enough. Ride the bus.”

Due to the low number of riders, ECAT has ordered two smaller buses to be assigned to the Century route to replace the current full-size transit buses that are used to service North Escambia.

For a printable pdf Route 60 map, schedule and rate information, click here.

Pictured above middle: The “Route 60″ Century and Molino to Pensacola ECAT route map. Pictured below: A timetable for the bus. Click to enlarge.



33 Responses to “ECAT And 3-Cent Gas Tax: An In Depth Look At North Escambia’s Only Bus”

  1. Karen on June 12th, 2009 2:30 pm

    Most people do work their entire adult lives. I work, my parents worked until they became disabled. I will instill into my children to work as well. If my parents needed transportation and was able to ride a bus, I would be happy it was there for them, same for my children to go to college because I can’t afford to purchase them a car. I am sure there are many parents that can’t afford cars and the bus’ are safe.

    “and I’m fixing to lose my job at a local plant, and the commissioners are very well aware of the industry that’s leaving this area, and they have the nerve to propose this, again! ” I am sorry about your loss if this happens, but in all honesty this does not have anything to do with the gas tax.

    If your parents needed transportation, your children, yourself….whether is takes an hour or longer to commute if the cost is better for an individual it is available. If you were to lose your job, there would still be transportation available for you to look for a new one.

    “I’ve seen these bus routes, been behind many of them. They do not always stop at designated bus stops. I’ve seen them stop right on Hwy. 29 or just wherever the rider wants to get on or off. They get off of the “designated” routes, to drop their friends off at their destinations, and they sit and chat at friends passing down the road walking, all the while you have to sit and wait for them to move out of the way.” You should call it in if you think that is what is happening so it could be fixed, but the buses are equipped with GPS and if they deviate from route for some reason they have to call it in. Again, this has nothing to do with the 3 cent gas tax.

    “But let me ask the county and/or state this question, since when did the government start issuing gas cards to people who couldn’t afford their own gas? Didn’t know this was going on until about a month ago, when I went to Escarosa in Century. And if it’s the Federal Government funding it, then I think ECAT ought to get it’s funding from them.” Again, we use diesel and this has nothing to do with the gas tax.

  2. Just Tired! on June 11th, 2009 2:40 pm

    You know, I’m so tired of footing the bill for people. I’ve worked all of my adult life, and I’m fixing to lose my job at a local plant, and the commissioners are very well aware of the industry that’s leaving this area, and they have the nerve to propose this, again! I honestly have not seen the growth that someone said would come with the transit system. Have you? If so, where?

    I’ve seen these bus routes, been behind many of them. They do not always stop at designated bus stops. I’ve seen them stop right on Hwy. 29 or just wherever the rider wants to get on or off. They get off of the “designated” routes, to drop their friends off at their destinations, and they sit and chat at friends passing down the road walking, all the while you have to sit and wait for them to move out of the way.

    But let me ask the county and/or state this question, since when did the government start issuing gas cards to people who couldn’t afford their own gas? Didn’t know this was going on until about a month ago, when I went to Escarosa in Century. And if it’s the Federal Government funding it, then I think ECAT ought to get it’s funding from them.

  3. David Huie Green on June 10th, 2009 5:32 pm

    “You will pay for transportation as long as it runs, every state has transportation issues. The issue is where do you pay for it from…….”

    and what kind
    and how much
    and where

    most go for whatever costs them personally the least and helps them the most

  4. Karen on June 10th, 2009 11:29 am

    This is my last post because no one seems to get the entire picture. Take all your comments out of the way here. You will pay for transportation as long as it runs, every state has transportation issues. The issue is where do you pay for it from…….

    3 cent gas tax where everyone fills their tank or from only the county resident home owners. I choose the gas tax. I have a home here and I pay all the taxes everyone else does. The bus service does not come to my home which in my opinion is a shame. My children, which I would much prefer be on a transit bus instead of driving any car in this dangerous place and add to the danger I am sure. If I could use the bus I would as well!

    Maybe if there was a 3 cent gas tax, in due time the routes could be changed to accomodate many more people. right now only the home owners and the counties decision can say where those routes go.

    Guess there just arent many people that think ahead…..only about their current pocket instead of a whole.

  5. techno on June 9th, 2009 8:57 pm

    In total, we’re sick of being taxed to death to pay for others misfortune in life, either through not taking advantage of a free education or lack of gumption to just cover ones own way. 3 cents here , a penny there , it adds up on the folk that have the means. The more you give someone for free the less they will try to get it on their own. To all the bleeding heart libs that want to give their money away, be my guest….I’ll keep mine and give to the charity of MY choice.

  6. David Huie Green on June 9th, 2009 6:05 pm

    the most economical option would be to live, work, die in the same place. this would be unpleasant and is basically impossible.

    if all who could benefit from public transportation used it, the fixed costs would not go up, the income would simply rise. without greater usage it is not economical or environmentally friendly. (an empty bus driving down the road is not reducing pollution or energy usage of the people who do not ride it.

    some of the people using the bus did not move to Century, they were born there and chose to stay. others stayed or returned but do not use it for inconvenience of hours.

    it’s an imperfect world, but I like it

  7. Robt on June 9th, 2009 4:14 pm

    Gosh Ken – I must have missed the part in my post where I said to do away with all taxes. Maybe you can point it out like you did the “facts” regarding what yet another entitlement will cost the average driver.

    I love the lady in the article that says “it saves her so much money”. All she needed to add was “while someone else picks up the bill.”

    Health care, food stamps, schooling, housing, welfare, day care, transportation……. Is there any end in sight with you people. Next you’ll be asking us to inhale and exhale for you because those are about the only things you do for yourself.

  8. Karen on June 9th, 2009 4:01 pm

    Robt, You can’t weigh your thoughts of what people “may have” or some bad apples abuse to change the facts here. There are several reasons for public transportation. Environment, transportation for elderly, students and everday riders to and from work, school & doctor appointments. If they have to give up their cable, cd’s, t.v. and all other things you stated, then we should also do away with all welfare because people have “things”. That is not a good enough reason in my mind to NOT fund transportation, because what you are stating is someone that has nothing would be ok to ride the bus. Another rediculous statement.
    This is a trade to fund ECAT in a different way. Instead of taxing all local homes on a annual basis, we will fund ECAT not only as a community but as all people fill their cars.
    So your right, take away all taxes!! No more money on that tax for students to get educated, no more tax to take care of the fire departments either! This is just silly. What about the taxes out of your check that fund the military as well!

    Come on, give in and vote yes because it is the right thing to do for all of Escambia County residents.

  9. Trish on June 9th, 2009 2:52 pm

    My 3 cents worth:

    To Caraway Bandit…”Get a job closer to home”…you have got to be kidding. My life dream is not to work at a convenience store (nothing against their workers, years ago I did it as a second job).

    To Bob….”If it can’t support itself shut it down”. Another ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Our government is not supporting itself and is in debt trillions of dollars. Do you suggest we shut it down? Hope no one is on Social Security?

    Brenda…I totally agree. People now days are too closed minded and can’t seem to look at the big picture. No matter how you try to explain it they don’t understand the domino effect.

    Karen……another smart woman! What do these comments show you about intelligence? Women are far smarter than men? Seems so to me. At least we look at ALL aspects and are trying for the betterment of not only our county but our earth.

  10. Robt on June 9th, 2009 2:44 pm

    Sorry Ken – the national average miles driven does not represent the average in Escambia county which is a RURAL county meaning the mileage is substantially higher. Rural drivers average 36 miles per day while urban drivers average 16. Also – The average car does not get 23 miles per gallon either; it actually gets 21.4.

    I guess Ken has made the decision to be intellectually dishonest to make his case which should tell the rest of us the validity of his arguement.

    In reality – The issue isn’t a matter of a few dollars one way or the other. One issue is that government is notorious as seeing the only solution to a problem as being raise taxes. How many times do you see a bus that is virtually empty? About 90%. That tells me you have too many stops, too many buses, too many routes and/or too frequent pick-ups. The inefficiency I imagine is enough for even you to see – well, maybe not.

    The other issue is self reliance, responsibility and personal accountability. I assume these people had a reasonable idea as to their location when they decided to live in Century. I assume they had an idea of where everything else was that they were going to need access to. I also assume each of them has a cell phone. Each has cable. Each has internet connectivity. X number of DVD players, flat screen TV’s, $150 Nike’s, etc, etc, etc. When I see less of those wants – I will be more inclined to assist them with their needs.

    You can use the “it’s only a few tax dollars” to justify every government waste and we already have way more than we need of government spending and waste.

  11. Shellcracker on June 9th, 2009 2:34 pm

    Where are most of the people in Century going that ride the bus.I have my idea.

  12. Karen on June 9th, 2009 2:31 pm

    One more thing to break down your $15/year cost. If I purchase 10 gallons of gas per week. 3 cents per gallon = 30 cents. If I do this once a week on average is 52 weeks x 30 cents = $15.60/year.

    Seems to work out for me. I give a $1 to charity everytime I go to the grocery store which is once a week. That equals $52/year. I also contribute $1 per month on my electric bill to elderly who can’t afford to pay their electric bill. I am sorry I don’t believe that this $15.60/per year is going to do anymore harm. If it takes $15.60/year to get someone to work and one less car on the street I will pay it. If I could write a check right now to the county to add in I would. One lump sum, every year. Send me the bill! I want my children and grandchildren to grow up with a healthy environment, and if this is what it takes I am there!

  13. Karen on June 9th, 2009 1:50 pm

    uhm…hate to burst your bubble, but the 3 cents is not covering just the Century route. It will cover all the routes and will relieve the fund that you are already paying if you are a home owner. Because if you don’t know already you pay for ECAT out of your already tax dollars. If there were a 3 cent fuel tax everyone passing through escambia county would also be paying for ECAT transportation. This is a better trade in my opinion. You aren’t going to see the 3 cents come this summer anyway when the fuel prices go up. You wont even notice, but you might just notice the tax on your house drop!

  14. ken on June 9th, 2009 1:14 pm

    Do the math! $15 will buy you 500 gallons of fuel. 500 gallons at 23 miles per gallon will carry you 11,500 miles. The national average for miles driven is between 12,000 and 15,000 miles annually. I guess Robt has made the choice to contribute more to unemployment benefits.

  15. Robt on June 9th, 2009 12:29 pm

    I wonder how far Pensacola was from Century when those people moved there. I imagine it was the same as it is today. They didn’t realize they would need a car living 50 miles from town I suppose; and now the rest of us are supposed to make up for their ignorance.

    The other issue is the cost – If we believe Ken’s numbers (which I don’t) of only $15/year, that is more than $375,000 a year from Escambia residents alone. Exactly what kind of frigging bus are we talking about? I have an idea – let’s buy them cars, give them a gas car and we come out ahead; (your choice – right Ken?)

  16. ken on June 9th, 2009 8:58 am

    Support the local option gas tax for transit ($15 per year) or increase your support of welfare and other unemployment benefits ($????? per year). Your choice!

  17. curious on June 8th, 2009 6:49 pm

    Who wants to ride 4 hrs. round trip? Not Me, but if you want, have at it. Why not raise fare fee and leave car and truck people alone.

  18. Karen on June 8th, 2009 10:30 am

    This is so silly, if you don’t want to pay the tax, get out of your car and ride the bus. If everyone were riding the bus it would only make since to make more convenient routes. None of the comments are worried about environment as much as they should be either. Get out of the car or Hummer pay your 3 cents on your Sunday visit tank of gas to church and save on high cost maintenance on your car, call your car insurance and tell them you no longer drive 15k miles per month and only drive 2k miles now for recreation and see the change in your insurance policy. There are so many other ways to save not only your pocket but the environment as well. The ones that complain about this tax are the same ones that have enough money to waste on three vehicles in their drive way and have no environmental concerns. I bet you actually are the same ones that said recycling plan WHAT are you kidding what a waste of time and money that is!

  19. guest on June 8th, 2009 6:42 am

    I need some subside to help pay for my gas to and from work. I live in Cantonment and work in Walnut hill and as far as I know there is no bus service in Walnut hill. I think that if the county is going to increase the gas tax to subsidize ECAT then lets just raise it a little more and give subsidize to everybody that can’t ride the bus because it not available in the area where they work. I still do not understand how anybody could or want to pay more tax for a service that has not brought more jobs the Pensacola area. Someone stated that the bus service has and will bring more jobs. I say prove it because it has been here a long time and I don’t see the big economic boom yet. I still think that if you need/want to ride the bus you should pay what ever the price is. ECAT should make enough to pay for it self or just shut down the less profitable routes. This is not rocket science

  20. bob hudson on June 8th, 2009 3:36 am

    If Ecat can not support itself, then shut it down , or go up on rider fee’s. No new tax’s. PERIOD!!

  21. Brenda on June 7th, 2009 8:22 pm

    Isn’t it time for all of us to be more open-minded? Everyone is feeling the economic strain; therefore, we need to come up with ways to reduce spending and taking advantage of the public transportation system deserves very serious consideration. There are too many cars on the streets, making it necessary to build more roads and maintaining those roads is very expensive. If more people would utilize public transportation, more bus routes and times would be created. Try parking your cars for one day a week and use the bus system. You will quickly see money saved, and you will also help the ozone, giving everyone a better quality of life. You won’t know if it works until you try it. Try offering constructive solutions to these problems.

  22. William on June 7th, 2009 4:02 pm

    techno — I added this to the story above:

    “Due to the low number of riders, ECAT has ordered two smaller buses to be assigned to the Century route to replace the current full-size transit buses that are used to service North Escambia.”

    This was from a story we did a few days ago, and I probably should have included that info in this story as well.

  23. techno on June 7th, 2009 3:51 pm

    If 12.5 people is the average busload than why dont they use a smaller vehicle for the Century route and save fuel costs? Kevin…a bus is not your only ride, try a cab next time. Oh wait, we dont subsidize a cab ride…yet.

  24. Caraway Bandit on June 7th, 2009 3:25 pm

    In response to Kevin. People who take the bus can pay their own special tax and foot the bill. Get a job closer to home or pay more for your free ride “bro”.

  25. William on June 7th, 2009 3:19 pm

    bama54 wrote: “A total of 7,819 riders took the Route 60 bus over a one year period. I find this hard to believe.”

    It’s not 7,819 different people. It’s 7,819 paying fares. A trip to Pensacola is a fare, a trip to Pensacola back is a fare. One person riding the bus to and from Pensacola five days per week would count at 10 fares.

    Hypothetical math: 7,819 fares divided by 6 days per week, divided by 52 weeks, divided by two trips per day = 12.5 people on the average bus.

  26. bama54 on June 7th, 2009 3:13 pm

    A total of 7,819 riders took the Route 60 bus over a one year period. I find this hard to believe. The population in the north end of the county surely does not support this number, I never see more than a few individuals on the bus at one time. I disagree with the fact that this county will not grow because of a transportation system. Put the jobs in the north end or middle of the county and see if it can grow instead of placing them downtown where you have to travel 20 to 30 miles to get there. I would much rather work 5 to 10 miles away from home. (The gas tax makes the most sense since 40-50% of it will be paid for by folks that do not live in Escambia County.) No one in their right mind will deliberately just by gas in Escambia County for more cost. If I live out side the county I would not drive in to this county and pay more for gas. So just where do these 40-50% of these folks come from? NO MORE TAXES!!!

  27. Kevin on June 7th, 2009 2:15 pm

    Ok in reply to the guy who was smart enough to say he has to pay for bills gas oil ect on his car. well thats your decision bro you could easily take the bus and there are some people that are unable to drive for numerous reasons and have to rely on the bus such as myself. and for you to leave a comment like that is totally disrespectful to those of us who cant afford to own a car or are unable to drive. i think there should be a special tax in escambia county that will help support this system.

  28. KEE on June 7th, 2009 1:36 pm

    Let the people who ride the bus, pay for it. I pay a car note, tag, insurance, gasoline, oil, tires, etc, etc, and don’t expect others to foot my transportation bill. Those who use the bus service, should pay for the bus service. If their price to ride, goes up, so be it.

  29. techno on June 7th, 2009 11:48 am

    Maybe 40 to 60 percent of the monies will come from out of towners, but 100 percent of the full time residents will pay. Tighten their budget like everyone else does.

  30. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs on June 7th, 2009 11:40 am

    This community will never grow and companies will not bring jobs here without a well run public transportation system. The gas tax makes the most sense since 40-50% of it will be paid for by folks that do not live in Escambia County. It absolutely should be offset with a reduction in property tax. Done correctly a revenue stream like that could be used to not only create a public bus system but also a ferry system between various coastal properties (beach, city, Navy base, etc). Additionally the country will eventually move to high speed rail such as Europe. We should position ourselves for that inevitability

  31. bwayne on June 7th, 2009 10:36 am

    I maintain a vehicle with car payments, insurance, maintenance, and fuel. I do not think it appropriate to make the rest of us who maintain a vehicle have to support those who want a cheaper ride on our dollar. If the lady quoted in the article has such a nice job, she can afford a vehicle. If the group quoted who have such a family atmosphere while riding the bus would buy a car together and support it’s maintenance and insurance, they could all share the cost of their cheaper transportation at their own expense and take turns driving.

  32. guest on June 7th, 2009 9:20 am

    Why don’t they just buy a car? Everybody else has to.

  33. guest on June 7th, 2009 9:18 am

    Thank you Kevin White and Wilson Robertson