Church Signs Stolen For A Second Time

June 30, 2009

For the second time, someone has stolen signs belonging to a Molino church advertising their Vacation Bible School.

Thursday night, Highland Baptist Church members placed 10 signs, valued at a total of $250, at locations from Highway 97 to Barrineau Park Road — including signs in private yards and at the church. Friday night, someone stole all of the signs.

A church member had 10 signs reprinted Monday, and they were once again placed around Molino. Tuesday morning. church member discovered that they had been stolen again.

Highland had set a goal of 200 enrolled in VBS. For their first night Monday, 225 enrolled in the week-long program. Church members attributed the high number partially to coverage and advertisements on and a discussion of the story on WXBM 102.7 radio’s morning show.

Anyone with information on this crime is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 433-STOP or the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at 436-9620.

To read our original story from Sunday about the first set of stolen signs, click here.


18 Responses to “Church Signs Stolen For A Second Time”

  1. Cynthia "Suzanne" Plenkers on July 3rd, 2009 11:55 pm

    I would like to say that because of what has happened with the yard signs and the wonderful support of and Marty and Linda, our enrollment far exceeded what we had been hoping for. I witnessed the glory and beauty of what came out of a very vindictive act and by Thursday night we had an unbelievable 275 enrolled! These are the times when people come together and rise above the negative to show their support with an outpouring of God’s love! AMEN and AMEN!

  2. Floyd Bales on July 2nd, 2009 3:33 pm

    Any person or persons doing this type of evil is trying to hurt children and the word of GOD, [but it will never happen] keep up the great work Highland

  3. molino resident on July 2nd, 2009 12:07 am

    I know who has stolen these signs and have made the report to crime stoppers. all i have to say is it is eye wittness and this isnt the first time this person has tried to damper the works of the Lord during VBS and other events. please continue to pray for this individual and thier family. Lets just say they have continued to do this nonsense since atleast 2002. Its ridiculous and needs to stop but know she will never stop the work that the Lord wants done. i have nothing further to say other then God Bless.

  4. Molino Mom on July 1st, 2009 10:04 pm

    I once again will comment. Nothing can stop our precious LORD. This church is awesome. I have to say that even though I am not a memeber of this church. I find this story empelling. I am so proud to say that My Daughter is part of the 225 enrolled. Yep 225!!!! Now that’s God, Now thats awesome. This church and it’s members are dedicated for these children. Ms Sara you are absolutely amazing!! The talent you have in directing this VBS, as well as working with these children. It’s wonderful to watch. I am so proud of Highland. God used something bad, and turned it into something wonderful. FOR OUR CHILDREN. Now I don’t care who you are, , you can steal signs and you can try to put a damper on things, But when God’s in it. It WILL HAPPEN. And God was definantly in this. Whey to Go Highland !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Joyce on July 1st, 2009 2:08 pm

    This is God’s plan to let you know that nothing or no-one can stop “His” word!Thank you Highland for loving God so much to keep reaching out to our children through VBS. You have a wonderful gift for working with our children and letting them have so much fun. I recomend everyone let your children attend VBS.

  6. SMiLEtoBRiGHTENaDAY! on July 1st, 2009 11:51 am

    It’s a pathetic cry for help. The sign stealer just wants attention. So rather than focusing on the evil. Let the light shine on the GREATNESS! VBS is a huge success regardless of that person/persons trying to ruin it. VBS is getting the point across without the signs (thanks to word of mouth & wonderful friends of the community advertising due to your wrong doings of stealing)… more than 225 kids are learning about GOD and learning the way to live with GOD in their lives.

    “It’s amazing what ordinary people can do if they set out without preconceived notions.” “Don’t be afraid to be AMAZING!” -Chrales Kettering/Andy Offutt

  7. Great day in the neighborhood on July 1st, 2009 10:55 am

    The signs were all removed durinng the middle of the night. There were other signs close by the removed signs and they were not touched! Some of the signs were located on private property and they were also removed. I just want to say it was NOT us county employees!! My grandchildren attended the Highland VBS last night just becasue we read about what was going on and they loved it so much they want to go the rest of the week. The said there was over 250 enrolled. This is HUGE!!!

  8. noh8rs on July 1st, 2009 10:33 am

    I have called and the only way to find out if it was the county ordinance code enforcement or road prison is to go to the code enforcement to look and see if they have them or to the perdido landfill to see if they have them. I wouldn’t doubt it if this may have been what happened because there is a law about putting signs on the county right of way, and they said they aren’t able to tell what signs they picked up, you have to go look to see if your signs are there.

  9. noh8rs on July 1st, 2009 9:32 am

    Did anyone even think to ask if it was Escambia County Road Prison who picked up these signs? They have a crew who does nothing but pick up signs like these that are placed on county right of ways. They have thousands of these type signs at the Road Prison that they have picked up.

  10. pat kent on June 30th, 2009 10:36 pm

    I’ve read the responses that you have received. What if this isn’t teenagers, but adults thats stealing the signs? I know that Satan is busy and is using this person to hurt Highland, BUT it seems to be having an adverse reaction. Tonight there was well over 200 present for VBS! Even more than last night. Isn’t GOD WONDERFUL!! Satan can’t win when one had God! no matter who he uses!

  11. John on June 30th, 2009 8:14 pm

    225 enrolled! Truly the work of God! Not necessarily the members, their faith yes! Awesome! Good job Highland, may the good lord continue to bless your church.

  12. LuvinOki on June 30th, 2009 7:38 pm

    So what your saying is…Idle hands are the devils playground.

    I AGREE!! :)

  13. Bob on June 30th, 2009 6:52 pm

    Think about this for a moment. Mom and Dad at work. Children at home unsupervised,riding around in a car that parents furnish. Kids are bored want to have some fun. Let’s go steal the church signs. Fill the gas tank with dad’s credit card and away we go. No job,no responsibilitiesand the story goes on and on. A perfect scenario for never understanding responsibility and discipline. and it spills over into every aspect of the childs life. Find them a summer job,give them responsibility and make certain it is followed to the very end or you the parent will pay with dire circumstances.

  14. les on June 30th, 2009 4:59 pm

    I can see where kids go out and steal signs for fun but twice is ridiculous. Somebody will tell on them eventually.

  15. Tina on June 30th, 2009 3:16 pm

    To the person who has stolen these sings twice. I will fervently pray for you. Teaching a child about Jesus is something so precious and we know that what is going on with you is purely the work of Satan. You can overcome Satan and turn your life to the Lord. Our precious God sent his son to die on the cross for our sins. I do not hate you, but feel sorry for you that you feel this is something that will stop the word of God from getting out. Don’t you know that God will overcome all obstacles to reach the children? Please think about your eternal life and come join us in church.

  16. IknowGod on June 30th, 2009 2:02 pm

    Listen to what I say when I say ” There is a story that will result from this”!! the person who is doing this is begging for attention, and when caught needs to receive the attention he/she is begging for.

  17. Michelle Cayson on June 30th, 2009 1:02 pm

    This person seems to be having a spiritual battle going on inside. But I bet Highland Baptist Church and others as well as myself WILL be praying for you.

    It’s just paper, the churches message got out and thanks to you again throught the press it reached more people who will hear GOD’s words and message of Salvation.

    Like I said yesterday, GOD;s glory will out shine any evil in this world, may you come to know him through this experience as well. That know matter what you do GOD will always LOVE YOU!!

  18. mel on June 30th, 2009 10:35 am

    thats rediculus…but you know what…this church had out numbered and still is going to defeat the bad person cause the VBS turnout was wonderful and them signs didn’t have to do anything,it’s the church memebers and i think its amazing!